
Susan Miller Original August 2021 Pisces Horoscope (Full Edition) Pisces Horoscope For August 2021 YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER

author:Talk to yourself M

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1"> Pisces Horoscope For August 2021</h1>

Pisces Horoscope for August 2021

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4"> YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER</h1>

—By Susan Miller

Susan Miller Original August 2021 Pisces Horoscope (Full Edition) Pisces Horoscope For August 2021 YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER

August will be a busy month for you, so if you were hoping to take a vacation, that might not be possible. You might want to plan for a few fun weekend trips to get a change of pace. If you go, bring your laptop along because you probably will be working over the weekends, but you seem not to mind one bit—it’s nice to be in high demand. You might work in a seasonal business, which would explain why August would be so hectic. You may be getting ready for the year-end holidays and the high-volume consumer spending that your company anticipates.

August will be busy for you. If you had planned to take a long vacation in August, it probably wouldn't have happened. You can plan some fun weekend excursions to change the pace of life. If you're sure you're going, bring your office computer, you may need to work at any time. But you don't seem to mind at all because your job is in high demand. You may work in a seasonal industry, which explains why August can be so busy. You may be preparing for the year-end holidays and the golden period of heavy spending.

Watch your projects closely, because the first sign that something may be amiss will come on August 6, when Uranus and the Sun will be at a sharp, 90-degree clash. The transiting Sun will be in your work-a-day assignment sector, so a project could star to veer off course.

Keep an eye on the item at hand, as signs of possible problems appear on August 6, when Uranus and the Sun collide sharply at 90 degrees. The traveling sun will be in your daily work area, and an item may deviate from the orbit.

Alternatively, it may be that you will either permanently lose someone when a member of your team takes another job, or when your valued assistant is going on vacation. (Vacation? You may be wondering, what is that? If you are like me, I have to look up that word in a dictionary.) Or, more likely, the client has changed the project’s direction and will ask that your team do a lot of backtracking to change the project’s direction.

Or, when your team starts another project, you may lose someone on the team forever. Or, your key players are on vacation, but for you, too busy at work to know what the holiday is. More likely, your client changes the direction of the project and will ask your team to do a lot of backtracking to make the change.

Uranus square the Sun on August 6 is a jarring, nerve-wracking aspect. It causes jitters or downright shock. Tell your technology team to guard against a hack attack by installing the newest version of security software. When Uranus is involved, we always have to batten down the hatches.

On August 6, Uranus formed a right angle to the Sun, a disturbing, nerve-wracking phase. It can cause tension or complete shaking. Tell your technical team to install the latest version of security software to protect against hackers. When Uranus gets involved, we always need to plan ahead.

Two days later on August 8, the new moon in Leo, 16 degrees, will arrive. Uranus, planet of unpredictable events, in Taurus will continue to be in hard aspect to the Sun and now the new moon, also in Leo. The shocks keep coming. We are all in the same boat, dear Pisces.

Two days later, on August 8, Leo's 16th degree crescent moon arrived. Uranus, a planet full of unpredictable events, will continue to form a strong phase with the Sun in Taurus, and now the new moon is also in Leo, with constant shocks. Dear Pisces, we feel the same way.

Additionally, Saturn in Aquarius will have moved in to oppose the transiting Sun and new moon in Leo. Saturn can bring up health matters that need attention, and those might dominate your thinking now or in weeks to come.

In addition, Saturn, located in the constellation Aquarius, will move across from the Sun and the New Moon in leo. Saturn brings health problems that require attention that can affect your judgment now or in the coming weeks.

The reason I say that health matters may need your attention is that a new moon sets up a long trend, one that can take up to six months to finally settle. Sometimes a solution brought up by a new moon can take up to a year, but I doubt that will happen in your case. This is a NEW moon in Leo, so I had to look at the coming FULL moon in Leo, due six months from now, on February 16, 2022. That full moon will be quite friendly, so your progress to becoming better and stronger and having more robust physical and/or mental health will be excellent.

The reason I say you may need to focus on health is because the new moon forms a long-term trend that can take up to six months to finally end. Sometimes the solution that the new moon brings can take a year, but I suspect that will happen to you. It's a Leo crescent, so I have to look at the Leo full moon on February 16, 2022, six months from now, and this full moon will be very friendly, so your development will get better and stronger, as well as having a stronger body and great mental health.

