
A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed

Author: Insight Muye

Life is a splendid robe covered with lice.

Zhihu blogger @ Ma Tuo is a subway police officer in Beijing.

Every day, we are faced with some trivial things.

He wrote the stories he encountered in the subway in Zhihuli, and accidentally caught fire, receiving 1.27 million likes.

From the 213 true stories written by Ma Tuo, I saw some complex human nature and the truth of the adult world.


Not easily evaluating others is a kind of cultivation.

In the subway, a tired boy leaned on a rail, and the girl next to him had no place to help.

The two people quarreled without a word, and in anger, the girl scolded the boy for "the quality is really low."

The boy was ashamed and angry, and he beat the girl with his hands.

Boys beat girls because of a sentence, some people accuse boys of being too small and childish, some people accuse boys of having violent tendencies, and some people accuse boys of having problems with their character...

Criticism and accusations flooded the boy like a tidal wave.

On the way to the detention center, the boy cried very sadly, and he was most afraid of hearing others say that he was of low quality.

The boy's family has been farmers for generations, and there is not even a serious dirt road in the village, and it is all about climbing and jumping pits in the town.

When I was in school, there was no canteen in the school, the chef made a meal, brought it to the playground, and the students flocked to the school, not knowing what it was to queue.

After entering the university and entering the city, he felt what order was, and he also felt a huge gap.

The inferiority hidden in his bones made him most afraid of others saying that he was of low quality.

He didn't understand why others would judge him in vicious language just because he was tired and leaned on the lever.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" reads:

"You can never really get to know a person unless you want to walk around in his shoes and think in his shoes."

A person's greatest malice is to forcibly label people, define people, and think that they are right to do so.

Truly cultivated people never easily evaluate others.

What you see is not necessarily the truth, and the facts you think are not necessarily the truth.

Perhaps your casual words are, for others, the last straw that crushes the camel.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed


The only thing a person can rely on is himself.

While on duty, Ma Tuo met a young man who had just turned eighteen and asked for directions.

The young man failed to work in Beijing and prepared to return to his hometown, leaving only the money to buy a ticket.

Ma Tuo asked him, "Do you have any relatives?" Ask them to book a ticket for you online, or transfer some money to you, in case you can't buy a ticket, you have to have a place to eat and live. ”

The young man told Ma Tuo that his parents divorced when he was a child, that he had no contact with his father for a long time, and that his mother could not operate mobile phones.

He decided to turn to someone else.

He first called his sister, but hung up without a conversation, and her sister rejected him.

Immediately after, he called his uncle, but the uncle told him that he did not have money in WeChat and did not know how to buy tickets online, so he went to ask for help from his classmates.

Finally he called his cousin, who went to school with his cousin when he was a child, played mobile games, and had a good relationship.

The phone was connected, and the cousin quickly agreed, but he waited for ten minutes, there was no news, and when he dialed the phone again, the other party did not answer.

There are two things in this world that cannot be looked at directly, one is the sun and the other is the human heart.

Never overestimate your relationship with anyone.

No relationship is eternal, and no friendship is unbreakable.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed

Image source: Police


Maturity is knowing how to control your emotions.

There was a guy who wanted to carry a rabbit on the subway.

But the subway stipulates that animals cannot pass the security check except for guide dogs, and the young man especially does not understand, and has a big fight with the security inspector.

Ma Tuo and his colleagues went to negotiate, but the young man still did not understand and insisted on taking the rabbit to the subway.

Ma Tuo thought to himself, this guy is too arrogant, it is futile to lay out the facts and reason, it seems that he can only deal with it coldly, once he makes excessive behavior, he can be punished.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt inappropriate, and after calming down, he pulled him to the police office.

A chat learned that not long after the guy came to Beijing, he lived alone and bought a small rabbit as a companion.

The little rabbit was injured and had surgery at a pet hospital near the company, and had to take the rabbit to the hospital every day to change the dressing, otherwise the wound was at risk of infection.

From home to the pet hospital near the company, you need to take ten subway stops, and you have to change trains in between.

Ma Tuo suggested that he say, why not find a pet hospital near home, you have to run so far, don't you just change the medicine, generally regular pet hospitals can do it.

At this time, the young man also calmed down, and this sentence suddenly woke him up.

Then the boy quietly left with the rabbit.

The young man had an argument with the security inspector because of his loss of emotional control, and if Ma Tuo was also out of control at the time, the matter was likely to escalate.

"The Capital of a Lifetime" writes: "At no time should one make one's actions subject to emotions, but should in turn control them." ”

Everything is led by emotions, and people who are on the spot can't do big things.

