
"Moon Luck" Susan Miller October 2018 Constellation Constellation Shot Mosso

author:Star Translation Agency

Susan Miller, a famous American astrologer, the first of the top ten astrologers in the United States, the most popular astrologer in the world, is loved by Chinese readers, and is loved by everyone as "three mothers". The horoscope style is guided by events.

Please note the name of the star translation agency and the translator

Susan Miller October 2018 Horoscope Sagittarius – Translator: Pa

[Note: Considering the time difference and the gradual effect of the astrological signs, the dates mentioned in the article can be referred to for a few days before and after. 】

Your big moment is coming next month, and you'll be crowned the crown of the darlings of the universe, a rare glory that only happens every 12 years. You have been working hard and believe that the feng shui turns, and eventually you will usher in your lucky moment, and finally, your ship is coming, dear Sagittarius. Like all major astrological events, the stars gather behind your backstage to encourage you to stop your busy life like a carousel and think hard about what you hope to achieve in the dazzling year ahead.

You might say that everyone has their own goals that they most want to achieve. I found that this wasn't always the case. I've met people from all over the world, and when I ask them what they want to happen in a special year for them, some people start looking at the sky and saying with confused eyes that it's so hard to answer. You can also visualize the details of future success, and the more likely you are to seize the opportunity for success. Imagine you're a movie star and go through the movie in your head. What kind of story will you imagine for the protagonist of the movie, that is, you?

You can think about it until November 8th, and after this day, the Cosmic Orchestra will start playing, the audience will be seated, the curtain will open, and you will walk on the stage to the spotlight. Starting November 8, 2018, you will be the most favored of all the constellations in the universe, until December 2, 2019, which lasted 13 months.

When you have amazing cosmic powerhouses, you can choose which areas of your life you want to see the most out of. In other words, you don't need to limit your good fortune to one area. You can make wishes for both your personal and professional fields. Although Jupiter will only enter Sagittarius a little over a year after November 8th, it's good to have your wish list ready before the Sagittarius New Moon on December 6th.

There are other reasons why December 6 is so important. I'll give you a closer look.

Venus will start retrograde from October 5 to November 16. Venus is infrequently retrograde, occurring every 18 months. On the day Venus turns prograde, its little brother, Mercury, known for his clever tricks, begins to retrograde from November 16 to December 6. You see, December 6th is the day when we finally get rid of all retrogradeness, and it is also the day of the Sagittarius crescent moon, opening the time tunnel for you to your deepest desires. You have to complete the parts that require your effort, but you also have important cosmic boosts.

I know you may have been tired of hearing the stars go backwards without moving, because the stars are sleeping when they are retrograde and are not fully supportive of us. This means that delays and changes in direction are difficult to make progress.

Venus is in charge of feminine beauty and masculine charm, so when Venus retrogrades this month from October 5, you must not schedule any experimental skin treatments.

I have two friends who don't know each other and live in different parts of the United States. Both people tried new skin treatments, resulting in permanent scars on their faces. They were treated many years ago, and the date of the treatment coincided with the retrograde time of Venus. Their scars have not faded until now. One of them was treated with radioactive microneedling. Although they all told me that I could cover these scars with concealer, they could see them after removing makeup.

Before I heard the same problem from other readers, I had no idea that Venus retrograde would cause such lasting damage.

Do not arrange for skinlifts, fillings, botulinum injections, cosmetic braces in October or November, and for women, do not dye exaggerated new hair colors or cut a completely different hairstyle. Yes, Venus will return to anterograde on November 16, but Mercury will then retrograde, so it is safer to schedule on or after December 6. Of course, most of the general beauty is no problem, a little trimming of hair and other routine small actions can be done, but do not have a big change in appearance behavior.

Venus retrograde is not suitable for single Sagittarius to start a new relationship, so stay at home, do what needs to be done, and plan to socialize at a holiday party. Venus is now in your twelfth house, so you might be tempted to have a relationship with a married person, and in the end it will only break your heart. Jupiter will meet a lot of wonderful potential romantics after jupiter enters Sagittarius next month, and it would be a shame to waste your golden years on someone who is not single and will never be with you when you need it.

Ancient astrologers believed that when the giver Jupiter entered your sign, it was the best year of the 12 years to meet true love. You'll have this energy for a full year from next month, from November 7, 2018 to December 2, 2019. Jupiter is your main star, making this period doubly special for you.

When Venus is retrograde, you may want to repair a past friendship, you may miss each other, and your contradictions at that time seem to be of no importance at all compared to the happiness you have for each other. Romantic lovers of the past may also return, and you have to see how you feel about them.

The theme of friendship is very strong, because the new moon on October 8 will inspire your eleventh house. This palace is in charge of your good friends and newcomers, as well as any acquaintances who might become true friends. If you're a politician, the throne also governs your constituents, and if you're an actor or other public figure, it means an audience that loves you. It governs your Twitter followers and other social media, such as other members of the clubs you're involved in, whether social or professional.

This new moon will receive energy rays from Mars, and now Mars is in a new and powerful state, and interestingly, it is in the good state it was in before the new moon on October 8. You may travel to meet friends, or this month you will have more phone calls and text messages with your friends. Neptune and Venus are so loving that you might have a small dinner party at home (Neptune is in your family's palace) and have friends you haven't seen in a long time chatting together.

Neptune is in a strong and positive state this month, which will also encourage you to participate in charity dinners at all levels. Neptune is in charge of sympathy, and when it talks to Venus, even if Venus is retrograde, you may feel like something has to be done to help those in need. Humanitarian projects also belong to the eleventh house, so you might join an organization to help prevent rhino extinction, save corals or join a community resource recovery project. These are just some of the ideas for your reference.