“I am so excited about this full moon of August 22 because Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be tightly conjunct the full moon, bringing all Jupiter’s abundance and happiness to you at this time.”

"I'm excited about the full moon on August 22, because Jupiter (the gift-giver and the lucky giver) will be closely bound to the full moon, bringing you the riches and happiness of Jupiter."

It might be that you will schedule your exams with various health professionals—see your general practitioner for an annual check-up, your eye doctor or optometrist, or dentist, have a mammogram or prostrate exam, as the case may be, and schedule other screenings you know you need to do.

You may see a different doctor to schedule your exam or other test you need to do. Depending on your situation, you may see a general practitioner for an annual check-up, or an ophthalmologist or optometrist, or dentist, for a chest x-ray or prone examination.

This new moon is flawed and tense, and as said, the challenges it might bring up could carry forward as much as six months. You can cut this off by being vigilant early-on. I am not saying your doctor will find anything wrong, for this aspect could just as easily affect a work project—I will explain why in a minute.

This new moon is flawed and stressful. The challenges it presents can last up to six months. You can pay attention in advance to prevent this effect. I'm not saying that doctors will find any problems, as this aspect can be just as susceptible to influencing a work project – I'll explain why quickly.

If your doctor does want to correct something in your body that you’ve been dealing with, such as a painful bunion, you might want to take care of it now before your career lights up like Times Square, from mid-December through January 2022. You are entering an incredibly successful time for your profession, a time when you will be able to leap up the ladder of success to a high level in your industry. Your name will be on everyone’s lips, so while you can attend to your health in August, do!

If your doctor really wants to correct a physical problem you've always had, such as painful toe bunion, you might want to deal with it immediately between mid-December and January 2022, before your career shines like Times Square. You are entering a period of extreme success in your career, a moment when you will be able to jump from the ladder of success to the high level of your industry. While you focus on your health in August, your name will come up on everyone's lips.

Also, this month is a good time to get things done because Mercury is in a good strong orbit and won’t be retrograde until September 26 through October 18. It’s never wise to get too close to the start and end dates of a Mercury retrograde period because little Mercury is at his most mischievous at those times. He sure can be a little Dennis the Menace.

In addition, this month is a good time to complete, because Mercury is in a good strong orbit and it will not retrograde until September 26 to October 18. It would be unwise to get too close to the start and end dates of Mercury's retrograde period, because Mercury was the most mischievous at that time, and it must have been the "little ghost next door."

Your sixth house, where the difficult new moon will appear on August 8, also rules your day-to-day work assignments. (This house does not affect your reputation, thank goodness.) This means instead of a health concern, you may need to stay on top of an ongoing, complex project before things fall between the cracks. Stay on budget and have backup staff in mind in case a trusted member of your staff announces a departure. (Don’t throw away those résumés!)

In your sixth house, the difficult new moon will appear on August 8, which is also the center of your daily routine. (Thankfully, this palace position won't affect your reputation.) This means that you may need to stay in control of the complex projects you're working on before they can't be saved, rather than just focusing on health. Keep an adequate budget and consider backup employees to prevent someone you trust in the staff from announcing their departures (don't throw away your resume).

If this new moon focuses on your work projects and the people you hire to help you do it, that would include people you hire at home. For example, if you have little children, you may need a quick substitute babysitter if your normal sitter for any reason can’t come. Just in case, you might want to have your alternate babysitter come more frequently now and then so that your child can get used to both caretakers. If you hired a computer expert to salvage data on your hard drive—a person you desperately need—he may announce he’s not coming (for any reason). Heavens, in a month like this, you will need backup.

If this new moon focuses on your work projects and the people you hire to help you with them, that includes people hired by your family. For example, if you have a baby and your current au pair cannot come for various reasons, you may need an alternative au pair that arrives immediately. Just in case, you can have your replacement babysitter come in from time to time so your child can adapt to two au pairs. For example, if you hire a computer expert to rescue the data on your hard drive, this person is someone you desperately need, and he may not be able to come for various reasons. Gosh, for a month like this, you need to have a backhand.

Now let’s turn to the activities of Mars, for Mars recently entered you opposite sign of Virgo on July 29 and will stay until September 14. Mars will put a spotlight on your closest committed relationship in love or business.

