
"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

(In the vast sea of people, it is a fate to meet, if you like it, please pay attention to Hua Yuhan)

Hua Yuhan | text

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Continued from the previous text:

"Every movie of Xingxing Zhou has conveyed to us this central message for decades: 'Wrong expression is a very sad thing.'" , excerpted from Tang Qigongzi's "Years are a Flower of Two Lives".

In my interpretation of Episode 5 of The Three-Body Problem, I drew a religious world of The Three-Body Problem.

A world in which there is a true "Lord", a three-body world that has been continuously interpreted by human beings for thousands of years.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

But when I came out of this religious imagination, I found that all the hot spots and focus of "The Three-Body Problem" were focused on Ding Yi, who burst out of "power" in episode 2.

For me, that current Ding Yi is like Wang Miao's mentor.

He inadvertently pulled Wang Miao into the trap of "scientific boundaries".

And in an almost hysterical form, he explained his collapse and incomprehension after facing the departure of his beloved.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Yang Dong's death has a reason and a history.

Her death must not simply be attributed to the "scientific boundary" and Shen Yufei's instigation and instigation.

Yang Dong's death can be traced back to the tragic death of his grandfather and the life experience of his mother Ye Wenjie.

Without the history and origin of all this.

Perhaps Yang Dong will also show the same attitude and understanding as Ding Yi when facing this religious-like conclusion.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Compared to Yang Dong, Ding Yi is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person like most ordinary scientists.

From a religious point of view, Ding Yi is not the same kind of person as those top-notch sciences that can change the fate of mankind.

He is more like the same kind of person as an atheist like Shi Qiang.

What can completely break him is not the collapse of physics, but the torture of feelings and love.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Just like Stephen Chow, the uncrowned king of the comedy industry, although he has never personally said that his performance style is "nonsensical", he is still a god in the "nonsensical" style in the eyes of most people.

Wang Chuanjun's interpretation of Ding Yi may be beyond many people's understanding of the original Ding Yi.

Even many ordinary people who have never seen the original book think that his performance is too crazy and illogical.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

But for every actor who has experienced the role with his heart, they have their own "understanding and interpretation of the role".

Like the top scientists in The Three-Body Problem who left us, their world is closed and completely self-contained.

Just like Stephen Chow's role for his own interpretation, it is also closed and completely self-sufficient.

Whether crazy or crazy, art will never be like sports, which can distinguish between high and low.

(This article is an original article of "Hua Yuhan", and the non-"Hua Yuhan" account is all plagiarism and handling!) )

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

This is the charm of "The Three-Body Problem", and it is also the charm of Ding Yi created by Wang Chuanjun.

As the producer of "The Three-Body Problem" interpreted the character of Ding Yi:

"His fiancée died just a few days ago, so he wouldn't be a normal scientist, and his fiancée's belief in the fact that physics didn't exist collapsed, and his faith collapsed with it." No one else will be normal at this moment. ”

Although the title of "fiancée" is somewhat inconsistent with the plot, as a producer or actor itself, they should have their own understanding and knowledge of "The Three-Body Problem" and Ding Yi.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Writing here, I remembered what an actor who acted with Stephen Chow said about him.

Zheng Peipei: "The actual director of "Tang Bohu Dotting Autumn Fragrance" is Stephen Chow, and the other director is the executive director. ”

Liang Shiyi: ""Truant Weilong" is nominally directed by Chen Jiashang, but we feel that Stephen Chow is more like a director than Chen Jiashang, and many things are led by Stephen Chow. ”

Luo Jiaying: "When filming "Journey to the West", Stephen Chow changed the script on the spot, and Tang Monk's 'you want' and 'you don't want ah' were what he asked me to think of on the spot. ”

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Of course, the current Wang Chuanjun may not be able to compare with Stephen Chow, and the future Wang Chuanjun may not reach the realm of Stephen Chow.

But this should not be a reason or condition to belittle or ridicule an actor.

As viewers or fans of the original work, it is easy for us to feel angry and puzzled because we can't see the Ding Yi in the original book, or the character performance that doesn't match our understanding.

But this should not be a reason or condition for us to criticize actors so hard or excessively.

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

Just like if you are a fan of Stephen Chow, if you admire the nonsensical performance style of Zhou.

What do you think when you see those criticisms and complaints about Stephen Chow's performance style and other people? How would you respond in response?

Just like the story of Ye Wenjie when she was young that has not yet been told in "The Three-Body Problem".

How are those things that happened to her father and her different from what we do to Wang Chuanjun today?

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

I love the saying that anything that cannot be questioned or refuted is meaningless.

The key to this phrase is "things" rather than "people."

We can be dissatisfied with the character of Ding Yi, we can be dissatisfied with the narrative style of "The Three-Body Problem", and we can even be rationally dissatisfied with the entire production team.

But when you put huge public opinion winds and pressures on a person, aren't you afraid to create Ye Wenjie and "The Three-Body Problem" in reality?

"The Three-Body Problem" understands Yang Dong's "death", and only then understands that Wang Chuanjun's madness is no different from Stephen Chow

The above is my understanding and perception of "The Three-Body Problem" Episode 2, more wonderful analysis, let's see you next time!

(After reading it, remember to pay attention to "Hua Yuhan" Oh, the picture comes from the Internet)

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