
Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

author:Sauer films

Recently, the movie "Avatar" was re-released, in which the unique animals, plants and even planes and mechs are not understood by many fans, and today we will take a closer look

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > weaponry article</h1>

1. AMP Armor

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

AMP armor, full name: Amplified Mobility Platform, is a type of mobile heavy armor operated by a single person. This armor mimics the human body and is as agile as the driver's body in the hands of a skilled driver.

At 4.205 meters high, 2.83 meters wide and weighing about 1700 kilograms, the AMP uses a 6849-RLF gas turbine engine and can run at medium power for up to 8 hours, with backup high-energy electricity running for 2 hours after the fuel is exhausted. It is equipped with a very powerful GAU-90 thirty-millimeter gun, but it can also be equipped with flamethrowers, ceramic knives, etc., and is an effective combat weapon for land forces on the battlefield. This armor was not specifically designed for Pandora, but it was effective against poisonous plants and insects. The fully sealed cab and "built-in respiratory system" allow the driver to operate it to perform tasks in toxic environments. The cab has a global positioning system, a FLIR panel, radar, etc., for navigation and positioning, as well as a voice control system that matches the driver's voice. AMP is heavily equipped by RDA to Pandora for construction, protection of mining operations, etc., and they can often be seen patrolling outside the "Gates of Hell".

2. Samson transport aircraft

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

 Samson transport aircraft, full name Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson (Hercules SA-2 Samson), is a twin-turbo vertical take-off and landing rotorcraft, mainly used by RDA scientists to go deep into remote areas and mining teams to transport personnel, supplies, etc.

It was not heavily armored and its defense relied mainly on good maneuverability. Usually, the only weapons on the fuselage were the two GAU-19/A machine guns mounted in the hatch. Such transport aircraft can also be reinforced, equipped with heavy firepower such as missile launchers, and deployed in large quantities to the battlefield.

The protagonist in the movie is riding on this kind of transport aircraft.

3. Scorpion attack aircraft

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The scorpion attack aircraft's official name: AT-99 Gunship (AT-99 gunship), was called kunsip by the Na'vi.

  The Scorpion Attack aircraft is 11.17 meters long, 8.72 meters wide and 3.51 meters high, with a maximum range of 800 kilometers when fully loaded with fuel and ammunition. The twin-turbo VTOL rotorcraft sacrificed transport space but guaranteed high maneuverability like samson's transport aircraft, equipped with a 50-caliber gun with 700 rounds per second, a 150 TK-411 honeycomb rocket launcher, and eight Hawkeye Hellfires for air-to-air combat. It is widely equipped by the RDA as the main air superiority for close air support and escort, and the "Gate of the Territory" is inseparable from the 26-hour air guard of the Scorpion Gunboat.

The Scorpion's mid-22nd century retro design ensures stable performance in extremely harsh environments, even as the strong magnetic field vortex that sails into Pandora's "Mount Hallelujah" still flies freely. However, flying in the vortex can easily lead to unstable weapon systems, and it requires visual piloting, making the Scorpion attack aircraft often attacked by Pandora's flying beasts in the starry sky, and crashes are also endless.

4. Wyvern Battleship

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The Wyvern Battleship, officially known as the C-21 Dragon Assault Ship( C-21 Wyvern Assault Ship), was called the Kunsip apxa by the Na'vi.

  This huge hull with four-turbo vertical take-off and landing is 41.5 meters long, 31.7 meters wide, 9.22 meters high, and has a maximum range of 1100 kilometers with a full load, which can provide close air support for ground operations and can coordinate air attacks as well as air defenses, and can put AMP and land forces directly into the battlefield. Its weapon system is uniformly controlled by a central firing station, and the weapon will aim at the target according to the imager, rather than relying on the driver's field of view.

The Wyvern battleships are poorly maneuverable, and although equipped with a variety of defensive armor and firepower, they are vulnerable to missile attacks, but they are still impeccable to the Bow and Arrow of the Na'vi and the animals of Pandora.

5. Filter rucksack

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The filter rucksack is a must-wear piece of equipment for humans on the planet Pandora to wear outdoors, consisting of a sealed transparent mask and a filtration device with a harness.