Now let's take a look at the activity of Mars, as Mars recently entered your opposite constellation, Virgo, on July 29 and will last until September 14. Mars will focus on your most intimate love or business relationship.

The person who you are likely to give more attention to this month might be your spouse or, if single, a serious (possibly live-in) sweetheart. Or it might be your business partner, agent, manager, publicist, advertising director, social media manager—any professional with whom you have a one-to-one collaborative relationship where both of you have equal say in decisions, but that the other party is brought in for their expertise or other elements they can add to your life. In that case, the partner could be your wedding planner, for example—it can be someone in your personal life.

The person you're more focused on this month could be your spouse, or, if not married, you may have a lover who is rushing to get married and may have lived with you. Or it could be your business partner, agent, manager, PR person, advertising director, social media manager, or any other professional with whom you have a one-on-one partnership, where both of you have an equal say in decision-making, but the other spouse is introduced because of his expertise or other elements he can add to your life, e.g. the other person may be your wedding planner and he must be someone in your life.

The seventh house, where Mars will be visiting until September 14 , usually points to a serious contractual relationship, which could be your marriage partner, as one example.

Until September 14, Mars will be in your seventh house. It usually points to a serious contractual relationship, for example, it could be your marriage partner.

If you are getting married or buying a house together, you would be interacting quite a bit with your romantic partner. If you are a writer, you and your editor will be huddled together, or if you are taking lessons with an acting coach, your coach will figure prominently in your life this month, perhaps because you are getting ready for a new role. If you are planning a big advertising campaign, you may be working closely with your advertising director to strategize and get all the plans just right. If you are getting married, your wedding planner may feel like a member of your family because you are seeing her so often.

If you're getting married or buying a house together, you'll have a lot of interactions with your loved one. If you're a writer, you'll be huddled together with your editor, or you're taking a class with an acting coach who will take a big place in your life this month, perhaps because you're preparing for a new role. If you're planning a big campaign, you'll probably work closely with your advertising director to develop a strategy to get all the plans right. If you're getting married soon, your wedding planner may feel like you're part of your family because you see each other a lot.

Venus will be in Virgo until August 15, during which time your relationship with your partners will go especially smoothly. Venus will bring out your charms, for Venus is known to smooth and soften anything she touches, bringing harmony and balance to all relationships, whether in love or business.

Venus will remain in Virgo until August 15th, during which time your relationship with your partner will be particularly smooth. Venus will show your charm. Venus is known to soothe and soften anything it comes into contact with, bringing harmony and balance to all relationships, whether in love or business.

Now let’s talk about the beautiful full moon of August 22, one of the sweetest, most sparkling full moons in all of 2021. It will fall in Aquarius, your twelfth house of solitude and privacy. The twelfth house is considered the natural house belonging to Pisces, so you are comfortable with this area of the chart—it feels like home. You understand the areas the twelfth house rules in ways the other signs don’t.

Now, let's talk about the beautiful full moon on August 22, one of the sweetest and brightest full moons of 2021. It will fall on your twelfth house, Aquarius – a symbol of solitude and privacy. The twelfth house is considered to be the house of nature that belongs to Pisces, so you feel comfortable in this area and feel like you are back at home. You understand the rules of the twelfth house as much as you don't understand other constellations.

The twelfth house, being emphasized so strongly on and near August 22, is considered a hub of enormous creativity, for in this area of the chart, ideas spring up from the deep well of the subconscious. You would be wise to spend time alone working on an artistic project at this time, for your ideas would be positively brilliant.

The twelfth house is so strongly emphasized around August 22 that it is considered the center of great creativity, because in this area of the star map ideas emerge from the deep wells of the subconscious. You'd better take a moment at this time to do an art project on your own, because your ideas are sure to be great.

This house is also the house of healing of the mind, body, and spirit. If you have had a problem that has troubled you, you could not wish for a better time to consult a therapist for an insightful perspective on your current dilemma. Of course, this house also deals with your physical body, and if you need surgery, this could also be an ideal time to schedule it.

This position is also the place of healing of the mind, body, and spirit. If you have a problem that has been bothering you, you can't possibly find a better time than this to consult an expert and ask him to provide good advice on what you're currently struggling with. Of course, this uterine position also deals with your physical problems, which is also an ideal time to schedule surgery if you need surgery.