Retrograde stars have their own ideas because they deliberately slow us down. They urge us to think about what we're doing, which direction we're going. If you are constantly acting, putting out fires, and taking into account the needs of others, it is easy to escape from the major problems in life and thus lose sight of the big picture. Retrograde stars make you slow down to see the big picture and ask yourself, can you make your life better? Which traits do you possess that are special and rare? There are a lot of questions to ask.

Two days this month won't be particularly positive. Avoid anything important on October 10th. Don't sign a contract (oh my God!) ), interview or presentation. Don't do an annual review with your boss on this day, and don't ask your partner or lover about controversial topics. Mercury and Uranus, which has a temporary unexpected color, will be a difficult day, what you think will happen will not happen, but the unexpected will come, and the end may be beyond control.

Oct. 10 will also bring troublesome news, which is related to a career emergency situation and may affect your reputation and status in the industry. This thing will throw you off balance. You need to fix it as soon as possible, and if you hesitate or let it go, it can cause financial losses. October 10th isn't friendly to anyone, so don't ask for help or schedule important professional/private meetings on this day.

The Taurus full moon on October 24 is also challenging. This full moon occurs in the sixth house, which represents health, and you will feel compelled to stop a harmful habit. It could be almost anything, but it's ultimately a habit you know you have to break. If you need help from a therapist, this month is a great place to find the perfect candidate.

This month is also suitable for meditation and prayer, dialogue with the inside, touching the depths of the soul of the self. This full moon sounds like a warning bell, making you realize you need to change, although it may sound harsh at first. If you haven't been exercising, now is a good time to start working out, provided your doctor agrees that your physical condition is appropriate. If you have surgery, be sure to follow your doctor's advice.

Speaking of doctors, you've been delaying annual physical examinations and screenings before, and this month is the ideal time to complete them. Including ophthalmologists and dentists, can also be added to the list. You have to enter your own Jupiter incidence year in the best condition.

On the job front, the october 24th full moon will urge you to hurry up and complete a project or negotiation. Sagittarius is always a candid rectum, but this full moon, being too frank can cause you to lose a client (especially for a freelance shooter), a friend, or a lover. In any case, the most diplomatic side should be brought out, because Uranus-Full Moon is linked, and it is opposed to Venus-Sun, and each constellation will become sensitive and irritable during this full moon. The eighth house ruled by the moon involves commissions, transfer fees, debts, credit cards, etc., so the monetary aspect may face instability and losses – so it is more important to treat customers well.

I'm not saying that October 24 is a bad month, but there are really other difficult situations, such as the law, media (publishing, broadcasting or electronics) in the hands of the Ninth House, international relations, customs, long-distance travel, immigration (green cards, visas, passports, nationalities) or academic matters. Stay alert, you can't predict which topic will emerge, but because of the Uranus-Sun hedge, one of these topics is likely to require your attention.

Fortunately, Saturn forms an ideal angle with the sun and the full moon, sending gentle messages to the sun and moon. You seem to be making a decision, and you're likely to make a good decision, one that will lead to long-term stability and financial security. You will find that at first you are worried about the news brought by the full moon, but the earth father appears in an instant, and the big move is made to help you find a suitable solution.

The best day of October, the 29th, counts as one, when Mercury-Jupiter is associated in Scorpio, the zodiac that holds the secret. Jupiter is the star that guards you, so this sign will cast double the brilliance on you. The 29th is Monday, if you can, choose Monday to take a long holiday out of town that weekend. It's also the perfect five-star day for signing a contract, giving a presentation or interviewing. Venus is retrograde at the end of the month, so if your product or service is aimed at female customers, you should wait until December 6 to announce it to the world.


Friends will bring joy to your life and help you find ways to relax. If you're planning to join a new social or professional club, the New Moon on October 8 and the week after that are the best time to deliver your application. You'll benefit from going out and making new friends. At the same time, new roads can be tried. For example, if you want to fall in love at work, but it doesn't happen, then you need to cast a bigger net.

Venus presides over the eleventh house, which represents friends and acquaintances. Venus retrogrades from October 5 to November 16 and may bring back friends who have not been seen for a long time. It should be fun to reunite with the past. If you want to do a charity performance, you may have to work harder than usual to succeed, but you will definitely be able to do it.

You're used to the graceful illumination of Venus, and retrograde stars put their most powerful forces into a dormant and hidden state. You'll have to find your way for yourself without the help of Venus and find the right way to raise money. Venus is not only about love and beauty, it's also about money. Any star retrograde requires you to review what you did before and then use that information to improve your approach and efficiency to move forward better.

Mars is symbolizing the third house of travel, heralding the possibility of encountering love if you take a short trip from October to mid-November (Mars is the guardian star of the House of True Love). Drive to the autumn foliage spots, pumpkins and fresh corn from roadside farmers' stalls, and apples ripe for you to pick on the branches. Do you live in the Southern Hemisphere? Spring is just waiting to bloom, and you'll enjoy the variety of flowers and petals.

Mars is in Aquarius, the third house, and it not only encourages you to take short trips by car, but also urges you to write reports, book manuscripts, computer code or design mobile phone programs. Sagittarius is a well-published constellation known for being the best at creating high-grossing suspense novels that readers love. If you've always wanted to write a book, even if you're already an experienced writer, Mars will encourage you to start writing. You may create impactful results.

At the same time, you will negotiate an important contract this month. Mercury and Jupiter met on Monday, October 29, the best day of the month to sign an important contract. You have to make sure to make good use of this day, this is a gift from the universe to love you.

