
ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

author:E beauty forefront 008

In December, an AI chat program called ChatGPT was born, which flooded the Internet. It can write code, poetry, government documents, copywriting, etc., and can imitate celebrities and big V styles to speak.

For example, some netizens asked ChatGPT jokingly: "You want to answer my question like Hu Xijin, what is the future economic trend of China?" ”

ChatGPT replied: "Lao Hu believes that China's future economic trend will be full of challenges and opportunities. China's economy is undergoing major changes and transformations, facing a complex domestic and international environment. However, Hu also believes that China's future economic prospects are bright. China has a huge market, abundant human resources and huge development potential. China also has strong political, economic, and technological capabilities to meet a variety of challenges and opportunities. Therefore, in the end, Lao Hu believes that China's future economic trend will be changeable, but he is confident and confident that China's future economy will continue to maintain healthy, rapid and sustainable development. ”

Isn't that pretty much like that? Different from the intelligent voice assistants such as Siri, Xiaodu, and Tmall Genie that are commonly used in our daily lives, ChatGPT has a memory function, which can catch people's questions, without repeating instructions, and the dialogue is quite smooth. As a result, some predict that this technological advancement could bring some disruptive changes to various industries. And what about the beauty industry?

01How can ChatGPT be applied in the medical beauty industry?

AI was born in the 50s, and after more than 60 years of development, the technological progress of ChatGPT is undoubtedly huge. In the field of artificial intelligence, there is a professional term called AGI (Artificial general intelligence), what does AGI mainly study? His research focuses on machines that think like humans and engage in multiple purposes like people. Ali AI industry insiders told reporters that the emergence of ChatGPT, even in their industry, lamented that technological progress was unexpected, and suddenly felt that AGI was no longer so far away. Previously, the development of AI has created sweeping robots, dishwasher robots, escort robots and other machines that can be applied to a variety of pathways, and robotic arms that replace human hand massage have also appeared in the field of beauty, but these are all used for manual labor.

With the advent of AIGC (artificial intelligence technology generated content), AI can also produce content, such as AI drawing, AI writing, AI composition, AI audio speech, etc., and ChatGPT's ability in natural language (naturally evolved language such as human language, different from machine language) makes people feel very intuitively: robots are learning how to think like people.

Just as AI has brought a series of application products such as massage robotic arms and AI skin detectors after entering the beauty industry, AIGC will inevitably bring some innovative application products if it enters the beauty industry. So how can ChatGPT be applied in the medical beauty industry?

The reporter threw the question at ChatGPT. Here is its answer, which says "ChatGPT can be used to help customers in the aesthetic industry better understand their options, providing information on aesthetic treatments, care and care products, as well as information about the latest trends and developments in the aesthetic industry." ”

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

In this way, ChatGPT's self-positioning in the medical aesthetic industry is more inclined to consultant/network consultant positions, providing customers with professional medical aesthetic projects and product information to help customers make better decisions. Consulting customer service is indeed a position that uses AI more frequently in various industries, because ChatGPT is a question-and-answer AI product, and it is reasonable to prioritize self-positioning in consulting customer service work in industry applications.

However, as far as journalists have observed using ChatGPT, the biggest advantage of ChatGPT is that it speaks logically, structurally and absolutely rationally. Its logic and structured thinking even outperform many people who have not yet formed structured thinking and knowledge. For example, the reporter asked: "How to judge the customer's willingness to buy?" It quickly answered 4 points: understand customer purchase history, analyze customer behavior, understand customer needs, analyze customer reviews.

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

The reporter further asked how to judge the customer's purchase willingness on the spot, and it further optimized the answer, or listed 4 items: detailed understanding of customer needs, attention to customer behavior, attention to customer feedback, and attention to customer communication.

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

So if you take ChatGPT as customer service, there is a feeling of condescension. Someone on the Internet sent ChatGPT an interview question to recruit a product manager, and found that ChatGPT's answer was completely a qualified and successful product manager. So the application of ChatGPT in the beauty industry is actually quite large, it may not end a position to completely replace human work, but what is certain is that it can empower some positions and change the way these positions work.


AI+ beauty industry application status

The vigorous development of AI is the trend of the times, when the reporter asked ChatGPT "What is the next technological revolution for mankind?" "Its answers are indeed the current cutting-edge science and technology fields: AI, VR, AR, robotics, 3D printing, autonomous driving, cloud computing, Internet of Things, gene editing...

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

The AI+ beauty industry has already had many practical applications, bringing some fresh blood to the industry. Typical applications are: massage robots, AI skin detectors, SaaS + AI, and virtual IP.

