
The 8th Sino-French Environment Month of "Earth's Resources" kicked off in the southwest region

author:Overseas network

Source: China News Network

Kunming, October 17 (China News Network) -- The 8th China-France-France Environment Month in the southwest region of the eighth China(s) law (state) environment month opened in Kunming, Yunnan On the 16th. The theme of this year's China-France Environment Month is "The Earth's Resources", which will comprehensively display and discuss the resources contained in the earth, the threats it faces and the impact on human life now and in the future.

Sino-French Environment Month is the only environment-themed event in China to date hosted by foreign embassies in China. Facing both the public and professional audiences, it presents unique interdisciplinary content, including seminars and forums with high technical content, as well as knowledge popularization lectures, as well as exhibitions, film screenings and seminars.

Bai Yusong, Consul General of France in Chengdu, said that the eighth Sino-French Environment Month will be held from October 15 to November 15, and will invite the public to re-understand the earth's resources on which human beings live. These precious resources are now facing an unprecedented and even irreversible crisis, and "the Sino-French Environment Month is based on this starting point, year after year, to promote the awakening of collective consciousness and common action." ”

It is reported that during this year's Sino-French Environment Month, French photographer Nicolas Flock will present the exhibition "Water Color", which will convey the rich information of marine life through the different colors of seawater. In addition, within the framework of the Chengdu International Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival, the exhibition "New Classic of Mountains and Seas" will exhibit the results of Sino-French handicraft exchanges. Curated by the French National Development Institute, "Insects of the Earth" will guide visitors to explore the insects that make the world more sustainable through vivid illustrations, and the exhibition will tour the Kunming Zoological Museum, the French Alliance in Chengdu, and the Chongqing Museum of Natural History.

Bai Yusong finally introduced that during the Sino-French Environment Month, audiences can also enjoy films related to environmental protection themes, and under the framework of the Sichuan TV Festival, the feature film "Strong Love Wine Country" directed by Cedric Krapis and ai issha Mayika's documentary work "Water to Water" will be launched in theaters in early November. (End)