The reason I am so excited about this full moon of August 22 is that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be tightly conjunct the full moon, bringing all of Jupiter’s abundance and happiness to you at this time. Jupiter is also considered a great healer and is the one associated with miracles. Jupiter will help you with your creative efforts too, especially near August 22, from August 20 to August 27.

The reason why I am so excited about the full moon on August 22 is because Jupiter (the giver of gifts and luck) will be closely bound to the full moon, bringing you the abundance and happiness of Jupiter at this time. Jupiter is also considered a great healer, a planet associated with miracles. From August 20th to August 27th, Jupiter will help you with creative endeavors, especially around August 22nd.

If you want to take up meditation, this full moon will be the time to do it. I find I missed going to Mass during the pandemic, so if you prefer prayer to meditation, that’s okay too, for prayer comes under the twelfth house as well.

If you want to meditate, this full moon is best for you to meditate. I found that I missed Mass during the pandemic, so if you prefer prayer to meditation, that's okay because prayer also belongs to the twelfth house.

I was in a church lately and didn’t realize the doors are now open for services on a regular basis. My former husband had recently died, and I have been in mourning over his loss (we were close, having been married 17 years). Going to church made me feel very close to God and all the people I loved who have departed. I realize I need more church, not less, for it helps me on a day-to-day basis. Maybe you feel that way, too.

I was in a church recently and didn't realize that the doors of the church are now open regularly. My husband recently passed away and I have been mourning his death (we are in a great relationship and have been married for 17 years). Going to church made me feel very close to God and all the departed people I loved. I realized I needed more time in church because it helped me every day. Maybe you feel that way too.

I tell you this because the twelfth house is a mysterious house that many students of astrology have problems grasping, perhaps because its elements are so strongly tied to the unknown or unseen. This house has to do with the inner part of you—the part others don’t readily see—and at this full moon, this is where the emphasis and joy will be. If you have been feeling agitated, sad, or anxious doing some of the things I have outlined in your report (being along, centering on a creative activity, meditation or prayer, or seeing a therapist), this full moon can bring you to a more centered, strong, and balanced state—and one that makes you hopeful and optimistic about your future.

I tell you this because the zodiac is a mysterious house that is so difficult for many astrology students to understand, perhaps because its elements are intimately connected to unknown or invisible things. This house position is related to your inner being, which is something that no one else can see, and this is where this full moon is emphasized and joyful. If you feel irritable, sad, or anxious about some of the things mentioned in this horoscope (always or focused on creative activities, meditation or prayer, or going to see a therapist, etc.), this full moon can put you in a more focused, strong, and balanced state, leaving you hopeful and optimistic about the future.

Pisces likes to be with friends, but as a Pisces, you also need equal time alone to reflect on recent events and take time to daydream about the future. Daydreaming is an essential activity for anyone of any sign, but you, dear Pisces, have brought daydreaming to high art. People who don’t think about the future don’t understand how helpful daydreaming can be.

Pisces loves to be with friends, but as a Pisces, you also need time to think about what's happened recently and to envision the future. Longing is an essential activity for any zodiac sign, but dear Pisces, you have elevated your vision to a higher art. People who don't think about the future don't understand how useful vision can be.

Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, is in Aquarius, but he just recently took a short trip into Pisces from May 13 to July 28. That may have marked a great time for you, doubly so if your birthday falls from February 19 to February 25, you have Pisces rising (0 to 2 degrees), or your natal moon is in that sign and degree. If you have a natal planet in very early degrees of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you, too, may have scored a victory.

Jupiter, the big planet that represents good luck, is in Aquarius, but he recently made a short trip to Pisces from May 13 to July 28. This can be a great moment for you, if your birthday runs from February 19th to February 25th and your ascending Pisces or Moon sign is 0 to 2 degrees. If you have an intrinsic planet at a small angle in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, you may also be able to win.

Jupiter is coming back to Pisces on December 29 of this year to stay a long time. This is the first time in 12 years Jupiter will visit your sign (and continue to visit your sign), so that time will be breathtakingly exciting.

Jupiter will return to Pisces on December 29 and stay there for a long time. This is the first time Jupiter has visited your sign in 12 years (and will continue to stay in your sign), so this time will be exciting.