1. Massage robot

A typical representative enterprise of artificial intelligence in the domestic beauty industry is Xiuyu. We have introduced in the article "Revenue rose by 15% after the epidemic, 5,000 words detailed explanation of Xiuyu's transformation logic", Xiuyu independently developed two AI robots, one hyperthermia to improve immunity, one to solve pain problems, mass production of 2,000 units, synchronized to stores across the country, currently a store is equipped with 4 beds, 2~3 employees + 2~3 robots. Xiuyu, which opened to join at the end of last year, is estimated to push robot massage to a new height.

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

The logic of Xiuyu's application of AI robots is very simple: the service industry is very dependent on people, and if it cannot solve the problem of human standardization, scale cannot be done. The most thorough way to reduce dependence on people is to reduce the use of people, so replace people with machines.

According to reports, after the transformation of artificial intelligence, the entire group has shrunk from 9,000 people to 3,000 + 2,000 machines, the staff training cycle has been reduced from 3~6 months to 15 days, and the labor cost has been reduced from 55% to 33% in the era of pure craftsmanship.

2.AI skin tester

At present, various skin detectors widely used in medical beauty institutions are the products of AI applications. Skin detectors generally consist of two parts: hardware and software. Hardware is the instrument that takes pictures to collect our facial skin information, and software is the thing that analyzes this information, generally there is a set of AI algorithms to analyze, and then through computers, pads, mobile phones, etc. to analyze and present the information to get the skin detection results we see.

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

For example, we once wrote in "Light medical beauty fever, skin detection is just needed, how to choose a testing instrument?" The Meiji 3D Skin Analyzer, introduced in the article, has developed a large number of AI diagnosis algorithms for skin problems and morphological problems based on a deep understanding of skin and morphology. After the fully automatic scanning of the 3D skin analyzer, the AI algorithm will automatically analyze the customer's skin and morphological defect data, and produce dozens of intelligent labels, for example, after a scan, a customer's AI analysis result is moderate crow's feet, severe fundus depression, and severe fundus wrinkles, then if there is anti-aging activity around the eyes, it can be accurately pushed to this customer to help the precise operation of the institution in the later stage.


Today's beauty SaaS has transformed into SaaS + due to fierce competition and the fact that beauty operators have given it more expectations than tools. The application of SaaS + AI is also becoming more and more normal. After the meeting, it is too troublesome to make meeting minutes, and you can use the software to convert speech to text with one click. The cost of human agents is high, and many SCRMs have embedded intelligent outbound functions into their services.

Including marketing, for example, Praise Industry has developed an AI beauty marketing assistant, customers upload frontal photos of their faces, and the system can intelligently detect the type of facial features, skin type, and hair quality through AI intelligent algorithms, and then set up intelligent recommended products according to the background of the merchant.

4. Virtual IP

In June last year, makeup brand Hua Xizi released a virtual IP "Hua Xizi". Virtual IP not only has brand communication functions, but also has anchor use. With the popularity of live broadcasting, many brands have begun to "self-broadcast", and real anchors cannot afford to live broadcast for a long time, and virtual IP anchors can come in handy.

ChatGPT: I can help aesthetic clients better understand their options

It has been observed that in the live broadcast room of the flagship stores of major beauty brands, almost all virtual anchors can be seen. Jingdong beauty virtual anchors have appeared in more than 20 beauty big name live broadcast rooms such as YSL, L'Oreal, OLAY, and Kiehl's, and can do 24-hour live broadcast.


The long-term impact of AI development on the beauty industry

In fact, with the continuous development of AI and the application of entering the beauty industry, in addition to bringing some landing new products and new tricks to the industry, in the long run, there will be ideological and aesthetic impacts.

As a new consumer medical industry that only began to develop in the 90s in the mainland, medical cosmetology is an industry that integrates medicine, aesthetics, art, and even psychology, law and other disciplines. It not only meets the beauty needs of beauty seekers through the reshaping of appearance, but also has strong artistry, humanism and sociality. The aesthetic diversity and uncertainty brought about by the conclusion of beauty standards, and the different motivations, psychological appeals and aesthetic tendencies of each beauty seeker determine the complexity of medical beauty products, services and market demand.

Snake spirit face, catfish face, Guotai Minan face... Times are different, and aesthetics are constantly iterating. With the development of AI, the wider application of virtual humans will have an impact on people's aesthetics in reality. The shaping of characters in comics, anime, and virtual people is often created according to the "ideal image" of some people, such as the shaping of women is often large-breasted, thin-waist, long-legged.

An interesting observation is that on Station B, the most commonly used video platform for Gen Z, the video with the highest click rate is "Help!" I suspect I'm wearing out of the comic chest! "Look, now that everyone doesn't talk about big breasts, they start talking about "comic chest", what are the characteristics of comic chest? In addition to being large, it is also expanded, which highlights the slender waist. With the rise of this aesthetic, the clothing industry has appeared "expanded underwear", the text is: small A becomes larger C, and the outer expansion shows the thin waist. So the medical beauty industry, in addition to liposuction and slimming waist, will it develop "expanded breast augmentation"? We will continue to observe.