
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

author:Game Old Kidd
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

On the evening of January 15, 2023, the official of "Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" on the occasion of the New Year, gave players a wave of new meals, up to about 50 minutes of real machine demonstration, from the previous promotional video, more or less can confirm that there is a real effect, so how about the specific game, Old Kidd still according to his habits, to talk to you about the specific content in the live broadcast

Before speaking, generally explain the old Kidd's personal views, the Internet has maintained a lot of two sides of domestic games, out of the country, not to say plagiarism or to say that the distance from 3A is not half a little, from the player's point of view, more to express their likes and dislikes of the point, rather than good or bad two words to summarize the end, for developers, it is also to collect this kind of content to improve the grade of their own games, so, in order not to affect the good mood, Old Kidd personally recommends paying attention to domestic games of players and friends, or rational view, emotional expectations , is it good or bad, come out and see!

UI interface:

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

If you want to get started early, the UI interface is good early, after the live broadcast loads the game, there is a more obvious prompt in the lower right corner, TAB is the state wheel, the magic exploration is T, the bow and arrow aiming is R, and the button prompt is /

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The upper left is the map, mission objectives and button H related clue tips, the map can only see some interactive elements at present, including the character's own direction, visual distance, monster location, the approximate orientation of some interactive props, etc., from the overall live broadcast, it seems that it is deliberately designed to allow players to increase exploration

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The upper right is some tips for new content to join, learn new moves need to understand, or need to add a shortcut bar to choose, which can be seen in the whole from scratch with a red dot, and then the right is estimated to be a magic exploration

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then back to the first four buttons, the switch of TAB Old Kidd is personally estimated to be demonstrating the skill switch of fighting with the bear, from the skill demonstration, more performance is in control, intuitive ICON analysis, F1 is a blood bottle, 1 is like a jack, 2 is a point, 3 is a palm, 4 is a strength

Although only one of the skills is used, it is clear that 4 skills will not cause damage, but only cause combined gameplay for the other party who can interact with in the scene, as mentioned by the developer during the live broadcast, which may have a lot of explorable elements as an open world, and a series of skills has been specially made to increase the fun of the gameplay

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Magic Exploration T can understand the current character's martial arts, you can see that there is a scheme selection at the bottom left to facilitate quick cut, martial arts can judge a martial arts currently has only three skills to choose from, one of which is a general attack, it is very convenient to be able to see the way martial arts are obtained and the martial arts effect can be used for players to refer to one or two, then in the future weapon selection can be different martial arts of the same weapon for more diverse four skill matching gameplay

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then there is the bow and arrow R, it is not clear how to operate, the probability is to press R to enter the first-person shooting mode, the left mouse button to shoot arrows, F1 blood bottle, 1 is bullet charge shooting, Q is the type of cut bow and arrow

Key prompts/temporarily unknown what the effect is, no demonstration effect is done in the live broadcast

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then in the lower left corner UI, the sword ICON may currently be the martial arts of the main weapon, if the main hand is a gun, it may become the ICON of the gun

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then there are three horizontal bars, the top blue bar is the energy bar, both the enemy and us have it during the battle, the lack of strength is likely to be unable to defend, ordinary moves consume less of the opponent's strength, most of them rely on bounce counterattack and defense breaking successfully consumed, so if you want high damage, priority is to break the gas, in addition, rolling is to consume the circle around the character of the physical strength bar, there is a distinction, blocking does not consume

The second horizontal bar is the character's health bar, and the third yellow thin bar is estimated to be a locked experience bar with a high probability, it is unclear whether the character has a hierarchy, or the level system of the weapon corresponding to the heart method

(Correction: There is a blue bar directly below the live demonstration, which should be the experience bar, and the yellow bar below the blood bar is most likely the proficiency bar of the martial arts heart method)

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then there is the core of the combat system, F1 blood bottle, right mouse button block, E is to break defense, 1234 corresponds to the main hand 12 skills deputy 12 skills, C is a magic technique, the bamboo forest area has done a more specific sheep riding, learned the sheep and sheep charge, then the group point of the big control, the live broadcast demonstration is three people, the promotional video is 5 people, but I am not sure if it is the same skill performance

