
Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

author:Beiqing Net

As the saying goes, "Replenish in winter, fight tigers in the coming year".

Proper winter supplementation can support the solid foundation, cultivate vitality, let people survive the winter safely, and lay a good foundation for the smooth growth of Yang Qi in the next spring and summer.

But how exactly should I recuperate?

As the old saying goes, medicine is better than food. You may wish to choose their favorite food according to the characteristics of the five internal organs to supplement food.

Heart: Gui Yuan

TCM believes that the heart hides the gods. In other words, people's spiritual activities are governed by the mind. At the same time, various emotions can disturb the heart.

It can be said that there are many ways to nourish the mind, but the fundamental way lies in calming the spirit.

In terms of food supplements, lilies, lotus seeds, cinnamon balls, red beans, lean meat, sour jujube kernels, Huai wheat, etc. are all good products for nourishing the mind and calming the mind.

Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

Special recommendation: Gui Yuan

Guiyuan is sweet and warm, has the ability to nourish the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the spirit, especially suitable for mental workers with neurasthenia, sleep disorders, memory loss and other problems, often work overtime and stay up late or people who are worried more and have a bad mood.

Liver: Roses

In the doctrine of the five elements, the liver belongs to wood, the main rises, and the joy is great, and the vent is evil and depressed.

Modern medical research also shows that bad emotions can easily lead to neuroendocrine system dysfunction, decreased immune function, and easy to cause liver disease, psychosis, etc.

Therefore, the first way to nourish the liver is to regulate emotions, loosen the liver and regulate qi, and the diet can be appropriately ingested tangerine peel, bergamot, kumquat, rose, jasmine, wolfberry leaves, hawthorn, etc., so that the liver wood is solid and the liver qi is smooth.

Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

Special recommendation: rose tea

Rose flower flavor is sweet and warm, can relieve liver depression, warm the liver blood veins, and relieve depression in the body.

Modern people are stressed, drinking some rose tea is conducive to soothing mood, relieving liver and stomach pain, chest and flank swelling that accompany poor mood.

Spleen: Yam

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow and the source of the metaplasia of human qi and blood. In addition, the spleen and stomach are in the surface.

In other words, human water valley transportation, diet metabolism, nutrient absorption, is inevitable to participate in the spleen and stomach.

The spleen and stomach are strong, and the biochemical of qi and blood can flow continuously. If there is a problem with the spleen and stomach, symptoms such as plain weight loss, yellowish complexion, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea and abdominal pain will follow.

Therefore, in terms of diet, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and invigorate qi, and you can eat more yams, potatoes, taro, potatoes, lotus seeds, crucian carp, hawthorn, malt, etc.

Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

Special recommendation: yam

Yam is sweet and flat, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, nourishing the lungs and kidneys, especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and loss of appetite.

At the same time, yam also has antidiarrheal effects, which can be used to improve diarrhea, thin stools and other symptoms.

Lung: Sweet almonds

The winter climate is dry, coupled with the use of heating, air conditioning, electric blankets and other heating equipment, it is dry.

In Chinese medicine theory, "dry" is one of the "six evils".

Dryness enters the human body from the mouth, nose and fur, which can easily lead to dry nose and sore throat, dry tongue and less jin, dry throat and thirst, chapped lips, hoarse voice, cough and asthma, dry and itchy skin, dry stool and other "dryness".

Among them, the lungs are "delicate" and are most easily injured by dryness. Therefore, to nourish the lungs, it is necessary to resist "dry gas".

In terms of diet, it should focus on moisturizing, moisturizing the lungs and giving birth to jinjin, and you can eat some almonds, pears, horseshoes, lilies, monk fruit, pumpkin, walnuts, etc.

Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

Special recommendation: sweet almonds

Almonds are sweet and bitter, north and south. It is generally believed that sweet almonds are southern apricots, bitter almonds are northern apricots, sweet is eaten, bitter is used in medicine.

Sweet almond flavor is sweet and flat, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, moisturizing, nourishing the five internal organs, clearing food, dispersing stagnation, etc., and is suitable for lung deficiency, dry cough and long-term wheezing, chronic irritable bowel and constipation and dry skin.

Kidney: Black beans

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation and the source of life.

Sufficient kidney qi can resist the cold, protect the yang, warm the internal organs, make people strong and less sick, and survive the winter safely.

According to the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tibetan elephant theory, black main water enters the kidney, so many black foods have the effect of nourishing the kidney, such as black beans, black sesame, black rice, black chicken, mulberries, etc.

Kidney loves black beans, heart loves guiyuan, liver loves... Each of the five organs has a favorite food, and it is eaten without disease

Special recommendation: black beans

Black beans taste sweet and flat, can benefit the liver and kidney, nourish yin and blood, activate blood and eyes, calm the spirit, has the reputation of "kidney valley", is a strong and nutritious "natural kidney treasure".

At the end of the article, Yangshengjun said a few more words:

The human body is a whole, and the five internal organs are not clearly distinguished, but are related to each other and influence each other, and some foods are also supplemented by the five organs.

Therefore, for the above dietary supplements, everyone can choose according to their actual needs, and there is no need to eat each in strict accordance with the preferences of "heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys".

Source/Wellness Daily Push

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