The full moon on October 24 will affect your work, and you will have all the energy necessary to combine many floating branches and complete a big project. If you have a team working with you, you can gather your teammates to show their best strength, reap successful results, and achieve all your goals.

But at this point Uranus is in opposition to the sun, so you'll have trouble with foreigners, customs, or shipping. If the project is for overseas clients, you should find a way to deliver the results to the client without complicated official documents. The full moon receives a strange aura from Uranus, so you'll want to make sure at the outset that all parties understand the terms of the project and how the fees will be paid, including any fees that may be overrun. Only in this way can you stay sane and sober in the complex and contradictory messages of the full moon.

Susan Miller October 2018 Horoscope Capricorn – Translator: No Illusion

This will eventually be the year that teaches us patience. Mars, the planet that helps you launch ideas and business into the stratosphere, is in retrograde mode from June 26 to August 27. Mars retrograde makes it difficult to land new products and services, and it is also difficult to bring new ideas to market. Although Mars has resumed its anterograde since August 27, no planet can immediately regain its full energy — they need time to regain their previous strength. Happily, Mars will regain its full strength on October 8th.

During the two-month slumber on Mars in July and August, his little brother Mercury also imitated his retrograde from July 25 to August 18. When September comes, you sigh, hoping that this is the end of the retrograde state of constantly setting up obstacles. Oh, dear Capricorn, this is not the case.

All planets will go backwards, but the ones that affect us the most are the three planets closest to Earth's orbit – Mercury, Venus and Mars. Mercury retrogrades three times a year; Venus, which retrogrades every 18 months; and Mars, every 2 years.

Venus will retrograde from October 5th to November 16th, and she oversees a wide and profound realm of love, pleasure, beauty and appearance, art and money. For Capricorn, Venus rules your tenth house of fame, prestige, and achievement, so it will affect your career. All of these areas will enter a temporary downturn. That's why I say what 2018 is going to teach us is patience. Let's take a closer look at each condition, and the positive side of Venus's retrograde.

Before I begin, I admit that when Venus returned to antagonism on November 16th, Mercury began to retrograde on this day like a mischievous little ghost next door, until December 6th. The good thing about this is that, for the first time in all these years, we'll have a fun holiday shopping period, and this time Mercury won't come to mess around.

By the way, if you remember, Mercury did a lot of damage to the buy-buy campaign almost every time last December, because it was retrograde from December 3rd to 22nd. It is very difficult to find the right gift when Mercury drops the chain. Last year brought difficulties for retailers, and after the holidays, there will be a lot of returns. Most astrology practitioners know that the only way they can handle mercury conditions is to buy shopping vouchers and mark which one to give to whom to be on the safe side. This year, thankfully, we don't have to fight this situation anymore, you can pick and choose gifts more creatively and have more confidence in them.

Retrograde planets are also valuable, though, because they slow us down and give us enough time to think about where we're going and what we want to achieve. Sometimes life is too busy, and the whole year has passed, and it is too late to think deeply about whether we are on the right path or whether we should turn in a new direction.

Capricorns, your tenth house of the Sun has Libra, the fifth house of the Sun has Taurus, and Venus is the guardian star of Taurus and Libra.

Let's talk about love first, and then I'll mention your career. Ancient astrologers did not recommend starting a new relationship when Venus was retrograde. Venus brings warm feelings and feelings of love, but when she's retrograde and she's asleep, we have no way of getting the qualities of her best. The danger is that your new relationship will cool down in the short term.

The fifth house also governs pregnancy and childbirth, and surrogacy surgery is very expensive. If you're going to do that, unless your budget isn't capped, I want you to avoid the Venus retrograde from October 5th to November 16th and the Mercury retrograde from November 16th to December 6th. These recommendations also apply to women who intend to do egg freezing – wait a few more weeks.

Venus is in charge of your fifth house of love, but is currently passing through your eleventh house of friendship. This is where you enjoy Venus retrograde because you'll meet some friends from the past, the kind you haven't seen in a long time. It will be fun to meet again.

Venus is currently located in Scorpio, a sign of representation, money, and power, so if you have previously misbehaved, or abused sexual behavior, Venus retrograde will once again trigger a discussion about these events. I'm sure that doesn't apply to you.

Venus also governs beauty, so neither men nor women should have a face loss, botulinum toxin injection, cosmetic dentistry, or experimental dermatological treatment. I never knew that Venus Retrograde would wreak havoc on your face, but I have two friends who tried the treatment and it worked badly afterwards. (The two friends don't know each other and don't even live in an area of the United States.) )

Their treatment left a wound that could not be healed. Tiny marks on a woman's face can be masked with concealer, but every day after removing makeup, you can see the scars, reminding you that you should not have done this experimental treatment. I know one friend went for a radioactive microneedle, an unverified procedure, and I'm not sure if any other friend has done it – she doesn't want to talk about that. These revelations caught my attention, which is why I stress that you should not do treatments that have not been tried now. In both cases, a trusted dermatologist made my friends the subject of experimental research.

Now let's talk about your career. Venus is in charge of your tenth house, the house of fame and achievement, and you know, venus is going to be retrograde soon. Things get a little complicated.

The new moon occurs on October 8 at 15 degrees in the constellation of Libra, and the guardian star of Libra is Venus, so the crescent moon will be in the tenth house of careers ruled by Venus. This new moon conveys a mixed message. Mars in Aquarius has now regained its original power, located in your second house of resources, firing friendly rays towards the sun and crescent moon in the tenth house. This means that the money you are given will delight you, and the job in question is not a job that looks glamorous but has little money. The job has both prestige and a solid salary. You'll hear about it within ten days of the new moon on October 8.

