
Some precautions for protecting infants and young children

author:The Tao heart is only a small way

First, foods that infants and young children cannot eat

1. Raw and cold, fried food: raw and cold food will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, while infants and young children have imperfect gastrointestinal function, and eating will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. Fried food contains too much oil, which can easily cause obesity in infants and young children, and may also stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and affect the appetite of infants and young children;

2. Whole nut foods: such as pistachios, pine nuts, melon seeds, etc., such foods are easy to cause infants and young children to cough, and may even cause suffocation, so infants and young children can not eat, but can be crushed and eaten in small quantities;

3. Foods containing caffeine: including coffee, milk tea, chocolate, etc., caffeine will excite the central nervous system, the nervous system of infants and young children is not fully developed, eating such foods will cause infants and young children to be excited, affecting normal sleep;

4. Foods containing alcohol: such as egg yolk pie, wine balls, mash egg soup, etc., alcohol will paralyze the nervous system, and the nervous system of infants and young children is not fully developed, eating such foods will damage the nervous system and affect normal development;

5. Elastic food: if jelly, rice cake, mochi, etc., such food is elastic, not easy to digest, and can not be chewed completely when chewing, which can easily cause infants and young children to get stuck in the throat when swallowing, causing suffocation;

6. Foods with high sugar content: such as chocolate, preserves, candies, etc., such foods have high sugar content, which is easy to cause fat accumulation and make infants obese. It may also damage teeth, cause dental caries and affect physical health;

7. Others: such as canned food, there are certain preservatives in canned food, and infants and young children may affect development.

8. Raw, cold, all kinds of fried foods, foods containing alcohol and caffeine, chocolate chip cookies, mooncakes, lychees, pineapples, mulberries, mangoes, and all kinds of canned food cannot be eaten for the baby. There are preservatives in the can, which is not good for the baby's health.

9. Chocolate, preserves and other desserts

 These foods are too high in sugar, which can easily cause the baby to be overly obese.

10. Nuts, jelly, glutinous rice balls, rice cakes and other elastic foods

  Such foods are prone to the risk of choking your baby's throat. Babies under 3 years old should not eat whole nuts, babies over one year old, parents can crush to add to the baby. Jelly, these elastic foods, should not be eaten by babies under 3 years old. In addition, the baby must not tease him when eating, which can help the baby develop good eating habits, and on the other hand, it can also reduce the risk of the baby being choked.

11. Fried and puffed foods

  These foods not only cause obesity in your baby, but also affect your baby's appetite. After eating too much of these foods, the baby's food intake will naturally decrease, and the real nutritional supplement will not be able to be supplemented, which may eventually lead to "puffiness".

12. Carbonated drinks

  Regarding carbonated drinks, they have an impact on the baby's teeth, growth and development. Once watched a show, an actress said that her two children did not give them carbonated drinks since they were young, but only drank plain water. Now that I am older, I don't feel good when I taste these drinks.

13. Candy

  Can not eat as much as possible, babies who have developed the habit of eating sugar, parents must strictly limit the intake of baby candy, and pay attention to brushing their teeth after eating.

14. Honey

  In addition to sugar, honey may also be mixed with botulinum toxin, coupled with the baby's digestive and immune system is not perfect, so it is not recommended to give honey and honey water to the baby.

15. Juice

  In the process of squeezing juice, the nutrients contained in the original fruit are destroyed, leaving behind drinks with relatively high sugar content. The nutritional value in fruit juice is actually not high, but the sugar index is very high, which not only easily leads to obesity in the baby, but also leads to dental caries.

Second, the inside and outside of the bottle must be cleaned with a special sanitary soft brush, and then disinfected, otherwise there is milk residue on the inner wall, which will breed bacteria and viruses, which is harmful and unhelpful.

Third, the causes of precocious puberty in children

The first reason: taking supplements

Children are not suitable for eating, especially many supplements, such as (royal jelly) or (bovine colostrum), etc., these supplements may contain some (hormones), which are very likely to cause precocious puberty in children.

Children only need vitamin AD until the age of two, and if the child has iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation should be done according to the doctor's advice.

When the child is 10~13 years old, calcium can be properly supplemented, because the daily calcium required by the child reaches 1200 mg ~ 2000 mg.

Try not to supplement other nutritional products casually.

The second reason: estrogen

Under normal circumstances, children cannot eat estrogen, and they are afraid that some parents will put the medicine in their homes randomly.

For example, birth control pills, if accidentally eaten by a child, may cause precocious puberty.

