
Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

author:Nutritious food sink

It's December, it's cold, rain and snow, so keep warm, avoid getting sick, and get better. During winter, many people, especially women, tend to feel cold in their hands and feet. Therefore, eating more blood nourishing foods in winter can help our body restore yang, make our limbs warmer, and make us more comfortable in winter. Diet is more important than taking medicine, winter is coming, eat more stomach-warming food, in order to make your body warm and make you warm in winter. Today we will introduce you to some, which are not only nutritious, but also have good protection for the human body, so that everyone can stay healthy and warm.

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

The first: lamb

The best thing to do: lamb broth. The lamb is stewed with carrots, which is bright in color and tastes better.

Ingredients: 2-3 kg, 2 carrots, salt, pepper, chopped green onion, ginger, goji berries

Production method: 1. Soak the fresh lamb in water and remove the blood blisters inside.

  1. Cut the green onion into small pieces, blanch water in a frying pan, add cooking wine and ginger to remove the fishy smell, bring to a boil and take out, remove blood foam, control water, set aside.

3Pour hot water into the pot, pour ginger, green onion, blanched lamb, bring it to a boil over low heat, remember to add enough water at a time.

4 handfuls of carrots washed and cut into small pieces.

5Bring to a boil, add the carrot slices and simmer over medium heat.

6. Boil all ingredients until cooked and add salt, pepper and goji berries.

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

the second variety; ginger

The best way to eat it in winter is to brew tea, a cup of ginger tea, which is a very warm tea in winter.

Ingredients: ginger, red dates, goji berries, brown sugar

Preparation method: 1 ginger washed and cut into chunks, red dates washed, pitted

2Pour an appropriate amount of water into a saucepan, pour in ginger, red dates, and bring to a boil over low heat.

3After boiling, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

4 handfuls of ingredients stewed and the soup is red.

5. Add a little goji berries and remove from the pan. Come a bowl in winter and warm up your body.

The third: kelp

Suggestion: Kelp rib soup. Meat and vegetarian combination, nutritional balance, one cup in winter, warmer body.

Ingredients: 1. Kelp, 2 pounds of ribs, ginger, green onion, salt, pepper Preparation: 1. Soak the kelp in boiling water, soak for a period of time, and then add flour to wash off the dirt on the surface

2After soaking it for a while, wash it several times, tear off a small piece and set aside.

3Cut the ribs into small pieces, blanch in a saucepan, bring to a boil, remove blood and drain.

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

4 Heat water in a saucepan, avoid adding water to the soup to avoid hardening the meat, add the ribs, the water should flood the ribs, add enough water at a time.

5Put the ginger slices in a saucepan and bring them to a boil over low heat

6After boiling, add kelp and simmer over medium heat.

7Cook all the ingredients and add salt, pepper and chopped green onion. A bowl of warm soup will do.

The fourth: kidney protection and acid lowering soup

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

1. Prepare the ingredients

First, prepare Cordyceps militaris, sunflower, cinnamon, poria, gardenia, celery, mulberry leaves and turmeric and other seasonal ingredients.

  1. Simmer to a boil

First boil the water in the pot to fifty percent boil, drain all kinds of ingredients and put it into the pot, wait until the water is eight percent hot, sprinkle salty salt to taste and remove fishy, pour in cooking oil to increase the aroma, and the water boils to take out the pot.

  1. Serve out of pan

Because the prepared medicinal ingredients have a good effect, long-term consumption can adjust the body's pH value, improve uric acid value and prevent gout, dissolve joint impurities, but different personal constitutions will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, can appropriately reduce the number and concentration of ingredients to match, if there are not so many ingredients prepared, you can also supplement with the same ingredients extracted and purified fendingvitol to supplement, convenient and fast healthy nutrition.

The fourth: dog meat.

In winter, dog meat is a common meat second only to lamb. Its meat is tender and very nutritious.

Although dog meat is delicious, you should also pay attention to the taboos of eating.

1 When eating dog meat, avoid garlic to avoid causing more serious fire.

2. Eat dog meat that is qualified for hygiene and quarantine, and do not eat dog meat of unknown origin.

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

3During this period of illness, it is forbidden to eat dog meat.

In winter, the best way is to boil soup, plus a steaming pot of dog broth, which is a very comfortable feeling and has great benefits for the body.

Recommendation: Tofu stew with dog meat. Served with some cabbage, it is delicious and warm.

Ingredients: dog meat, tofu, cabbage, ginger, cooking wine, chopped green onion, salt,

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

Production method: 1. Slice the dog meat, blanch it in boiling water in a frying pan, add cooking wine and ginger slices to remove the fishy smell

2Bring to a boil, remove, drain and set aside.

3. Put oil in a pot, pour green onion, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, pour into dog meat, stir-fry over high heat, add cooking wine and salt

4. Stir-fry, pour hot water, pour in tofu and simmer for a short while.

5 Once boiling, add the cabbage and continue to simmer until the ingredients are fully cooked.

6Boil all the ingredients, add salt, chicken essence, and remove from the pan.

These are all winter goodies that keep your body warm in winter, ward off the cold, and get through a cold winter.

Middle-aged men always have cold hands and feet in winter? Recommendation: Eat 5 more ingredients to nourish yang and kidney

In addition to the warmth of the above foods, drink more warm water in winter, which can also prevent cold.

Of course, people can also soak their feet more at night, and in winter, their feet should be kept warm. Soaking your feet in warm water can make people's yang qi surge and feel comfortable. Eating more foods containing iron and calcium can strengthen the body's resistance. To exercise regularly, exercise properly, exercise the body, can effectively drive away cold, improve resistance, and reduce the chance of disease.