However, the powerful Pluto has difficulty matching the new moon. Make sure you don't ask for too much (or make the interviewer think you're asking for too much, even if you never wanted to behave that way). In other words, you could be your own worst enemy, so be careful. Another possibility is that there are some significant people who aren't sure you're the right person for the position, so you need to be very organized and give reasons to prove that you're the perfect candidate for the position.

Uranus hedged against the full moon and told me that you will have competitors for this job and be very competitive, so you have to be on call at any time. It's not something you can do with imagination alone.

Here the plot becomes complicated: Venus is retrograde, and a crescent moon occurs in the position she controls. It is possible that the good position that belonged to you before was given to the wrong person. The company now realizes that you are the right person for the position and has re-offered you the position after transferring that person to another department. Anything from the past this month will be positive.

Venus's retrograde also requires you to decide whether this new job will take you where you want to go. Maybe it will lead you to the perfect place. But if not, don't get paid well enough to convince you to accept the job, disrupting your progress and getting you off track.

I don't want you to doubt yourself, I'm just simply asking questions. Venus's retrograde requires you to reposition, re-examine, rethink your career goals, and meet those who have always trusted you, to feel the great scenes you have done over the years. Only you can decide what to do, but it looks like you will have a career opportunity to consider.

Now let's look at a troublesome day, October 10th, you don't schedule any important interviews, speeches, or personal life related to love pregnancies and children. Mercury and Uranus will hedge in your eleventh house of hope and the fifth house of love. It's not a good day for a first date. Either way, avoid signing contracts or verbally confirming any new venture capital investments on this day.

Next up is the full moon on October 24th, located at 1 degree Taurus, which will also bring some opposition and difficulties for some. This full moon will illuminate your fifth house, the Palace of True Love.

The Celestial Palace will coincide with the full moon, causing the emotions in the love relationship to become very unstable. The full moon of Uranus is enough to make you (and everyone) nervous, and even more exaggeratedly, the full moon and Uranus will directly hedge against the sun and Venus. So much heavy planetary energy is gathered during a short full moon. The first two days and the last four days: October 22 to 28 will be easy to get emotional.

Whether you are single or company, this day has the potential to shock your world. The Sun is involved in this dispute, and money may become the main content of the debate. As crazy as it sounds, your career may be the focus of argument, or maybe your partner feels forgotten because the work grabs your main attention. That way, you want to make sure your lover is important to you as well.

If you're divorcing and fighting for custody of your children, warn your lawyer that there may be arguments, even if you haven't seen that yet. If you want to get pregnant, but have been having difficulties, this is not a good month for artificial insemination. Female readers, if you want to freeze eggs to buy yourself time for true love (or you've met and now want to have kids), wait until December or January to arrange these things.

There is one exception to this rule. If your birthday is four days before or after December 21st, the 1st full moon in Taurus is in good phase with your sun. The same applies if you have a Capricorn rise of 1 degree or the Moon of Life. In these cases, this full moon is not difficult for you, but in your favor. You'll still feel something, but it's not as difficult to compare yourself to other people.

If you're near a full moon, if the discussion is so intense that you find it difficult to communicate with someone nearby, after listening to the other person say what he has to say, I suggest you consider the answer together. On one of the best days of the month, meet again on October 29th. On this day, Mercury and Jupiter will merge in your eleventh house of hope, and in Scorpio, getting along well with your zodiac sign. At the same time, a friend will give you valuable advice, because the location of the two planets together also governs the friendship. October 29th is a five-star day, rare and special.

Use October 29th as a day to give a speech, sign an agreement, submit a report or manuscript, buy or sell valuables, negotiate a home, negotiate a business, or travel. The light of the day shines on the weekend of October 27-28, and if you can also rest on Monday 29th, you can have a three-day weekend vacation that shines brightly.

After the Libra New Moon on October 8th, your career will be your top priority, but you need to be patient as you work to advance your professional status. Pluto's difficult phase with the crescent moon and sun means that you may be fighting for a promotion or a new position, but someone at the top is not quite sure that you are the absolute dominant player for that position. Or, you may find yourself asking too much for salary and benefits (even if you don't), so pay attention to how you communicate and negotiate, and what you show.

The moon is in charge of your competitors, and obviously you have more opponents than you think, and the material you provide during your speeches and interviews must be sharp and powerful. The good phase of Mars with the Sun means you may find your salary lucrative. The position discussed comes with responsibility and power, and the salary also matches such a position. The Sun also controls your paycheck, mainly in terms of allowances and benefits, but the Sun and Pluto phases are difficult, so the allowances and year-end bonuses you hear may not be as generous as you would like.

Trying to solve this problem, but Venus retrograde from October 5th to November 16th, luck is a bit bad, because Venus rules your tenth house, which is your house of fame, rewards and achievements. Venus is ineffective when it is in a rare retrograde state. It means that you will encounter a lot of obstacles in the process of getting a job, and as you gradually approach it, it is possible that you will not want it anymore.

Not all opportunities are right for you, only you can decide. If you've been unemployed lately, any job is better than being unemployed, because it's easier to change jobs because you have a job. Assuming you really want the job and Venus is retrograde in your eleventh house of friendship, it's likely that an influential friend will help you say nice things, and that's different.

It's also possible that you'll get a job from an OEM or company you've worked with before (but hired the wrong person). Either case could come back to you. That way, if you want to accept it, accept it. There are benefits to choosing to go back in time during planetary retrograde.

Venus Retrograde is asking you what your main goals are in your career, and if this new job is a strategic step in the overall plan, it's perfect. If not, this new job will take you in a different direction, do you think that's okay? Maybe, maybe not. Only you can decide. The point of Venus retrograde is that you need to think strategically and relate deeply to your own needs, rather than just looking at whether you are well paid.