That's all for the basic UI aspects

Combat System:

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Since the UI interface is mentioned, the combat system is definitely the essence of the gameplay, intuitively speaking, the current skill 1234 only has higher damage, and there is not too much performance, the main gameplay is the bullet time generated after the card action parry, the limited time to press the left mouse button to cause high damage, and consume enough qi from the opponent, once the opponent has no qi, you can easily cause high damage

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

At the same time, the bullet time can charge the special skill of the No. 6 button, according to the observation of the old Kidd, the current charging UI performance is a total of 10 tiles, the charging means have 2 blocks of sneak attack, the perfect block bullet time is 2 tiles, it is not clear whether the perfect block can also increase the non-attack, conventional attacks including skills are not added, melee kills increase by 1 tile, ranged kills increase by 2 tiles

It can be seen that the strong control ability of special skills is good, and the BUFF on the monster's head can not distinguish the length of strong control temporarily, but from the perspective of charging income, the appearance rate of special skills is not high, the main charge is based on bullet time and kill, and the block requires mass players to adapt, so for rookie players, more charging can kill, the whole process of killing monsters, basically can only trigger the probability of two special skills at most

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

In addition, there is special treatment on the breaking move, two defense breaks one success, one failure, probably judging that the success is because of the first trigger, the failure is a built-in CD, to prevent repeated use, from the defense breaking skill icon performance can also be seen, successful CD6 seconds, failed CD9 seconds

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The rest is the basic attack and skill combination, but in this regard, there is really only a distinction between basic damage and direct damage inflicted, the digital performance yellow is estimated to be critical damage, white is normal damage, in addition to the direct second kill of sneak attack, with a certain stealth gameplay, currently only short-distance sneak attack, no long-distance sneak attack performance, combat part elements are basically these


"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

In addition to the interactive gameplay with the bear mentioned above, the combat gameplay also has explosive barrel interaction, sticking to cover to peek, explosive barrel can be carried, but the moving speed is too slow, placed too slowly, the practicality is not much, sticking to the cover peek is estimated to have some clue detection gameplay, currently no performance

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Puzzle gameplay, this live broadcast demonstrates the fire mechanism, dungeon related gameplay, the flame mechanism can get the key clues of the puzzle in the box after fighting the elite monster, the ignition device is displayed at the corresponding location through the map, and some ignition error devices need to be corrected by the player

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Dungeon gameplay requires a jack drop to unlock, clues need to be close to the approximate area after entering to have a button prompt, small mechanisms need players to jump through by observing and so on

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The dungeon puzzle gameplay is mainly manifested in the diversification of the use of emoji animation, through the acquisition of new emoji animation, the use of emoji interaction in the corresponding position, through the text read by the characters in the emoji animation to push the box to solve the puzzle

The small puzzle solving session has a hierarchical progression of trap mechanisms, the first two have no effect, the third has a more obvious thin line prompt on the ground, and the fourth is placed in a darker passage, almost invisible on the ground prompt

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The water wheel opens the door, and the door that cannot be opened, crossing the waterfall to unlock the mechanism

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Then after successfully entering, it is the acquisition of some new martial arts and props, and some interactive elements in the scene text express the atmosphere of the current scene

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Open world gameplay, according to the developer's introduction, the game is a full map open world, without any air wall restrictions, it takes 1 hour to run this map live, but the map has sub-regions, it is estimated that it has a dynamic loading function, and the scene vegetation has interactive vegetation, such as mowerable vegetation, which can affect the water surface and the surface

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

In terms of ecology, there are three kinds of water, land and air, and there is interaction between animals, and it is estimated that there are collectible props for killing animals

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

In addition, the scene is full of various treasure chests, and the materials are divided according to the color grade of conventional game props, and the treasure chests may be mostly fixed treasure chests at present

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The scene has regional performance, low vegetation, bamboo forest, and probable abandoned buildings, which are still very rich at present, and the scene can be adjusted in real time through the time system, but the interval between the elements of the interaction is relatively empty

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

After exploring the dungeon, the horse riding function is also demonstrated, the horse needs to be captured by the player, the captured horse also needs to register the license, the horse's blood bar can be seen during the horse riding, you can take medicine and shoot arrows right away