Some of your dearest dreams are poised to come true. You are in the wings now, almost ready to step onto center stage and be the celestial favorite in your sparkling Emerald Year. It’s only five months away, so be ready, dear Pisces!

Some of the dreams you value most are about to come true. You now seem to have wings on your back, ready to step to the center of the stage and become the darling of God in the shining lucky years. There are still five months left, so get ready, dear Pisces!

I have several more piece of chocolate for you. The full moon of August 22 will bring you such happiness. The moon is the natural ruler of your fifth house of love, so if you have a blind date on this day, August 22, it should go quite well—the chemistry between you should set off special sparks. If you are attached, you can bond closer together when a lovely episode occurs over this gorgeous moon.

I also have a few pieces of chocolate for you. The full moon on August 22 will bring you happiness. The moon is the natural ruler in charge of love in the fifth house, and if you arrange a blind date on August 22, it will be smooth, and the spark of love between you will be very special. If you're married, you can bond more closely when a lovely episode takes place on this beautiful full moon.

The moon also rules your domestic condition, so you may have good news about your home or family situation. If you need to move, look at spaces in the days on or near this full moon.

The moon is also in charge of your family situation, and you may have good news about your family or family. If you need to move, go and see where you're moving on or near the full moon.

Finally, Jupiter is associated with your tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievement, so it appears you are getting ready to unveil a big project you’ve been doing in secret, or you may be the subject of rare publicity for work well done. At this full moon, August 22, your instincts will be right on the money. This month, it will be essential that you listen to your intuition and the inner whisperings of your heart, for doing so will lead you exactly to where you want to be.

Finally, Jupiter is associated with the tenth house of honors, awards, and achievements in your profession, so it looks like you're preparing to announce a big project that you've been working on in secret, or you might be a rare public figure for your excellent work. With the full moon on August 22, your instincts about money will be correct. This month, it's important to listen to your instincts and heart, because doing so will take you where you want to go.

Susan Miller Original August 2021 Pisces Horoscope (Full Edition) Pisces Horoscope For August 2021 YOUR HOROSCOPE BY SUSAN MILLER


The August 8 new moon in Leo (and the days and weeks to follow) may find you making appointments for medical screenings and tests that you know you need to do regularly. With Saturn opposed to your Sun at this new moon, you need to take good care of yourself. An hour at the doctor’s office can change the course of your life by keeping you feeling your best.

With the New Moon on August 8 in Leo (and the next few days and weeks), you may find that you need regular checkups and check-ups. Saturn is opposite the Sun during the New Moon, and you need to take good care of yourself. Even spending an hour in a doctor's office can keep you in top shape and change the trajectory of your life.

The new moon in Leo of August 8 will likely make you extremely busy at work with new and former clients sending in projects that need to be done and shipped. If you hoped to take a vacation in August, you may have to suddenly postpone it, but be glad business is so good and that your services are in demand. Yet there are a lot of crosscurrents at this new moon that can range from annoying to shocking, so we all have to buckle up. When Uranus is in a bad mood and thumping around the heavens (as he will be at this new moon), it’s impossible to guess what he will do, for being unpredictable is his nature. It may help to know that other people around you will be feeling more frazzled at this time of the month too, so allow them some slack.

Leo's New Moon on August 8 will most likely keep your work very busy, as new or existing customers will send items that need to be completed or shipped. If you're hoping to take a long vacation in August, you may have to postpone it suddenly, but it's nice to know that business is so good and your service is in high demand. However, there are a lot of unexpected things happening this new moon, from annoying to shocking, so we all have to go all out. Uranus is in a bad mood, and when he is banging in the sky (as he does at the new moon), it is impossible to guess what he will do, because his nature is unpredictable. You're not the only one who's being adversely affected at this time, and others around you are also feeling more tired, so let them relax.

It looks like you can take a few sweet weekend tips away for a welcome change of pace. If you go, you might need to focus on a project, so bring your computer with you. That doesn’t mean you won’t have time to relax and unwind—you will. You may take a spontaneous trip over August 20-21 which would turn out fantastic. If you can, leave a little earlier, on August 19, and make it a long weekend.

You can bring some guides for a weekend trip to change the pace of your life. If that's the case, you may need to focus on a project during your vacation, so bring your computer with you. That doesn't mean you don't have time to relax. You might take a walk-and-go trip on August 20-21 and the results will be great. If you can, set off before August 19 and make it a small long holiday.