For four days before and after the Taurus full moon on Wednesday, October 24, love will take over all your attention. You'll be amazed at what happened – someone you're dating might propose (or you'll want an impulsive proposal). There are endless possibilities – and crucially, surprises can be many. It's not just a surprise, you have to see the situation clearly and then say.

Uranus represents the accident, Uranus meets the full moon, and things will quickly crystallize. Mars is well-placed and gives you a valuable gift, if it's not a diamond, it could be an exciting trip, or whatever. Heck, guessing what Uranus is going to do is always futile, because it's always cleverly unexpected.

Uranus will hedge against the sun, meaning that whatever appears may require you to spend a large sum of money, either now or later. If you have a partner, money may be the focus of the debate right now. Venus will also be besieged, you will be distracted by things at work, and how to deal with this problem will be reflected in reputation. It's also possible that your lover feels neglected and complains that you spend too much time in the office.

The fifth house where the full moon falls also governs the children. You might be talking to someone you're dating about having children. If you have a partner who is divorcing, custody issues can arise, arguments can be heated and troubling, so be prepared.

On the bright side, Saturn will be in a good phase with the new moon, adding a commitment to long-term stability for what you choose to do. At the end of the month you do have to juggle several things, but it seems that you are very good at it, so step by step, you are fine.

It's best to interrupt the discussion, think about what was said, and then reorganize on Monday, October 29th, when the excitement of the full moon has completely calmed down. Monday, October 29th is a wonderful day, representing that Mercury will be in harmony with the good luck Jupiter. This day brings you the right words to help you and your loved one express your thoughts in a clear and friendly way. October 27-29 is the perfect three-day weekend time. Whatever form of travel or communication will be pure sacred and wonderful.

Susan Miller October 2018 Horoscope Aquarius – Translator: Wow Wang

Mars will stay in Aquarius until November 15th, which is a very good thing for you. This means you'll feel happy most of the time in October, as it's easier than usual to "get what you want." You're finally back in the dominant position. Maybe you'll say, "Wait, didn't Mars enter Aquarius since mid-May?" "Yes, it is. However, when Mars first entered Aquarius on May 15, it was already in a state of "insufficient power", and the speed of travel was getting slower and slower. By June 26, it had come to a standstill.

Mars desperately needs to rest, so he goes into a state of "deep sleep", and everyone loses his great power. If you've ever tried to start a very important project or want to find a new job, the whole process is likely to be very laborious. The past period was not a good time to start a new project or sign a contract. So, if you find yourself in a hurry to sign a contract that you want to sign that has been delayed because of some changes in the other company, don't be frustrated, and realize that these delays are good for you, and this is the way it should be.

On August 27, Mars finally ended its retrograde, but it couldn't help you yet. Like a man who had just been lying in a hammock for a few weeks, he could only barely stand up first. Throughout September, Mars is building up. He drinks nutritious drinks and works out in the gym. After October 8th, he was fully recovered! Yes!

Healthy and powerful Mars stays in its own sign, which is very beneficial for all Aquarius people, and this favorable situation will continue from October 8 to November 16. You'll be courageous, energetic, and driven, and you'll unite influencers in your career. You will be invincible, giving the impression of being confident, well-prepared, professional and strategic, because it was Mars that made you that way.

You can use these traits as your strengths. If you're looking for a new position, you can do it after the Scorpio Crescent on November 7. On November 8, Jupiter, a symbol of good fortune, will leave Scorpio, the tenth house of Aquarius, to hold the house of fame, rewards, and achievements. Then come Sagittarius, the eleventh house of Aquarius, the house that governs friends and social groups.

Jupiter has been in Aquarius's career palace for a full year since October 10, 2017, protecting your career interests. But importantly, jupiter was still in Aquarius's career house when the Scorpio Crescent occurred on November 7. This is a new moon that is only once a year and can help you a lot in your career. Jupiter, on the other hand, comes to your career house every twelve years, so this new moon is very important.

For the next twelve years, your career will continue to be affected and empowered. But unlike now, when Jupiter stays in the career palace, it will be easier for the superior to see your value. The effects of the new moon usually last from six months to a year. The specific impact depends on the "celestial phenomenon" at the time of the new moon.

On the Monday of October 29, there will be a superstar for the cause, that is, "Mizuki Convergence". It will be a good five-star day that will allow you to impress all the important people. On this day, you may learn that a very reliable opportunity is coming, so you can't be more excited!

The most important thing now is that jupiter is miraculously still in Scorpio at the time of the Scorpio New Moon on November 7. This new moon sets the tone for the 10 days since its inception. What you talk to others about and the opportunities that are coming up depend on the way you manage things, giving you the power to change the year ahead, and possibly your life for years to come.

Over the past few months, especially since May, you have experienced some favorable astrological signs. But Mars retrograde has become the biggest obstacle to your progress.

In addition, Pluto is in charge of the tenth house of Aquarius, so it is important to remember that Pluto has been retrograde since April 22, but it has resumed its retrograde on September 30, helping you achieve business success, harmonious workplace relations and seize career opportunities (the retrograde period for large exoplanets is generally 5 months at a time).

Be sure to have a perfect resume ready (and if you can, a work that shows you) to deal with the big events that happen in your career after November 7. And, you have to be calm and productive, as Mercury will be retrograde between November 16 and December 7.

This month, Venus will also begin to retrograde, from October 5 to November 16. However, Venus's retrograde is not as strong as the last water retrograde (late June to late August).