The third reason: makeup and hair coloring

The fourth reason: some unhealthy videos, pictures, and speech

Children often see or hear less healthy videos, pictures, or words, which can also easily lead to precocious puberty.

The fifth reason: look at electronics before bed

Letting children play with electronic products two hours before going to bed is also easy to cause children to have precocious puberty.

Therefore, as a parent, you should chat with your child before going to bed, or read a book, and try to avoid looking at electronic products.

The sixth reason: fried foods

For example, fried chicken, potato chips, these fat content is relatively high, often eat these foods can easily lead to body fat accumulation, once fat accumulation will affect our endocrine, resulting in precocious puberty in children.

In order to avoid precocious puberty in children, in addition to avoiding the above reasons, you must also do these points

Point 1: Avoid giving your child low-quality plastic toys

When we parents buy plastic toys for our children, we will find that some inferior plastic toys will emit a disgusting smell.

This is actually because the raw material used in these plastic toys may be recycled old plastic, and the recycled old plastic will contain a lot of (phthalates), which is an item that causes precocious puberty in children.

Point 2: Avoid letting your child eat fast food out too often, or packing fast food for your child

Eating fast food for children outside is not only a matter of hygiene, but more importantly, the oil used in fast food outside, generally (animal oil or some inferior oil), and put (oil will be more), a large amount of oil will cause children to be obese, once the child (obesity) will cause precocious puberty.

Many outside fast food restaurants may give children disposable lunch boxes, disposable lunch boxes may be released (phthalates) under high heat.

Also avoid packing food in plastic bags that your child often has, as plastic bags can also contain phthalates, an environmental estrogen that can cause precocious puberty in your child.

Point 3: Control your child's weight

In the era of lack of clothing and food, it is a very fortunate thing for children to be full, and many old people have gone through that era, so the elderly now take their children or retain the concept in their bones, eat more, gain weight a little healthier.

Many elderly people think that children are blessed if they are fat.

As everyone knows, children (fat can easily lead to precocious puberty).

And parents want to avoid precocious puberty in their children, to control their children's weight, when measuring their children's height and weight, it is best to let the child's height grow faster than the weight, (that is, "slender" children are more likely to grow taller and less likely to have precocious puberty).

It is necessary to avoid the child gaining weight faster than the height, so that (the child looks "stocky" and tends to precocious and not tall).

Point 4: Do not sleep more than 9 o'clock at night, sleeping around 9 o'clock is conducive to growth and growth. After falling asleep, growth hormone is secreted. Sleep late, secrete less, not conducive to development, grow.

By 5 o'clock: Go to bed at night without light, all black, completely dark. The presence of light is not conducive to the secretion of growth hormone, which can lead to precocious puberty.

Fourth, be wary of 6 common stationery! It can cause problems such as childhood poisoning, precocious puberty, and vision loss

1. Highlighter, pencil

Highlighter: contains benzene and highly toxic substance propylene qing, if the child is used for a long time, it may cause chronic poisoning of benzene, hematopoietic and immune damage, and severe leukemia.

10 kinds of toxic substances were found, and the highly toxic substance propylene qing was also found, which can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, tiredness and other symptoms when inhaled for a long time.

It is recommended not to let children use highlighters.

Pencils: Lead poisoning is often caused by eating paint and dust on stationery after touching.

Lead poisoning can significantly impair a child's memory and concentration, and gradually endanger physical and intellectual development.

Parents are advised to help their children quit biting stationery or buy logs, lacquered pencils.

2. Colorful eraser

Color erasers include formaldehyde and benzene, and in order to improve the color, appearance and flexibility of stationery, merchants add a plasticizer called "phthalate compound" to these stationery.

If you are exposed to it for a long time or lick and bite, these harmful substances can easily cause dizziness and nausea in children.

Children in the developmental stage can also interfere with endocrine and are likely to cause precocious puberty.

It is recommended that parents buy basic erasers, do not pursue appearance!

3. Scented book cover

The common addition of "fragrance" in scented book skins is the aromatic smell emitted by ethylbenzene, a moderately toxic synthetic raw material.

Moderately toxic isooctyl acetate emits a fruity aroma that increases health risks with long-term exposure, and most plastic book covers also contain plasticizers!

We can replace the plastic book cover we usually use with wall calendars and kraft paper, which is environmentally friendly and healthy!

4. White shiny workbook

If the child's homework paper is too white, it will irritate and damage the student's eyes, and the use process is easy to produce visual fatigue and affect vision.

Moreover, most of the fluorescent agents of the over-white paper exceed the standard, and if it is a fat-soluble fluorescent agent, it will also penetrate into the blood through contact and cause damage to the liver.

