
At the democracy summit in Denmark, a group of European and American teenagers invited Tsai Ing-wen to attend, announcing countless charges against China

author:Universal world

According to a recent report by the comprehensive media, a well-known "2021 Copenhagen Democracy Summit" opened with a gong and drum in the Danish capital, and the vast majority of the participants were from Europe and the United States. Who is attending this "democracy summit"? In addition to Danish Foreign Secretary Koferd, there are also Schiff, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, McMaster, former U.S. Presidential National Security Adviser, and opposition figures from Belarus, Venezuela, and Myanmar.

At the democracy summit in Denmark, a group of European and American teenagers invited Tsai Ing-wen to attend, announcing countless charges against China

The theme of the meeting was anti-Russian, anti-China, and incidentally, Venezuela and Iran. This is also the second time that Tsai Ing-wen has participated in the "summit", claiming that "the expansion of authoritarian power has threatened democratic values, and we have become the target of disinformation attacks, economic coercion, and even military threats because we insist on liberal democracy." She also said she looked forward to a democracy summit proposed by US President Joe Biden later this year, as well as a seven-nation summit hosted by the United Kingdom, to jointly strengthen economic cooperation. The entire meeting on China's topics included Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang, political system, and so on, and announced countless "crimes" against China.

At the democracy summit in Denmark, a group of European and American teenagers invited Tsai Ing-wen to attend, announcing countless charges against China

After the shameless and hilarious performance, a Spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry later said at a news conference that the so-called summit was full of ideological bias and was an out-and-out "political farce." In addition to inviting Tsai Ing-wen, this year's "Copenhagen Democracy Summit" also invited "Hong Kong independence" element Law Guancong, who openly abandoned his bail and absconded to Britain and was wanted by the Hong Kong police. The intention of such a "summit" that brings together "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" is, of course, not "democracy," but to carry the "democratic signboard" against China and to wave the flag to the United States, the "leader of Western democracy," although the Capitol Hill, the "holy land of democracy," was only taken by the Americans themselves a few months ago.

At the democracy summit in Denmark, a group of European and American teenagers invited Tsai Ing-wen to attend, announcing countless charges against China

Of course, this kind of "farce" cannot affect Chinese. Recently, Canadian scholars published a survey report showing that the Chinese people's trust in the government is as high as 98%, an increase of 3 percentage points over before the epidemic, which ranks first among the countries surveyed, far higher than the world average of 65%, while the "beacon of democracy" in the United States is only 39%.

At the democracy summit in Denmark, a group of European and American teenagers invited Tsai Ing-wen to attend, announcing countless charges against China

This "democratic summit" with the background of the Danish government will obviously also undermine Denmark's relations with China. In recent years, the Nordic country of Denmark has also been one of the vanguards of anti-China within the EU countries, and in addition to the Danish Foundation for Democracy, some Danish parliamentarians have also extended an olive branch to "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence". For example, when Hui Zhifeng, a member of the Hong Kong Parliament, had left Hong Kong for Denmark, the Danish National Assembly post Libeck said that he welcomed Xu Zhifeng's "visit" to Denmark and said that he would make every effort to ensure its safety. Text/PY