In terms of your closest relationships, action planet Mars recently moved into your opposite sign of Virgo late last month and is set to stay until September 14. Mars will provide you the time and motivation to give your spouse loving quality time and attention.

In terms of your closest relationships, Mars, known for its actions, entered your Virgo in late July and continued until September 14. Mars will give you the time and motivation to share the warmth and sweetness with your loved ones.

No partner? Mars will give you the courage to be open and ready to meet new people. Mars is known to be capable of making you more magnetic and charming, so be confident when you venture out. Encourage your friends to make an introduction, and endeavor to see what the world holds for you.

No lover? Mars will give you courage to open your heart and prepare you to meet someone new. Mars is known to make you more attractive and attractive, so be confident when you're out. Encourage your friends to make an introduction and make an effort to understand what the world has in store for you.

If you regularly make use of a one-on-one collaboration at work, that person can be very helpful to you now. Your agent may bring in a great new job, or your acting coach may prepare you so well for an audition that you are selected in the starring role. No matter who you might work with closely, that person will prove to be a gem to you now (that includes your accountant or lawyer, too).

If your job is one-on-one collaboration, the person will be very helpful to you right now. For example, your agent might bring a great new job, or your acting coach might be so well prepared for your audition that you were chosen to star. Whoever you work closely with, that person will now be your treasure (including your accountant or lawyer too).

Turning to another topic, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, made a short visit to Pisces from May 13 to July 28, but now has orbited back into Aquarius for the rest of 2021. This was big news for you, for Jupiter has not been in Pisces for 12 years. Actions you took, especially in July, appear to be almost ready to bear great fruit. There is no reason to be blue that Jupiter has moved back to Aquarius, dear Pisces, for Jupiter will move into Pisces on December 29 of this year, and he will be ready to make 2022 one of the best years of your life.

Another topic, Jupiter (the giver of gifts and luck) made a brief visit to Pisces from May 13 to July 28, but now includes returning to Aquarius for the rest of 2021. This is a big event for you, because Jupiter hasn't been in Pisces for 12 years. The actions you have taken, especially in July, seem ready to bear fruit. Dear Pisces, Jupiter has returned to Aquarius and there is no reason to be frustrated as it will enter Pisces on December 29 of this year and it will make 2022 the best year of your life.

If your birthday falls in late February or you have natal planets in early degrees of Pisces, Jupiter will still be close enough in out-of-sign conjunction to a heavenly aspect that you may see the fullness of the bounty that Jupiter can bring at the full moon, August 22, plus five days. This is one happy full moon, and one you will treasure in a year that has not offered many special ones.

If your birthday is in late February, or if your natal planet is located at a small angle in the constellation pisces, Jupiter will still be very close to the celestial signs, and you may see Jupiter pay off on the full moon on August 22 and the five days before and after that. It's a happy full moon and you'll cherish it throughout the year because there's nothing more special about it.

The full moon of August 22 is as sweet as a peach—one of the best of 2021. It will arrive with Jupiter in your twelfth house, an area of the chart that naturally rules Pisces. This tells me you will love the episodes that occur on or within five days after August 22 (or two days prior).

The full moon on August 22 is as sweet and juicy as a peach, and it's the best of 2021. It will reach your twelfth house with Jupiter, the region on the astrolabe that governs the nature of Pisces. This tells me you'd love what happened on or five days after August 22nd (or two days in advance).

Spend a little time alone, away from the cacophony of voices around you, and focus on a creative project. Also, spend time dreaming of your future, for the universe can’t give you what you want if you don’t know what that might be.

You are about to enter your Emerald Year on December 29 of this year to make 2022 the finest year you’ve ever experienced. Know what you want, and the universe will do its best to see that you get it. You have a fantastic future.

Take a moment to be alone, away from the cacophony of sounds around you, and focus on a creative project. Also, take the time to plan your future. Because if you don't know what the future is, the universe won't give you what you want.

You'll enter your future glorious year of 2022 on December 29th of this year, making it the best year you've ever experienced. Knowing what you want, the universe will do its best to get you there. You have a great future.

(Note: The original text of this article is from the Susan Miller English website:, Chinese converted with the help of Baidu translation, please indicate the translator - self-talk M. )

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