
Why do cats like to sleep with you on a pillow?

author:Afu and you

It's winter, and your master is sleeping with you?

Of course, we have to sleep together, with such a natural stove, how can we waste resources.

It's just that the master's sleeping appearance is really too bad, sleeping here for a while, sleeping there for a while, especially a little, especially love to grab my pillow! Obviously so big a bed, there are two pillows, why is this?

Why do some cats love to sleep on the shoveler's pillow?

Judging from the cat's body structure, they have not experienced the process of "crawling to standing upright", and theoretically do not need such a thing as a pillow.

Why do some cats love to sleep on pillows, and behaviorists mainly have the following inferences:

1. The head and pillow are warmer and warmer

Cats have a slightly higher body temperature than humans, and they prefer the temperature of the environment to be higher than humans.

2. Trust "you"

Some clingy kittens, out of trust, will also rest with us while they sleep. Some cats do not have a fixed sleeping position in bed.

If we have our limbs curled up in the quilt, the head/face that is usually exposed becomes the cat's favorite place to stay.

3. Declaration of family status

Sleeping pillow, in addition to being close to the owner, the "topography" of the pillow is also higher than the other positions of the bed.

So, in a multi-cat family, there is a situation where the "boss" sleeps on the pillow.

In fact, it is not so much that the master is grabbing your pillow, but that it is always following your head.

Afraid you'll press it

When the cat sleeps, it will find a safe and comfortable place for itself. When they sleep with us, because we will turn over from time to time, it is likely to be accidentally pressed against the cat, so the position of the pillow is relatively safer.

Why do cats like to sleep with you on a pillow?

Your smell makes it more relaxing

If the cat is very dependent on the shoveler, then sleeping on the side of your head while sleeping, the smell from your hair or scalp will make the cat more recognizable.

Why do cats like to sleep with you on a pillow?

This way it knows that you are sleeping next to it all the time, and it will sleep more peacefully and easily.

You can hold your head for warmth

After we fall asleep, our heads are actually emitting heat. After the cat falls asleep, it needs to maintain its body temperature and carry out basic metabolism, and sleeping on your head can help it keep warm.

Why do cats like to sleep with you on a pillow?

Therefore, when your master sleeps with you and grabs the pillow, this is completely a performance of trusting you and relying on you