The only situation that doesn't apply to the above is that you'll always be trading with people overseas, such as import and export trade, or you'll be dealing with customs all the time. Venus is in charge of the ninth house of Aquarius, the house that governs these affairs (import and export trade, customs). The Ninth House also oversees publishing, broadcasting, academia, universities, and legal affairs. Things in these areas will be delayed by Venus retrograde. There's only one reason the universe makes planets retrograde, giving you precious time to rethink your own methods and strategies, and giving you the opportunity to revisit people who have always trusted you and find ways to work with them.

The New Moon on October 8 occurs at 15 degrees in Libra, creating a swampy dilemma. This new moon also lights up the ninth house of Aquarius, which I mentioned earlier, which is governed by Venus. You may be traveling this month, as the Ninth House also manages long-distance travel, but make sure you are proficient in the details. Staying on Mars in Aquarius will provide you with the support and help you need during the New Moon. If you need to leave, do it. Help from Mars is very important because his position shows that your passion for success in something is very pure, and this purity will make you win.

Pluto in the zodiac of Aquarius will be in cahoots with the Sun and the New Moon in Libra, so be sure to pay attention to the man behind the scenes who could ruin your chances of making a deal or succeeding. Classical astrologers used the zodiac as the seat of the "secret enemy". The difficult person may become a cruel secret competitor, doing whatever it takes to win. This person may be working under your nose or at a competitor company, and it's not quite clear where it is.

I've mentioned this before, making sure that all the backdoors I write on my resume will give you a fair and positive review. If you are a little hesitant before writing about someone, then don't put him/her in it. Previously, I'd suggested you find an experienced friend to call the backdoor you listed and pretend to be the company you're interviewing for to make sure the fight didn't "betray" you. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just trying to make you aware of the possibility of this situation. Remember, Mars is in a great position for you.

If your birthday is on February 4 and within 5 days before and after that, you will be the one who can feel the impact of this new moon the most. The same applies if your ascending sign is at 15 degrees Aquarius and the tolerance is 5 degrees.

I'll take some time to tell you what it's best not to do during Venus Retrograde, which is a matter of your personal life. The period of golden inversion is not suitable for large-scale changes in appearance. Do not inject Botulinum toxin or undergo face lifting surgery, do not make major changes to the hairstyle, and do not undergo skin treatment.

Venus Retrograde is also not suitable for expensive luxury goods, jewelry or first dates. Venus rules love and beauty, but when she goes retrograde, her positive effects become minimal. If you start a relationship during the Golden Retrograde period, it is likely that the relationship will cool down quickly. It's also not a good time for an engagement, so let's wait until after December 6th, when it's a time of joy for parties and celebrations.

Now we have to turn our attention to your family, because a full moon is bound to draw your attention here.

The full moon on October 24 takes place in Taurus 1st degree, leaving you with people related to or associated with your family, real estate, or with your family. Venus has been retrograde since October 5, and she is in charge of the fourth house of Aquarius, so maybe you will start thinking about the time that needs to be resolved before, and something is about to reach the "critical mass". Maybe you'll meet with someone who fulfills the contract for the project, or you might move out or receive a piece of furniture, but these are just three of the possibilities.

It will be an "explosive" full moon, as Aquarius' main star, the unknown-filled Uranus, will merge with this full moon and directly hedge against the Sun and Venus. Maybe you'll have an angry head-on confrontation with your landlord, architect, contractor, interior designer, or your real estate agent. Since Venus, the main star of Taurus, is in a state of exhaustion, perhaps you won't be able to make a final decision during the full moon in Taurus. Even if you make a decision, the outcome may not be what you like.

If you must file a lawsuit, don't bring it up during the Golden Retrograde period (October 5 to November 16), which is also inappropriate when it just ends, because the Water Reversal just begins, from November 16 to December 6. Wait until December 18, when Venus, who is in charge of the law, has fully regained her powers. (Venus will be in full swing after December 18, and it won't be retrograde for the entire year of 2019.) By the way, I won't make decisions about things at home until December, but if you can't wait this long, opt for October 29th.

Uranus hedges against the sun and the full moon on October 24, which means that your partner will disagree with you, so now you have to face a whole new problem, which is to recall your partner to your plan. This person could be your lawyer, business partner, or anyone with whom you have a one-on-one intimate business relationship.

If your family or other real estate is in good condition and you don't see any problems, you may be helping your father or mother, who is in dire need of your care and advice. If that's the case, then you'll be quick to give an answer, because the full moon doesn't allow us to hesitate when it comes to solving the problem.

If your birthday is january 21-25, or if your ascending sign is in the 1-5 degrees Aquarius position, you will directly feel the impact of the full moon of October 24.

I mentioned earlier that October 29th is a good day for five stars. You may receive a text message, email, or a phone call that day, or you may receive an invitation to talk in advance. If that's the case, use October 29 to interview for a job. When you get the offer, you'll start a new job very quickly, probably just a few days before or after November 7. It is also possible to sign a contract or end house-related matters on the 29th, because Jupiter, which represents good luck, will make everything "go its own way", like magic.

Despite the bad astrological signs this month, there are enough planets on your side. So, dear bottle, get started now. You have what you need to be extremely successful, and you don't need to be reminded of that.

The Libra Crescent on October 8 takes place in the ninth house of Aquarius, so you may focus on one of the following areas: long-distance travel, international relationships, academic pursuits, legal affairs, trademark or patent applications, etc. There's a good chance you'll be involved in a publishing or broadcasting-related project. And, since Venus will go retrograde from October 5th to November 16th, you may experience some stranding and delay in these areas, because Venus happens to be in charge of the field. But you still have an ace, Mars, and he's going to be very powerful since October 8th.