Pandora's atmosphere is filled with ammonia, methane, and chlorine, and the human respiratory system cannot adapt to this toxic mixture of gases, but with simple filtration, the oxygen in Pandora's atmosphere can be directly breathed by humans. The filter rucksack cannot be used for more than two weeks and can be continued after washing the filter pad with tap water.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > wildlife chapter</h1>

1. Spiral grass

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

Spiral grass is a half-plant, half-animal creature on Pandora's star, also known as Loreyu, which means "beautiful spiral". They usually open spiral-shaped leaves, reaching heights of 20 to 25 feet. Spiral grass has a complex neuromuscular system that contracts immediately when touched by the outside world, making it difficult for geobiologists to accurately classify them.

2. Manta rays

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

Bat monkeys resemble apes on Earth, except that their forelimbs are forked into four forearms, and there is a laterally growing membrane between the second pair of forearms and thighs. This film allows bat monkeys to avoid falling with the help of air support when jumping between trees. With a natural "parachute", they will not be injured if they fall from a height of 12 meters.

  The bones of the bat monkeys are hollow and the muscle tissue is breathable, which makes them much lighter than they look. Near-perfect balance and judgment of distance allow bat monkeys to move freely through the rainforest, using their four forearms to move rapidly among the branches, faster than a normal person can run. Manta monkeys have webs between their toes, allowing them to adhere tightly to the branches.

Manta rays can reach a height of up to 1 meter and are non-aggressive herbivores and sometimes eat insects. Their main predators are the Spotted Creek Beast and the Poisonous Wolf, which is good at climbing trees.

3. Poisonous Wolf

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The poisonous wolf, known as the Nantang by the Na'vi, is an extremely intelligent land predator. The Na'vi revere the poisonous wolves because of their wisdom and unity.

  The poisonous wolf is 1.5 meters long and 0.7 meters high, black throughout, with smooth and hairless skin, and a large mouth that opens and closes like a snake. Six legs and a lean body allow them to keep running at high speed and traveling long distances in search of prey. The wolf's cunning green eyes are as good as day at night, and it also has a keen sense of smell second only to that of the Lightning Beast, and can sniff prey up to 8 kilometers away. A poisonous wolf cub hunts on its own for only a few months after birth. These cubs grow rapidly, and it only takes 6 months for them to grow to the size of half an adult poisonous wolf, by which time their entire pair of sharp teeth and jaw muscles are almost mature. The mouth of a poisonous wolf can generate a pressure of 4 kilograms per square centimeter, which can easily crush bones and even rocks.

The ratio of the brain mass of an adult poisonous wolf to the weight of its body shows that the creature has developed intelligence and organization. Poisonous wolves always act collectively, they often hunt in pairs at night, convey hunting information through unique wolf calls and snake-like hisses, and communicate with expressions and postures. The perfect strategic fit allows the wolf to hunt up to 480 square kilometers. In addition, their claws can hold objects like primates, allowing them to climb trees, as well as track on the ground, thus forming a three-dimensional round-up field, quietly approaching prey, only to strike suddenly from a few meters away. Cosmic biologists describe their elegant and ominous demeanor as "flowing darkness."

4. Hammerhead Thunder Beast

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The Hammerhead Thunder beast, called Anguslk by the Na'vi, is a four-eyed rhinoceros. Although they have two pairs of eyes, their eyesight is not good, which makes their hearing and smell more developed, they are about 6 meters tall, 11 meters long, and their physique is equivalent to twice that of elephants on Earth, but they move much faster. The six legs that support the body allow them to quickly identify threats from the sides and rear.

The main food of the hammer-headed thunderbeam is grass and shrubs, and its soft mouth is protected by a beak-like jaw structure. They prefer to inhabit grasslands, but also often break into rainforests. They have the grumpy temper of rhinos and can instantly turn into deadly dangerous animals. Their heads have a raised piece of cartilage that makes him look a bit like a hammerhead shark. As it matures, the bulge becomes more solid and becomes a lethal attack weapon, with males attacking each other with the ends of their hammers in the eye. This animal has a strong sense of territory, and usually they spread the body odor by smashing trees to warn other animals not to come closer. Their disc-shaped structure on their backs and broad, strong shoulders are effective against attacks from large carnivores.

