
The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

author:God talked

Between Mars and Jupiter runs an asteroid estimated at $10,000,000,000,000,000.

A new study published in the Journal of Planetary Science investigates asteroid 16 Psyche as one of the most massive objects in the solar system's major asteroid belt, orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, about 230 million miles from Earth and about 140 miles in diameter.

Typically, asteroids are made of rock or ice. 16 Psyche is different in that it is mainly made of metal. Experts believe that it is actually the remaining core (protoplanet) of a planet that did not succeed in forming.

The first ultraviolet (UV) observations of the metallic asteroid revealed that the asteroid may have been made entirely of iron and nickel, which, according to scientists, are found in the planet's solid center.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Night on Earth vs Day on Pluto.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Scientists have captured the first intuitive image of another solar system that closely resembles ours, showing two massive exoplanets orbiting a young sun-like star about 300 light-years from Earth.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

The photograph was taken with the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

According to a new study in the astrophysical journal Letters, the system will help astronomers better understand how our solar system formed and evolved.

The star, called TYC 8998-760-1, is located in the southern constellation of Fly and is only 17 million years old, and researchers call it "a very young version of our sun." By comparison, the Sun is about 4.6 billion years old.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?
The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Wind speeds on Neptune are the largest in our solar system and can exceed 2,000 km/h, about 9 times faster than powerful winds on Earth.

New storms appear on Neptune every four to six years, and each storm lasts up to six years.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

This is one of the striking pillars of dust in the Eagle Nebula, resembling a giant fairy – she is 10 light-years tall and emits fiery radiation.

The Eagle Nebula (M16) is a massive evaporative shell of gas and dust with a cavities inside a spectacular stellar nursery that is currently forming an open cluster.

Pictured below is one of the images celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Earth remains in a habitable state for about 1 billion years.

If humanity had ever existed, 1 quadrillion babies would have been born in the future.

The sun will exist for another 5 billion years, and if humans still exist, 6.25 billion children will be born in the future.

With 1 square meter representing the world's population today, 6.25 billion people would occupy a beach 17 meters wide and 4,600 kilometers long.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

"Rose Nebula", like a human skull.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

"Occultation of Mars": Photo by Sergio Scauso in Cordoba, Argentina, August 9, 2020.

In the foreground is a crater-filled moon with a bright red planet Mars in the background.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

On July 14, 2015, NASA's New Horizons captured a high-resolution, enhanced color view of her moon Charon before approaching Pluto.

Charon is only half the size of Pluto, the largest of Pluto's five moons.

Pluto-Charon is the only known binary star system in our solar system.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

This is a real-time, low-resolution video screenshot of NASA's Orion spacecraft completing the Artemis I mission. It is about 64,000 kilometers from the moon.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Jupiter and its moons Io and Callisto

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Recent studies have confirmed that humans have discovered a black hole "closest" to Earth: just 1600 light-years from Earth.

The black hole, called Gaia BH1, has 10 times the mass of the Sun and its companion has an orbit similar to Earth's.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

On November 12, 1833, a meteor shower was so intense that as many as 100,000 meteors could be seen across the sky every hour.

At the time, many believed that the end of the world had come.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

On November 8, 2022, the Moon will enter Earth's shadow and turn red – the last total lunar eclipse in the next 3 years or so.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in a straight line and the Earth is in the middle.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Because the Moon's circle around the Earth is at an angle of about 5 degrees to the Earth's circle around the Sun, lunar eclipses do not occur every month.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

What the Earth looks like from 1.4 billion kilometers away – a small light blue light. A close-up view of Saturn's rings and Saturn Buddha-figures captured by the Cassini spacecraft.

On July 19, 2013, a wide-angle camera on NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured Saturn's rings in the same image as our Earth and Moon (the right side of the Earth, not clear).

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) has begun to dim and its bright tail is gone, and is now moving away from the solar system, approaching Jupiter's orbit.

It usually takes about 7,000 years for it to return to the solar system once.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Data from the Kepler Space Telescope, combined with the Drake equation, revealed at least 300 million potentially habitable planets in our galaxy. Some of these planets are less than 30 light-years from the Sun.

Unlike estimation methods, which only consider the distance between a planet and its star, the Drake equation takes into account many more factors that may affect a planet's habitability.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?
The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

Do you know? There are two concepts of "one day" on Earth: "sidereal day" and "solar day". When we say a day, we mean the latter.

Relative to distant stars, Earth autobiographs itself for a week in 23 hours and 56 minutes, that is, a "sidereal day"; Relative to the Sun, the Earth rotates once in 24 hours, a "solar day."

The Earth's rotation also rotates at the same time as it revolves to cause this difference.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?
The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?
The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

The Parker probe took the first image of the interior of the solar corona about 17 million miles from the sun.

The white dot in the picture is Mercury.

If you travel at the speed of light, then -

1.3 seconds to the moon;

The sun arrives in 8.3 minutes;

Uranus in just over 2 hours;

Left the solar system in 3 years;

It takes 20,000 years to leave the galaxy;

It takes 90,000,000,000 years to reach the edge of the visible universe.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

This is the first time that JWST and Hubble have observed the same target at the same time -

Top right: Hubble Image,

Bottom right: JWST image,

Left: DART image.

NASA's DART spacecraft completed its first planetary defense test mission by hitting the asteroid Dimorphos at a speed of more than 22,000 km/h.

The asteroid is located about 10.78 million kilometers from Earth.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

The shape of the Big Dipper has changed over the past 100,000 years and trends over the next 100,000 years.

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

NASA says humans will be able to live on the moon by the end of the century.

Do you think it's possible?

The most expensive asteroid in the solar system is worth 100 trillion?

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