
28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

author:Ouyang white

Recently, when I brushed Weibo, I saw a salary list of Huawei employees, and the nest head in my hand suddenly became unscented.

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

28 years old, young age, savings of millions, so many people can not reach, is too sour. But when I think of Huawei's concept, I think everything is very reasonable.

Sheep travel thousands of miles and eat grass; wolves travel thousands of miles and eat meat. People standing on high places must have had a hard climb.

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > liberate wolf-like thinking</h2>

If you understand huawei's history, you will know that in the past, it has been struggling to survive in the cracks of the market.

Single-handedly, alone, after several lives and deaths to kill a bloody road. It is the early experience of cutting through thorns that has shaped Huawei's wolf culture today. See a question on Zhihu: How terrible is Huawei's overtime?

One of the confidants replied:

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

After watching it, it feels so real. As long as the mobile phone is in hand, it can enter the working state at any time, overtime is the norm, and baldness is natural. The crux of this is not only Huawei, most companies are so busy. Walking through the streets of a big city in the early hours of the morning, you will find that the office buildings are brightly lit.

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲ Beijing at 00:38

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲Shanghai at 00:38

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲Guangzhou at 00:38

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲ Shenzhen at 00:38

At 1 a.m. at Huawei's door, taxis are waiting for people after work:

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

Occasionally chatting with classmates who stayed in their hometown to work, they all had a hard time understanding overtime: "Black company, where there is no one who will leave work." "What are you left to do with the company that wants to work overtime?"


I believe that many times, when you leave your hometown, you will also envy the leisure of your classmates in your hometown, but after thinking about opportunities and development, you still choose to stay in the big city. When we decide to take on the challenge and start, it means that we have given birth to a wolf mentality that strives to be upstream. And the birth of the idea means the beginning of a journey. The first step to becoming a werewolf is to have a heart that wants to toss.

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wolves are wolves everywhere</h2>

Not long ago, I saw the news of Mr. Yuan Longping, which perfectly explained what is called "doing anything, modest first".

When Yuan Lao was in college, the Southwest Division held a swimming audition, Yuan Lao did not let go, participated in it, but it was a pity, only took a fourth place, the national swimming team admitted the top three. Elder Yuan, who missed the opportunity to become a swimmer, was admitted to a military academy when he was about to graduate, but the state considered that the first batch of college students trained in New China was too expensive, so it "persuaded Elder Yuan to retire", and Elder Yuan once again failed to achieve his wish.

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

If you want to go to the moon for nine days, you can't, you want to go down to the five oceans to catch turtles, but if you don't succeed, the three roads of sea, land, and air are blocked by the God of Creation, and two of them are blocked.

"Cornered", Elder Yuan threw himself into the field and became a "farmer". However, the farming is too good, feeding 1.4 billion people.

Netizen exclaimed: Treasure Boy!

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

The reason why excellent people are excellent in everything is that they have a set of methods of doing things. If one thing doesn't do well, how can we ensure that the other thing excels?

The best people in the industry I've seen are all masters of planning. There are big goals every year, small goals every month, and daily work is refined and prioritized. Even down to every minute of what to do. I was impressed by a tsinghua xueba's schedule:

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

The schedule was full and outrageous, and I was ashamed of myself.

To give these two examples, I want to illustrate that when we have the ambition to become a werewolf, we are immediately followed by a plan for an advanced werewolf.

1. Without a plan, you can't do big things;

2. A proven methodology,

It is the foundation of our deeds that will ensure that no matter where we go, we will be a fierce wolf.

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">

Go with wolves


As the old saying goes: Taking people as a mirror can make clear the gains and losses. When we know where the gap with others is, we also know from which aspect to optimize ourselves and how to optimize. I saw a lot of news like this:

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲ The dormitory sister flowers that went ashore together

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲ Good brothers in the dormitory who went ashore together

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

▲All dormitories are protected

Excellent people, more likely to appear in groups, are scientifically based. First of all, sociology has a "law of two eights", which says: the good people are the 20% of the minority; and the 80% of the people are destined to live an ordinary life.

Second, the French psychologist Gustav Le Pen wrote in The Ragtag:

As soon as a person reaches the group, the IQ is seriously reduced,

In order to gain recognition, individuals are willing to abandon right and wrong,

Trade your IQ for that sense of belonging that feels safe.

Groups only do two things —

Icing on the cake or falling into the well.

There is often such a scene in life: a boy in a dormitory is playing a game, and only one person is reading a famous book, and he is most likely to be ridiculed;

A girl in a dormitory loves to dress up exquisitely, but one person is not trim, and she is likely to be marginalized because she does not fit in. Few people can insist that they are an "outlier" in the crowd and gradually be assimilated. So, what kind of person you want to be, go to what kind of crowd.

I had to reason with the sister of "Riding the Wind and Waves". In the previous episodes of the show, Lan Yingying has been performing well, she claims to be a wolf person, but also has been putting pressure on her teammates, striving for the best, Wu Xin entered Lan Yingying's team, naturally can not hide from Lan Yingying's supervision. After the polishing of the team, this performance was dedicated: after watching it, you can't believe that Wu Xin, who used to have a white and sweet image, can also be full of sister style. The crowd is contagious, buoyant, and straight. Therefore, whatever life you yearn for, you are close to what kind of crowd.

Simply send another salary list of Huawei employees, work for 12 years, the monthly salary is as high as 310,000 yuan, so that there are 3.6 million a year. The price of high salaries is the need to travel abroad all year round. Giving high returns to desperate employees is naturally a matter of course.

28 years old, 6 years of work, annual salary of 100W: really powerful people, have wolf nature

When we face excellent people, and the perception of envy and even jealousy, I think it is a benign stimulus, focusing on how we reflect and react, most afraid of facing excellent people and things. And the lack of perception also lacks the opportunity for progress. We often hear voices like this – life is too unfair.

It is true that there is no absolute fairness in the world, but it is undeniable that with the development of the times, the younger the workplace group tends to be, the more the result orientation is recognized, and the fairer the opportunity is for us.

Avoiding hard work is the innate inertia of human beings, and self-discipline is the beginning of our liberation from mediocrity. Only by being strict with oneself can one cross oneself. The idea of becoming a werewolf has been told, and the next step is to put it into action, and then to persevere. As Su Shi once said: "Those who have established great things in the ancient world will not only have supernatural talents, but also have the will to persevere." "May we all achieve our ambitions and soar!"


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