
Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her

author:Monkey Shippo said anime

Hello, hello everyone, I'm Shippo. Today I would like to share with you one of the theatrical versions of Sailor Moon. Because the Theatrical Version of Sailor Moon, which was originally scheduled to be available in September, has been postponed, I can only find the previous theatrical version to see it, and I find that I seem to have missed this "Sailor Moon S Theater Version of Takehime Lovers".

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her

This is a theatrical version of Sailor Moon released in 1994, in fact, it has another name called "Sailor Moon Crystal Project". This Sailor Moon can get 8.5 points on Douban. Although it is not a high score, the word of mouth is not bad. This theatrical version is generally very general, I personally, there are quite a lot of places to complain, the following I will divide a few points for you to analyze well:

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her


The story content is set as a cliché without surprises

In fact, the story content is very cheesy, that is, the beauty girl warrior-like monster fighting process, there are not too many surprises. What I also let us see is that Luna is in love. Although it is only a single love, in this theatrical version, this main line is still written quite well. But the bad thing is that the boy has a favorite object, and Luna also has Artemis who has always been by her side. Such feelings are doomed to be fruitless.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her


The villain's setting is really hard to describe

This Moon Snow Princess is the Sailor Moon, the most common of the many villains in it. It's not that his ability is very poor, it's that she doesn't seem to have any ideas, she is an ordinary villain who appears in this theatrical version just to fight monsters and upgrades, and there is not much thought expression. And it's too sexy to wear, right? As an old and suspicious girl anime, now that I have grown up, I feel that it is too sexy to watch.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her

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There are a lot of funny plots and expressions

In this theatrical version, the idea of the bunny is the most immature and funny. Although the setting of the bunny has always been like this, I think it is a bit too much here, and many scenes show that the bunny is too mentally retarded. And the picture of Santa Claus in the night costume is so funny, this arrangement and setting suddenly made me jump the scene. So relatively speaking, I think this meme is a bit more used, but this theatrical version is much inferior.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her


The transformation time is too long

Because basically all the Sailor Moon warriors here have appeared, it will take a little longer to transform, so that most of the time spent in the whole drama is spent on the transformation. For so much time, I didn't even go to the outer star warrior a little bit inside, which I was a little confused about. Because the transformation time is too long, the fight scene of the whole drama is actually very general, and the combat process is not particularly amazing or shocking.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her

The most amazing thing in this drama is the appearance of Luna, and the appearance of Luna has risen a lot in the score of the whole drama. Regardless of the plot? What's the pace? Such a beautiful Luna surprised everyone and obediently gave her a high score. Luna's feelings are doomed to end in vain. Fortunately, the bunny also fulfilled a wish for him to become a humanoid Luna, which really surprised many people, but the two handfuls of hair on his chest deducted a lot of points. So this theatrical version is actually more of Luna's side, Luna likes a handsome human boy, wants to fulfill his wish, hope that he is healthy. Some reviews say that in today's society, Luna is a green tea. I don't approve of this at all, because although Luna likes this boy very much, she thinks of everything for him and hopes that she and he can be happy and happy. Luna wants to become a human form, on the one hand, hoping to have a moment of this boy's love, on the other hand, to satisfy the boy's fantasies. Helping people who like to fulfill their wishes, I don't think it's green tea at all, and it's great.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her


Like many theatrical versions of Sailor Moon, there will definitely be a friendship and love unity in the end to protect Sailor Moon to complete the task. This is an inherent setting in the Sailor Moon theatrical version. But the ending of this film is very hasty, without any tears, it is already over. So this theatrical version in general, I don't particularly recommend it to everyone? If it is to see the feelings, it is acceptable, because the pictures and transformation clothes are particularly beautiful, and Luna is too stunning.

Did Sailor Moone's black cat cheat? Fell in love with the handsome blonde who saved her

Sailor Moon gets together, so the emotional aspect is still very good, and the second round of the bunny's transformation clothes, I like it, I feel very dreamy. And the theatrical version is particularly short, so he spent too much time on other aspects, but the coherence of the whole theatrical version was not very good, and finally a bit hasty ending. Personally, I think 8.5 is too high, but before the new theatrical version is released, you can go and see it and remember the feelings of the past.

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