
[Heart] shares a lightening mask prescription - seven hundred scattered melasma is closely related to liver depression. The focus is still on internal regulation, mainly to relieve the liver and regulate qi. You can apply an external mask every day,

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Du Zhongping

[Heart] Share a light spot mask recipe - seven hundred scatters

Melasma is closely related to hepatic depression. The focus is still on internal regulation, mainly to relieve the liver and regulate qi. You can apply an external mask every day, and it is also a famous palace secret recipe [Seven White San].


White spade, white art, white morning glory, white peony, white zombie silkworm, white pygmy, white aconite (equal proportions)


All medicinal herbs are mixed and ground into fine powder;

Add egg whites or honey and milk to make a paste


Nourish blood and soft liver, whiten and lighten spots

Baisan, also known as Qibaizi, dates back to the "Taiping Shenghuifang" in the Song Dynasty, and also contained in the "Imperial Medicine Courtyard Fang" in the Yuan Dynasty. Friends with long spots may wish to try this thousand-year-old recipe!

[Shock] It is recommended that you apply a small piece to the face first, and if it is not red or itchy after 2 hours, then apply it on a large area.

I am Dr. Du Zhongping of the Department of Dermatology, and I share a small formula every day, follow me, and pay attention to skin health! #黄褐斑 [Chao Talk] ## TCM ## Skin ##2020亚洲医学美容学术大会 #

[Heart] shares a lightening mask prescription - seven hundred scattered melasma is closely related to liver depression. The focus is still on internal regulation, mainly to relieve the liver and regulate qi. You can apply an external mask every day,
[Heart] shares a lightening mask prescription - seven hundred scattered melasma is closely related to liver depression. The focus is still on internal regulation, mainly to relieve the liver and regulate qi. You can apply an external mask every day,
[Heart] shares a lightening mask prescription - seven hundred scattered melasma is closely related to liver depression. The focus is still on internal regulation, mainly to relieve the liver and regulate qi. You can apply an external mask every day,

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