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

The NPC's horse in the scene can also be directly snatched, but it will increase the sin value, and the specific performance of the sin value cannot be seen in the current demonstration, and the UI is not clear for the time being

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

You can see that there are many small puzzle elements in the scene, and you will encounter one from time to time

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

After teleporting into the village Shenxian Du, it probably shows the ecological interaction between the villagers and the time system, and there are some small evils of developers, such as this goose with dangerous characters

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

There are also some side quests triggered by stepping on points in the village, demonstrating a period of thief stealing things, through the process of solving the siege, the reward is rich, and you can also directly point the harmless villagers, but it will also increase the crime value

Here it is basically determined that the switched 1234 special control skill is a non-damage effect, and also contains some auxiliary combat effects, but it is not clear whether it can be added to the battle

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic
"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

After walking around the village and learning about some of the collection gameplay in the game, you can see that there is a lot of collection gameplay content, and a lot of bonus props have been added to this content

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Finally, there is a small gameplay in the village, Arrow Pitcher, drunk through the circle to guide the mouse and keyboard to the corresponding position, complete the mission to get the corresponding reward, or you can withdraw halfway

This is basically all the content of the whole live broadcast, followed by the personal experience of old Kidd, or slightly sharp, and hope that no accidental injuries have been caused

Old Kidd concludes:

Since the map currently demonstrated may be in a low-level area, it may have a personal emotional understanding during the complaining period, and I hope for forgiveness

In terms of combat at present, the richness is not large, and the traditional online game single-player that everyone has contacted is basically somewhat familiar, combined gameplay and small surprises are not much, mainly reflecting that the battle should be in the defense breaking and bullet time, but the successful mechanism of breaking the defense is not clear, the bullet time repetition is high, the duration is too long, it is easy to produce aesthetic fatigue, I don't know if there is a lot of bullet time performance in this aspect, if there is, how much can be expected, in addition, the key temporarily observed a little anti-human, 1234 can understand, where is 5, Why is the special skill 6

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

In addition, the air bar on the enemy is more obvious in the battle, and the blood bar is not so obvious, and the effect on the character corresponding to the body ICON feels that the air bar is easier to observe, and with the special effect font block or seal, you can observe the opponent more intensively

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Open world, the current map is too large, the interactive elements are too open, the first feeling is that half of the entire map is running the map, maybe it may also be the required restriction performance consideration, some things are not very suitable for release now, this aspect can only be said to be decent, there is no unique feeling in the live broadcast time period

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Puzzle elements, ignition in abandoned building areas belongs to the basic running map gameplay, but the carrying setting of the powder keg is really crotch-pulling, and there is a high probability that this kind of transportation exists in the scene puzzle, here is just a demonstration, the animation of the interactive dungeon is serious, obviously loaded caused by the stutter, as far as Old Kidd personally seems, this thankless animation performance, it is better not to, directly show the jack pendant, a simple table trigger soot belt, and finally even a few frames are obviously wrong

The dungeon performance is decent, if there are more similar gameplay, players may be numb, but if there is martial arts collection, it is also a good motivation, followed by small interactive puzzles in the scene, if there are many open worlds, this kind of puzzles can also be collected as players to play, but if there are few, unless the rewards are rich, otherwise they will basically be ignored by mass players

The remaining village gameplay also belongs to the basic type of domestic martial arts, which is slightly interesting, but not new, and if it is changeable, it needs to be tested

"Sixteen Voices of Yanyun" all-round real machine demonstration analysis! Decent but prosaic

Basically, these are the general analysis of the old Kidd's live broadcast, other aspects of the details, it is estimated that you can only wait for the latest official news or the game is online to experience it yourself, if there are other ideas and omissions, welcome to add explanations in the video comment area, thank you for being able to see the end of this video, if you are also very interested in the game "Hogwarts" players, also remember to pay attention to the old Kidd, I hope to bring you a better strategy to the video in the future

This is the comprehensive analysis content of the live broadcast of "Yanyun Sixteen Sounds" brought to everyone by Old Kid, remember to drop coins three times, pay attention to it is very anxious, good travel and heart recommendation, miss to watch it again! I'm old Kidd, we'll see you next time!