The high match for adults is to manage their emotions.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed


Make good money, it's really expensive to be alive.

Once, while Ma Tuo was on duty, he encountered two elderly people who had evaded tickets.

One of them carried a hospital-like boxy plastic bag containing CT footage.

When they were stopped, the two old men were ashamed to say that they came from their hometown and took their son to Beijing to see a doctor, because they could not go to medical insurance, many projects needed to be paid for, and they really had no money.

The two old men were very sincere in admitting their mistakes, and they also knew that it was not good to evade tickets.

But in the face of reality, they have no choice because they are really short of money.

There is a saying that goes: "Only the money you earn can give you the greatest sense of security." ”

Money is the foundation of a person's life in the world, and it can give you freedom, dignity and security.

Just like the two old men in the story, if they have money, they also want to live with dignity and dignity, spend a few dollars to buy a ticket, not to be a lot older, and go to escape the ticket.

But it is this piece of silver that has broken the waist of many adults.

If you don't want to live humbly, then work hard and make good money, after all, living is really expensive.

It may be awkward to make money, but behind every penny, there is the happiness of yourself and your family.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed


The joys and sorrows of adults can only be crossed by themselves.

A doctor in Henan works in a good municipal hospital in his hometown, mainly giving acupuncture to patients.

His mother had a tumor in her head, and he took her to Beijing to seek medical treatment.

Because of an incident in Beijing, he was taken to the police station.

At the police station, the doctor talked to the police about his mother's condition, and his tone was full of grief.

At first, the police thought it was because of his mother's condition, but later found out that it was not because his mother's tumor was benign.

Is it because of the money problem? Nor is the discovery.

He is a regular physician with a medical certificate, a reputation in the local hospital, and a certain economic base.

Neither because of his mother's illness nor because of the problem of money, then is his grievance a fuss?

Why is the reason for a person's collapse always a fuss in the eyes of others?

Because no one can empathize with another person's pain, human sorrow and joy are not the same.

Never expect others to understand your emotions, hurts, and sorrows.

In the adult world, sorrow and joy can only cross themselves.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed


There is only one way to succeed and live your life the way you like.

A young man, who has three or four dogs, is accompanied by dogs every day.

One day he got into an argument with someone in the subway and went to the police station.

When it was time for dinner, Ma Tuo asked him if he had any friends and could bring him something to eat.

He said that there were only dogs in the house and there was no contact with people.

Ma Tuo said that the reason why you argue with people because of a small matter is because you have too little contact with people, and you should make more friends.

Then, the young man said a sentence that aroused Ma Tuo's deep thoughts:

"As long as I'm comfortable with myself and take good care of my pets, my life is worth it." Social for the sake of socializing, not necessarily. ”

It is true that there is no standard life in the world, only a life customized by yourself, which is up to you.

The most important thing for people is not to gain the approval of others, but to live this life in the way they like.

A Beijing subway policeman wrote 213 true stories, and I saw that the whole person was healed


Never complain about your work.

This story comes from Ma Tuo himself.

When Ma Tuo first joined the work, he was assigned to the subway because he did not become the criminal police officer he dreamed of.

The gap in my heart is very large, and the whole person suddenly becomes negative.

I don't talk much, I have insomnia every day, I walk slower, and my figure is blessed.

Until one day he was making forms in the duty room when an executive from a network company came to report the crime.

Seeing ma Tuo's head hanging down, the executives talked to him.

The executive said: You work on the lower level of the subway track, the subway will fall ash after the ceiling, the environment is so poor that you can stick to it, the form is so clear and beautiful, and you wash the police uniform so clean every day, how good are you.

With this said, Ma Tuo realized that his work was not completely worthless.

Since then, he has stopped complaining about work and is full of energy.

Every day, we strive to do every job to the extreme.

Because of his excellent writing, he wrote the stories he met in the subway in Zhihuli, and now has 180,000 fans.

In real life, many people are complaining about their work.

Complaining that they are not talented, can not be appreciated by the leader, the working environment is poor, the work is too tired, the colleagues are not easy to get along with, the boss is too busy, and there are a lot of broken things every day...

You know, there is no job that is not wronged, no job that is completely satisfactory.

As the saying goes, life is a gorgeous robe covered with lice.

Every adult is draped in a robe that is not necessarily gorgeous but full of lice.

Most of the time, we live a chaotic life, and there are more losses than surprises.

But as Roman Rowland famously said:

There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to love life after recognizing the truth of life.

Give yourself a thumbs up, give yourself a reason to stick to it every day, and never lose the motivation to pursue the good.

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