
Three Days in Piercing Fangyu: Winter epidemic prevention in a northern township

author:Half Moon talks about new media

In the cold winter, the mountainous areas of the northern part of the mainland seem to be ink paintings with vigorous pen power, and the car passing through the mountains is like a painting. After turning a few corners, the reporter arrived at the destination of the trip: Chuanfangyu Town.

Chuanfangyu, which means passing through the fragrant valley, is located in Jixian District in the north of Tianjin, the town is backed by mountains, adjacent to the reservoir, and the surrounding large and small villages are scattered in the mountains, and it is not convenient for villagers to go to large hospitals for medical treatment. Seeing this scene, the reporter couldn't help but feel apprehensive, wondering how the villagers living here would spend the peak of infection in this special winter.

First Day Impression: Medicines are in stock

It was getting dark, and the car drove straight to the town's health center. The health center is small, it is a one-story bungalow, but all kinds of basic medical equipment are available.

Walking out was Liu Hongliang, the director of the health center, a 50-year-old who is proficient in traditional Chinese and Western medicine, not only "sitting" in the health center to diagnose and treat patients in surrounding rural areas, but also often going to the homes of patients who have difficulty getting out of bed.

Liu Hongliang introduced that there are currently 24 doctors in the health center. "The hardest days are over." In mid-December, he said, 80 percent of the medical staff here were infected, and the rest of the doctors had to rotate around, eating and sleeping in the health center.

Seeing that the reporter was eager to understand the situation of drug reserves, Sun Hongsheng, a doctor who was responsible for both registration payment and drug collection that day, pointed to the medicine shelf behind him and said: "We have fever, cough, sore throat, and antiviral medicines, and now we have a month's reserve." ”

Sun Hongsheng said that there was indeed a period of time in the early stage when ibuprofen and other drugs were relatively tight, "the government responded quite quickly, and it didn't take long to coordinate the replenishment of drugs, in fact, some alternative drugs can also achieve the function of reducing fever."

When chatting, Liu Hongliang's phone always rings from time to time, one call just hangs up, and the next one comes. Most of the other end of the phone are urgent and flustered, "My father is over 90 years old, what should I do if he has been coughing for four or five consecutive days", "The old mother has a persistent low-grade fever and can't eat"...

Every time, Liu Hongliang would respond gently, and would open the video to see how the elderly were doing. "If the patient's condition is more serious, I have to go to the door, and if it is more serious, I will contact the district directly and quickly transfer it." Liu Hongliang said.

Three Days in Piercing Fangyu: Winter epidemic prevention in a northern township

Liu Hongliang (left) treats a patient Sun Fanyue

During the conversation, the sky was already dark, and the stars were exceptionally bright where there was no light pollution. The lights in the hospital were also on, accompanying the two doctors who were on duty until the early morning of the next day.

Day 2: Pay attention to infected elderly people throughout the process

After the rooster chirped several times, the number of people in the health center gradually increased, and the queue at the registration desk had already begun. At a glance, although there are many patients, they are not crowded and orderly.

"The morning is our peak hour for appointments. During this time, there are indeed many new crown patients who come to see every day, but most of them are mild. Liu Hongliang, who was receiving the consultation, told the reporter that from the beginning of December 2022 to the present, more than 2,000 people have come to the health center for treatment due to respiratory diseases.

Unlike the rapid growth in the number of infections in big cities, the rate of infection among villagers in towns is significantly slower. Liu Hongliang said that the awareness of self-protection and isolation of the people in the village is constantly increasing, and the courtyards of each family have become a natural barrier for isolation.

The reporter randomly asked a villager Lu Shuangshuang who was treated: "Is the medicine easy to buy?" She said: "It's not difficult to buy, there are banlangen roots, fever-reducing drugs." "This time I came to register, Lu Shuangshuang was to buy some Chinese medicine for the elderly at home to eat, as a condition after the initial recovery.

Integrative medicine is a feature of this health center in treating people infected with the new crown. Walking into the Chinese pharmacy of the health center, Vice President Wang Guojun is dispensing Chinese medicine to patients. "This pair is for cough, we also have a formula for treating fever and sore throat, and now it is a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and the effect is good." The Kingdom Army said.

Three Days in Piercing Fangyu: Winter epidemic prevention in a northern township

In Guoxiangyu Village, Chuanfangyu Town, doctors conduct health monitoring for villagers

Passing through a short corridor is the consultation room of the health center, where several elderly people with severe symptoms are receiving fluids. "I started to burn badly, coughing, my arms and legs hurt, and there was no place that didn't hurt." Li Zeng, an 81-year-old uncle, said, "It's much better now, and it's not so uncomfortable." ”

"I went to my home a few days ago to follow up, and found that the old man was not in good spirits, and the symptoms of the respiratory tract were relatively serious, so I quickly prescribed medicine for the symptoms." Liu Hongliang said that now the old man is much better and can come to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment by himself.