At the same time, Pluto will be punished by the Sun and the New Moon in Libra, indicating that in the days after the New Moon, you have to deal with someone behind the scenes who is very difficult to see. But he's also the one who competes with you for the same business or job, and will compete with some very unfair and cruel means. Maybe you don't realize you're after a competition, so you have to act like you already know. Your first step is to make sure that the back-tuned contacts you give are people who are on your side and will have positive feedback on you. Colleagues, make sure the position you're fighting for is real. Sometimes people inside the company will push the work to their friends, but due to the requirements of the human resources department, they can only publish it (but in fact, there are already internal candidates), and this kind of work is not real.

Also, a very powerful person behind the scenes will ask you to give something, but you don't know who is calling the shots. Maybe you'll come into contact with someone lower than him, meaning that his commands have been "filtered" and "translated" by people of lower rank. This is not a good thing, because communication can easily lead to misunderstandings taken out of context, and you are forced to negotiate with people who can't make a final decision. See if you can communicate directly to the superior, which is unlikely, but worth a try.

The Taurus Full Moon on October 24 will draw your attention to a home or property. Maybe you've been thinking about it for months, and now it's time to see the results.

Venus hedges against Uranus, so if you feel that the results given by the contractor are very bad and feel that you have to take the other party to court, wait a little longer before you file a lawsuit. Venus retrograde period is not suitable for handling legal cases. Be patient and wait until after December 6, but a better option is to wait until after December 18, when Venus has fully regained its former energy.

Hopefully, there's another outcome, which is that you enjoy the final result and are happy to see the project come to a successful conclusion so that no legal action is required!

When Venus is retrograde, don't make a big change in your appearance. Sure, you can still do some daily grooming, but, for example, don't suddenly dye your black hair pale blonde, you probably don't like the final result. Do not perform any skin treatments that have not been tried before, and do not arrange facial lifts or special treatments for teeth during this period.

In terms of career, you are being well loved and protected by Jupiter. Everything that Jupiter touches will be magnified, including your influence and the opportunities you get. Venus is also involved, ensuring your popularity among key people, colleagues and subordinates. Since Neptune and Venus are in a favorable position, your innovative work will give you a better salary or a higher price. Neptune is in charge of music, art, dance, illustration, costume design, stage art, photography and film, so if your work is related to these fields, you'll get extra luck.

Next month will be a very important month for your career, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are already gathered in your Career House, and the New Moon will join on November 7. After the new moon, you can see some welcome progress in the fight for a new position, or the enviable exposure of the work done well. Start polishing your resume and any material you can show to the interview company now. Be optimistic, the power of the universe is with you.

Susan Miller October 2018 Horoscope Pisces – Translator: Improvisational Fantasy

At the beginning of the month, the new moon falls at 15° Libra on October 8, lighting up the palace that controls other people's money. It is possible to file taxes or pay off existing debts in installments, such as student loans or mortgage loans. Your desire to make a big income is much stronger than ever, as you've faced a very financially difficult horoscope since March 2011.

Indeed, your finances have been difficult for the past 7 years, because Uranus, which symbolizes all unfathomable things, travels in the 2nd house, which is in charge of income, and your finances are shaken violently. Sometimes, you make more money than you've ever seen before, but you've also faced being hit by huge expenses — much bigger than expected or experienced before.

You learn how to get through this difficult time when there are always unexpected expenses, through savings, business loans, or other resources, but it's not easy. Soon, in March 2019, Uranus will leave this house and the cycle will come to an end.

On October 8, the Libra Crescent moon landed in the 8th house, which symbolizes the money of others, and received positive energy from mars, the star of action. Mars is currently in the 12th house behind the scenes, a hidden house, and you seem to be secretly working on some kind of creative project. It looks like you can show off your work in mid-November, or at least, be allowed to talk about it with passion, because it looks like you started the project in May or even earlier.

Due to the difficult phase of the sun and the new moon, there will still be financial expenses. Someone with great power may force you to pay. This request is strange because Pluto is currently in the house representing friendship. It could be that a friend is begging you to join their travels for a wedding or a lavish birthday party, but this month you're worried about not making ends meet. Mars will do you a lot of favors, so this time it won't be like the tension you've encountered before.

The crescent in the 8th house may trigger surgery, as this uterus also symbolizes transformation. For surgery, it's about taking away what you don't need to heal you. Mars is in the 12th house, representing confinement, in harmony with the new moon, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Interview a doctor (or dentist), find out who is the most suitable and trusted candidate, and when you're ready, take action. If the situation is not urgent, it can be done in December or January. And in terms of money, I think at this point it might be with health insurance companies.

Venus retrograde this month, from October 5 to November 16, is certainly bad news for those of us on Earth. On the same day that Venus returned to anterograde, Mercury began to retrograde again— from November 16 to December 6. It's ironic because Mercury, Venus and Mars are the three closest planets to Earth, and Mars and Mercury retrograde between July and August made it difficult to make progress, and now Venus is starting to retrograde again. And the universe does this by thinking we're too fast—we have to slow down and think about what we're doing, improving relationships, projects, and maybe goals.

Venus rules love, beauty, entertainment and money. When you look at the Venus depicted by the old masters in the art museum, you always have a gold coin in your hand or a silk wallet with gold coins in your hand. Venus is also associated with extravagant things like haute couture clothing, expensive perfumes, flowers or jewelry. But now is not the right time for these things, if you want to buy something like this, wait until after December 6th.

As for love, this period of time is also not suitable for starting a relationship. Venus rules over the feelings you like, so between October 5 and November 16, don't do anything earth-shattering to formalize a relationship. For example, this time is not suitable for engagement, because Venus is weak in energy and the relationship will cool down with time.