5. Strange stationery

These cute shapes and complex stationery are often used by children as toys, pulling, fiddling, and even putting in their mouths during play.

Small parts, once inhaled by children, can cause airway blockage and suffocation, or scratches from the sharp point of the pendant.

Parents should avoid this type of stationery when buying!

6. Children's handmade drawing tools

Children's daily tools for handicrafts and painting, but there are "poisonous" stationery hardest hit areas.

Glue stick glue: contains methanol, has antiseptic effect, irritates the respiratory tract, can trigger asthma, can also lead to nasopharyngeal cancer. Colored pencils: containing phthalate, can be used as plasticizers in children's handmade drawing tools, long-term use will affect reproductive ability and reproductive organ development. Ink: Contains methylisothiazolinone (MIT), which is harmful if inhaled, in contact with skin and swallowed, and skin contact can easily trigger allergies.

How to avoid toxic stationery?

(1) Look at the trademark

Do not buy three-nil products, must have "implementation standard GB" related words, painting paint, eraser, correction liquid and so on must have "environmentally friendly" and "non-toxic" words when we buy, and contain vigilant instructions!

(2) Look at the color

Avoid buying workbooks that are too white, and don't choose those that are too bright.

According to the "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies" promulgated by the state, the brightness (whiteness) of textbooks and books used by students should not be more than 85%

What is the concept of whiteness not greater than 85%? The paper will look [yellow].

If the selected paper is pure wood pulp, the whiteness should be about 90%, if it exceeds 90% whiteness, the paper may be added to the process of processing with fluorescent brighteners and other chemicals.

(3) Smell the smell

Do not buy scented correction fluid, eraser, book cover and other stationery to avoid children's exposure to these toxic gases.

(4) Look at the shape and size

When choosing a pen, do not choose a pen with a unique shape and toy function, so as not to affect the child's learning.

Or cause airway blockage and suffocation, scratches by the sharp part of the pendant, etc.

Fifth, the baby has a fever and can't eat any food

1. Eggs

Eggs are very nutritious, and mothers can use egg whites to prevent the lightening of stretch marks. One of the things that babies must add to complementary foods is egg yolk, eggs can provide calories and various mineral elements for the baby's growth, and can also improve the baby's immunity. However, the egg protein and ooglobulin contained in eggs are a complete protein, 99.7% of which can be absorbed by the body. Eating eggs will produce a certain amount of extra calories, which will increase the body's calories, which in turn will aggravate the baby's body fever. Therefore, it is not recommended for babies to consume eggs. In view of this, other high-protein foods such as lean meat, fish, etc., will also increase the body's calories and should be eaten as little as possible.

2. Honey

During the period of cold accompanied by fever, it should be mainly to clear heat, and should not be nourished. Honey is a tonic in qi tonics, if you take more honey, the baby's internal heat will not be well cleaned and eliminated, and it is easy to be complicated by other diseases.

3. Oranges

Babies tend to cough when they catch a cold, and they tend to cough longer than colds. Babies have a cold, fever and cough, and should not eat oranges. Although orange peel has the effect of coughing and phlegm, orange meat is easy to produce heat and phlegm, and it is impossible for babies to eat orange peel without eating orange meat. Most babies are unreasonable, especially during illness, so the best thing parents can do not let their babies eat is not to buy them home.

4. Avoid spicy and cold drinks

After the baby has a cold and fever, due to the increase in body temperature, the metabolism in the body will also accelerate, at this time, if the diet is too spicy, it will use heat to help the heat, aggravate the condition, and is not conducive to fever reduction and early recovery. If the fever is caused by an intestinal infection, then cold drinks can reduce the function of the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate intestinal diseases.


After the baby has a fever, it is very important to replenish water, but you can not directly eat plain water, because the baby is accompanied by a lot of sweating after the fever is reduced, so it is necessary to supplement electrolyte-containing saline, sugar water, hydration saline, etc. in time.

Sixth, the child coughs and eats less:

1, sweets, ice cream,—— otherwise wet and phlegm.

2, fish, shrimp, beef and mutton ,—— belong to hair, otherwise it will aggravate the disease and cause old disease.

3. Chicken ,—— otherwise aggravate cough and turn into asthma.

Seventh, factors that harm the vision of infants and young children should be avoided

1, high sugar diet,

2, high-frequency flashing lamp,

3, glitter toys,

4. Bath bomb, don't look at the eye.

5, lack of sleep, sleep at 9 o'clock.

6, sleep at night bedroom is not dark (there is a night light), to keep all dark, all dark,

7. Insufficient outdoor sports, 1~2 hours of outdoor activities.