
The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

author:Chengdu pediatric grandma Meng

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social disorders, narrow interests, and stereotypical and repetitive behaviors.

Autism mostly occurs in infancy and early childhood, which is manifested as different degrees of impaired social skills and verbal communication skills, accompanied by certain behavioral disorders and intellectual disabilities.

#自闭症 #

The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

The four core symptoms of autism in children

For whether the child has autism, remind parents not to label their children as "autistic" at will.

Parents can make basic judgments through some of their children's daily behavior. If the child has the following behaviors, take the child to a regular hospital for further diagnosis.

What are the general symptoms of autistic children?

1. Social impairment

Autistic children lack eye contact with people, never look at people, and do not respond to the name of TA in the absence of hearing problems; social communication difficulties with children of the same age; In everyday life, instructions are not observed.

The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

The four core symptoms of autism in children

2. Language expression disorders

Children with autism often have language delays, may not be able to speak at the age of more than two, or answer questions that will only repeat other people's questions and cannot organize language; Children with autism cannot express their needs through words and can only do it by holding the hands of adults.

Most people with autism have language communication difficulties, they use limited vocabulary, and even if they can speak, they are reluctant to communicate with others.

The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

The four core symptoms of autism in children

3. Narrow interests and stereotypical behavior

Children with autism have narrow interests, may only like something, like to rotate, look at rotating things or tiptoe walk, often do some stereotyped, simple repetition meaningless behavior, such as: playing with the switch of lights or opening and closing doors and windows, pushing toy cars for a long time. Line up multiple toys or objects.

Children with autism also stubbornly demand that daily activity routines remain the same, such as requiring objects to be placed in fixed positions and taking the same route when going out. If someone stops or changes their behavior patterns, they will exhibit anxious and even resistant behavior.

The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

The four core symptoms of autism in children

4. Mental retardation

Children with autism are not significantly different from ordinary children in appearance, but most children have moderate to severe mental retardation. There are also a very small number of autistic children who have special abilities in certain areas, such as music, computers, or memory.

The four core symptoms of autism in children, early understanding and early intervention are key!

The four core symptoms of autism in children

Can autism be completely cured?

Since the etiology and pathogenesis of autism are not clear, the core symptoms of autism lack drugs, mainly rely on rehabilitation treatment and special education, and use drug treatment as an auxiliary symptomatic treatment measure.

That is, autism cannot be completely cured, but can be improved through training. Successfully treated patients can live independently, integrate into normal circles, and even go to university.

Finally, I want to remind parents that children's autism must be detected in time, receive treatment as soon as possible, and try to start treatment before the age of six, which is of positive significance to the child's future development.