Venus also manages the face and body, so this time is also not suitable for arranging botulinum injections or fillings, skinlifts, breast augmentations or any plastic surgery. Don't do cosmetic teeth or, for women, make drastic changes in your hair, such as changing from dark to blond. Of course you can do daily trimming, but I recommend you don't do any experimentation. I've heard many terrible stories from readers, where beauticians asked them to try free beauty products or tactics during Venus Retrograde. Don't!

In the Pisces chart, Venus is in charge of the 8th house, which symbolizes the money of others, so if anyone owes you money, the repayment speed is very slow. If you have your own business, send a gentle dunning invoice. If someone owes you child support or anything else, they may still get it in time, so make a plan to deal with the amounts payable before the check arrives. I think you'll get the money before the end of the year — most likely after December 6 — but it's going to be frustrating before you get it.

Two days after the new moon, october 10 has a difficult phase, Mercury hedging against Uranus. Mercury is in charge of living space and companionship, so you may receive unexpected bad news from one of these two. It may be expensive to repair the house, or it may suddenly fall out of harmony with a spouse, stable emotional partner, business partner or co-worker. With so many things exploding together, you wonder which one to deal with first.

If you want to travel, on October 19, Venus in Scorpio receives shining energy from Neptune, the guardian star of Pisces, so choose this day to go out. October 19th is Friday, so if you want to go out, you can choose Monday, October 15th, and you'll be happy to leave on this day. The inspiration and creativity you feel on October 15th is very exciting and makes you very enthusiastic about doing more creative things.

If you are traveling, please return before the full moon on October 24. This time the full moon falls in the 3rd house that is in charge of communication and travel, and unites with Uranus, so anything unusual or unexpected can happen. It may be good news, but it may seem more like bad news, but with Uranus there, no one can say for sure. Uranus alerts us, always bringing the most unexpected news.

The full moon and Uranus are directly opposite the Sun and Venus, which is a riot and riot involving many stars. Messages may be received from sisters, sisters, or cousins because the full moon brings messages. At this sensitive time of the full moon, don't say anything out of place – your siblings could collapse in the face of great calamity. Act softly.

If you have to complete a report, manuscript, ad copy, program an app, prepare a speech, or revise a TV series, you'll work very hard to complete it within 4 days of October 24.

The besieged sun is in charge of the routine of the palace, so pay close attention to a certain project, beware of becoming a mess, and you need to slowly guide you back on track. Group members may quit and you need to quickly find someone to replace. There should also be this health and energy consideration, because the 6th house also controls the way to stay healthy.

If you have a business trip this month, you may wish to go at the beginning of the month, because if you go around the full moon on October 24, you may not come back with your order.

The best time of the month is October 29, when Mercury unites with Jupiter, which represents good luck. This day is sure to be perfect for any project for communication purposes, or travel, especially for profit. You'll get along very well with your partner or career partner, and it's an ideal day if you're signing documents. I knew Venus was still retrograde at the time, but the union between Mercury and Jupiter made this day a 5-star lucky day that could eliminate other effects.

If you want to do something special about your living environment, such as moving or buying a house, October 29 is the best day. If you need to sign up, you can rent out your extra room on Airbnb and find that the transaction is very smooth and you have money again.

The New Moon on October 8 falls in the 8th house, which is in charge of other people's money, so you may be focused on finding money or busy paying off debts. May negotiate with a bank for a loan, mortgage or venture capital protection for an investment. If you haven't reported your taxes for the previous fiscal year, you should be ready in early October.

As a Pisces, for many years there has always been financial bad news, because a slow-moving planet has fallen into a bad position, but this long cycle has ended, and now Uranus is on its way to Aries, and the financial aspect is about to usher in the light. While you still won't like the things that happened financially in early October (not necessarily, but it's possible), be convinced that the days of financial strength and positivity are just around the corner.

There is a breakthrough in career, because jupiter, the blessed, will soon enter the 10th house of honor, reward and achievement, and stay here for 13 months. This is a once-in-a-decade affair, and Jupiter has visited the Career Palace for the only time in more than a decade. The opportunity to stand in the spotlight is coming, because it looks like all the hard work you've done is about to come to fruition.

Meanwhile, on October 10 you may travel a short distance, but if so, you may run into problems. The unpredictable Uranus will rush to Mercury, which is in charge of traffic, and it is a stressful day. If you want to travel, go to the mechanic in advance to overhaul the vehicle. It is best to postpone the trip a bit.

If you're traveling on October 24, a full moon, and Uranus hedges against the sun, you may feel uncomfortable at the last minute, so take care of yourself during the near full moon. Or maybe there's a lot of work coming at the last minute, and the chances of you suspecting it will make it are slim. Alternatively, the full moon on October 24 may allow you to end a media project (publishing or broadcasting) at the last minute because it takes valuable time to trace back in the spot where an inaccuracy or error is found.

Perfect for traveling or running international affairs, the day is October 29, the best day of the season, with Jupiter and Mercury converging. If you need to sign documents this month, this day is 5 star days. If it is a working transaction, it will bring profits.

In terms of love, Venus retrograde from October 5 to November 16, a time not suitable for socializing with the purpose of finding a new relationship. A better time is two months later, between December 6 and January 6, when Venus is still in Scorpio, moving fast. At that time, Mercury also returned to the downward trend, and the exchange of communication was great. On top of that, on November 15, Mars moved to Pisces and stayed there until December. Mars will make you more attractive, more confident, and look like a cool girl or a cool boy. You're ready for the Christmas holidays: engaging, memorable, ready to be a shining star at major parties.

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