Accompanying Li Zeng's left and right is his daughter Li Haiyan. She said: "The old man is old, and it is a long way to go to the big hospital. The health center is close to home, and the medical conditions are not bad, and we are very familiar with President Liu and the doctor here. ”

The follow-up visit Liu Hongliang refers to the classified and graded health service in Tianjin. As early as November 2022, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council issued a document to guide all localities to find out the base of the elderly, patients with underlying diseases and other groups, and formulate health and safety protection plans.

Tianjin has figured out the underlying diseases of the elderly aged 65 and above and their new coronavirus vaccination status, and timely adjusted the "green, yellow and red" three-color grading mark according to the new crown pneumonia related health risk assessment standards.

"People over the age of 80, with underlying medical conditions, or 65 to 80 years old with unstable underlying diseases, will be red-marked and followed up regularly." Liu Hongliang said.

According to reports, there are Bao village doctors in each village here, and you can call for help at any time if you are not feeling well, or directly call Liu Hongliang from the town health center.

After lunch, the number of patients in the health center was running low, so Liu Hongliang went to the village to follow up with a "red label" patient as planned.

Jin Guoying, 98 years old who lives in Xiaozhuanghu Village, was infected with fever, nausea and vomiting more than a week ago, and almost died at that time.

Liu Hongliang knocked on the door of the hospital, and the old man's daughter, Lu Chunrong, came out. Jin Guoying, with gray hair, was resting in bed in the back room, Liu Hongliang approached the bed, the old man immediately held his hand tightly, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes. Lu Chunrong said happily: "Yesterday, my mother finally slept peacefully. ”

After the routine examination, Liu Hongliang told Lu Chunrong that the old man's condition was relatively stable, and after a few words of patient advice, Lu Chunrong reluctantly sent Liu Hongliang away.

Liu Hongliang told Banyuetan reporter: "For patients who are elderly and have difficulty moving, we all go to our homes to see them. Of course, so many patients in the town are unrealistic to visit the door, and we will use various methods such as telephone and WeChat to pay attention to the elderly throughout the process until they fully recover. ”

Day 3 Feelings: Gradually come back to life

On the third day, the reporter came to the clinic of Daxinzhuang Village in Chuanfangyu Town, where there are two doctors in this most basic health institution, mainly serving more than 2,000 villagers in two nearby villages.

This is a bungalow, and there are two small earth dogs playing at the door, and villagers have come in one after another to consult. Wu Shuqin, a villager, said: "I had a fever a few days ago and coughed, so I came here to get medicine. This is not good, come here to measure blood pressure, measure blood oxygen, are quite normal. ”

Chen Sujuan, a doctor at the Daxinzhuang clinic, dispenses cough medicine to patients, and instead of selling whole bottles and boxes to villagers, she wraps them in paper according to the dosage.

The half-moon reporter asked: "Why not give the whole bottle?" Is it a lack of medicine? "The medicine is indeed a little tight, but there has been no shortage of it, but we can't overconsume this medicine, how much he needs, we will match the amount." Chen Sujuan said that before the epidemic, the village had always dispensed medicine in this way, which was to benefit the people and did not cost more money.

Another doctor, Liu Huaichen, said: "Now the masses attach great importance to protection, generally wear masks, even if infected, most of them are mild." ”

Chen Sujuan said that at first everyone was a little nervous and afraid of the new crown, but later found that normal medication could slowly recover. "Everyone also reflected, it will be good in about a week, and we will be a lot more solid in our hearts."

In the afternoon, the temperature rose and in a square at the entrance of a village, children frolicked and played in the sun, and villagers wore masks to greet each other.

Three Days in Piercing Fangyu: Winter epidemic prevention in a northern township

Children playing in the sun at the entrance of the village Photo by Hao Jie

Liu Hongliang was still busy in the health center, and he went to the pharmacy to count the inventory again to ensure that the medicines were used during the Spring Festival. "During the Spring Festival, children who went out to work at home came back one after another, there was a large flow of people, and the risk of infection was high, so we had to do everything we could."

On the way back to the city, the reporter passed by the tourist village in the next town, and the business of the homestay began to pick up, and the road in the village was jammed again. At the beginning of the new year, spring is approaching, and vitality and vitality are slowly returning to the earth. (Contributors: Bu Duomen, Xu Jian)

Half Moon Reporter: Zhang Yuqi Zheng Yihan / Editor: Sun Hao

*This article is the content of the second issue of "Half Moon Talk" in 2023