5. Spotted Brook Beast

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The Spotted Stream Beast, whose full name is the Alpine Spotted Stream Beast, is called Ikran in the Na'm language. They are cloaked in a lizard-like patterned skin, and their broad flattened wings have translucent diaphragms, somewhat similar to the ancient pterosaurs of Earth, flying against the wing membranes covering the bones. An adult spotted rhizoid beast can reach a wingspan of up to 12 meters.

  The name of the Spotted Brook Beast derives from their signature roar, like banshee, the banshee of Irish legend that predicts death, with its tragic wailing. They are social animals that like to live around waterfalls, and sound is an important way for them to communicate. Spotted beasts do not have a trachea in their necks, and air enters their chests when they breathe, so they use their lungs to pump air into the cranial cavity to make sounds, and then use their open mouths to transmit sounds in a specific direction.

  The Na'vi tamed the spotted beasts and rode them for hunting. The dangerous way to tame a Zebra is to conquer it when it attacks, and then connect its "braid" (part of the nervous system) to one of the Zephyll's tentacles. Unlike the heavily armored horse, a spotted beast can only be harnessed by the only Na'vi in its lifetime.

  It has two pairs of eyes on the head of the spotted brook beast, which can see a visible spectrum similar to that of the human eye. The small eyes in front can move separately and independently, are extremely sensitive to movements, play a role similar to infrared eyes at night, and are also a very useful early warning system when attacked.

6. Tyrannosaurus Rex/Phantom/Manta Ray Dragon

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is similar in appearance to the Spotted Creek Beast, and is a close relative of the Spotted Creek Beast, but it is twice as large as the Spotted Creek Beast, with a wingspan of more than 25 meters. It is covered with red, yellow, and black stripes, and its dark blue crown is extremely sharp and can be used to damage and open prey. The dazzling shape of the Tyrannosaurus Rex highlights its identity as Pandora's number one aerial predator.

  The Tyrannosaurus Rex flies at an astonishing speed and has the ability to climb rapidly, quickly escaping into the sun. They usually prey on the Spotted Stream, The Na'vi and The Earthlings, and even attack the huge hammer-headed thunder beasts when they are extremely hungry.

The Tyrannosaurus rex is known as Toruk in The Na'vi and is central to Na'mese legend and culture because of its beautiful appearance and noble pedigree. The Na'vi used dances, songs, and elaborate totems to express reverence for this noble animal.

7. Heavily armored horses

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

Heavily armored horses resemble horses on Earth, but are one-third larger than the largest horse breeds on Earth. They stand and run on six legs, hairless, striped, and covered from the back of their heads along their necks with a layer of flexible carbon fiber armor. An adult heavily armored horse is more than 4.25 meters long and up to 4 meters tall, and can reach a maximum speed of 95 kilometers per hour when running. This herbivoore sucks the protein of trapped insects in plants with its long snout, which also plays a role in pollinating the plants while eating.

  The heavy armored horse has elongated antenna-like organs on either side of its head, which communicate with each other by touching the tip of the antenna. The Na'vi use their "braids" to connect with the "antenna" of the heavily armored horse, and they can manipulate the heavily armored horse in their own sense. This allowed the heavily armored horse to be under the Na'vi's crotch as if the rider's lower limbs had been extended, and the rider could ride and shoot as nimbly as a centaur. Heavily armored horses can be exchanged for rides, but usually the Na'vi have their own preferred mount.

  Inhabiting rainforests and grasslands, heavy armored horses prefer to move in flocks, reaching hundreds of heads at times, but they are easily frightened. They are intelligent, docile creatures, like the Na'vi, but can become intimidating on the battlefield.

Explore "Avatar" and enter the magical planet of Pandora, which is really a paradise weapon and equipment wildlife chapter

I think that's what makes Avatar so appealing, even if it's re-released, it will still attract a lot of people's attention, especially the huge worldview in the movie, as I pointed out earlier, everything that appears in the movie has a story behind it. I remember very clearly that when I first went to the theater to see "Avatar", this movie is definitely worth watching again.

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