
Xunzi's prescription for Qin Guo is a typical confirmation {draft}

author:Riverside people tell you the truth

Xunzi's prescription for Qin Guo is a typical confirmation {draft}



In the late Warring States period, Xunzi also discovered that Confucian gadgets were not good. On the one hand, he denies the "intrinsic goodness of sex" and believes that "the nature of the nature is evil". On the one hand, in the face of the fact that the Qin State had completely defeated the six countries in the southern part of the mainland, he had to enter Qin to see what happened. He found that it was precisely the Qin state that was closer to the ancient and Yaoshun legend of the world governance. On the one hand, he was even more absurd in prescribing "prescriptions" to Qin Guo.

This is a classic example of the existence of flaws and weaknesses. The fallacy of Han Fei's writings is actually one reason, but it is specifically different.


Greetings such as "hello" and handshakes appear in Europe. Hello is a blessing, and a handshake is an expression of honesty.

This is completely different from the Confucian etiquette and etiquette. The nature, the starting point, the purpose are completely different in nature.

The writings of Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi both point out that such rituals will inevitably lead to trouble, all for the bad people and bad things.

And why make up these gifts? It's because it's not a human thing. Extremely bad. So in the end these rituals were made up.

People who are not people will drum up fake and fake, people and things that like fake and fake, the history of patriarchal society to the present is this history.

Humans need some politeness to express emotion and respect. However, after the emergence of patriarchal society, there was a distorted alienation, evil and hypocritical purpose attempt. The more you deviate from being a real person and being a real person, the more anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-society. It is not really a human being, but a self-consciousness of ignorance and stupidity according to the limits of the brain, which is more absurd than narrow-minded. Modern science recognizes that so-called self-awareness does not exist.


Ancient Greece and Rome had many social and scientific ideas that have survived to the present day. The scientific understanding of the screw spiral was further developed from Asia Minor to Greece.

The Magna Carta emerged in the United Kingdom of Europe, and the Magna Carta was the charter.

Japan pays attention to the Tao and respects natural science, so orchid studies appeared. Japan has tea ceremony, kendo, bushido.

Confucianism is to learn to read and write to become an official, and to despise production and labor. It is not a knowledge that really meets the objective needs.

Why did Confucianism lead to students of Legalism? Why go from one extreme to the other? In fact, just like the extreme left and the far right are actually interconnected, they essentially have something in common. It's all for people's limitations, so it must not be real learning, it must be superficial. Or direct for the sake of limitations, or hypocritical cover-up and more inferior, are not objectively needed charters, objective knowledge and learning.


In the Warring States period, it led to the inescapable reality of reality.

When Confucianism reached the age of Xun Cheng, Xun Cheng could no longer continue to adhere to the absurd claims of Confucianism, which he believed that "nature is intrinsically evil" rather than "nature is intrinsically good". Of course, although it is not accurate to understand the inherent evil of human nature, it is less than the intrinsic goodness of sexual evil to cover up evil purposes. Because people have limitations, it is easy to malignantly develop and swell in a bad environment.

Moreover, it just proves that the Xun situation of Confucianism, the Jixia School Palace, which is instigating false learning, actually appeared students of Legalism. Li Si and Han Fei are Xun Cheng's students, and both used to study in the Jixia Palace. They see precisely the reality of Confucianism, but they also have no real learning, so they must go to the opposite of the other extreme.

The so-called Confucianism does not enter Qin precisely because the people of Qin are more practical and will not be hypocritical and hypocritical. Xun entered Qin and found that it was precisely the Qin State that really achieved something more in line with the social atmosphere of the so-called Yao Shun period.


Up to now, it is completely absurd, completely ignorant, and completely hypocritical and dirty in character to prescribe medicine for Xun Cheng.

Xun Circumstance - Entering (the Qin Kingdom), observing its customs, its people are simple, its vocal music is not polluted, its clothes are not picky, and it is very fearful of being obedient, and the ancient people are also. and the official mansion of the capital, whose hundred officials are solemn, not respectful, respectful, faithful and unscrupulous, and the ancient officials are also. Enter its country, watch its doctor, out of its door, enter the public gate; Out of the public gate, it belongs to his home, and there is no private matter; No more than Zhou, not a friend, no unknown and public, ancient scholar and doctor. Look at its court, its dynasty is idle, listen to everything and leave nothing, like anarchists, the ancient dynasty. Therefore, the fourth life has victory, not lucky, but also number. It is seen also. Therefore, it is said: rule by the good, covenant and detail, not annoying and accomplished, cure to the end, Qin class.

Qin Mugong asked Yu Yu: "China is governed by poetry, books, rites, and music, but it is still chaotic, and there is no such thing in Rong Yi today, why is it difficult to govern"? Yu Xiao replied: "This is China's chaos." Since the Holy Yellow Emperor as a rite and music law, he has been the first, and only Xiaozhi. and its descendants, with arrogance and adultery. The power of obstructing the law is to be blamed by the bottom, and the lower pole is to be resented by benevolence and righteousness, and the upper and lower levels are strife and usurp each other, and as for the destruction of the sect, and so on. Fu Rong Yi is not. The upper contains pure virtue to meet the bottom, and the lower is faithful to the above, and the government of a country is governed by one body, and the rule of this true saint is also the rule of this true saint. ”

Liu Che tinkered with Confucianism and respected Gongsun Hong and the like. When domestic incidents arose, and lower-level officials and lawless people all cleverly tried to evade the law, the emperor had to divide the law and strictly enforce the law. And Ki Yao (Ki Yao advocated Taoism) often denigrated Confucianism, attacking Gongsun Hong and his ilk in person for being treacherous in their own and ingenious in their outward, so as to gain the favor of sycophants; The swordsmen and penmen specially studied and deeply scrutinized the provisions of the law, slandered them with clever words, framed the guilt of others, prevented the truth from being revealed, and used the victory as capital to invite merit.


Orchid Studies——— In the 18~19th century, in order to master Western science and technology, Japan once tried hard to learn the Dutch language, when they collectively called Western science and technology orchidology, that is, the Western scientific and cultural knowledge introduced through the Netherlands during the Japanese lockdown era was called orchidology. Lanxue, like the Western Confucian school of the Ming Dynasty, is a modern science of the Western bourgeoisie, and it has played a major role in the development of Japan's productive forces and the emergence of anti-feudal ideas.

The Western Confucian School ——— refers to the school and new trend of thought that emerged in the late dynasty to supplement Confucianism with Western learning. In Xu Guangqi's view, Confucianism needs to be "supplemented", and what is used for "supplementation" is Catholicism; Make up for the weakness of Confucianism and correct the shortcomings of Confucianism in order to realize the social ideal of practical scholars.

Xu Guangqi (1562–1633), a native of Shanghai, was a scholar of Wanli Jinshi, an official to the Chongzhen Dynasty, a scholar of the Wenyuange University, and a second assistant to the cabinet. In 1603, he became a Catholic Catholic and took the Christian name Paul. He studied Western science and technology such as astronomy, calendar, mathematics, measurement and water conservancy from Matteo Ricci earlier, devoted his life to the research of science and technology, wrote diligently, and was an active promoter of introducing and absorbing European science and technology, making important contributions to the cultural exchanges between China and the West in the 17th century.

Those who promised us heaven on earth did nothing but hell.

Beware of the bad people in this world, who hold back and teach you to learn well, and then let them make you bad.

Xunzi's prescription for Qin Guo is a typical confirmation {draft}