
Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

author:Lone Sail 202

East China: Reports from Qiu Wenmei

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

In golden October, the sun shines with fruitful branches; in October, the golden ears of rice in endless fields dance with the wind; in passionate October, the wheels of revival roll forward with muddy water; in fiery October, the vigorous republic carries the battle flag dyed red with the blood of its ancestors and stands proudly among the nations of the world.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

On October 22, 2021, the weather was sunny. A total of more than 50 people from the Jiangsu People's Art Troupe, invited by the leaders of Dongshan Community in Yicheng Street, Yixing City, under the leadership of the head of the group and the person in charge of the East China region, participated in the 2021 Yixing City Cultural Service Global Linkage "Village-level Literary and Art Team Linkage" performance service sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Yixing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Yixing Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism, and co-organized by Dongwang Volunteers.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

At 4:30 p.m., the art team came to the performance site of Yixing Economic and Trade Building Square to carefully inspect the equipment and equipment and costumes, makeup, and adjust the lighting of the performance, and community leaders and nearby residents came to the scene to sit and wait for the performance. After the opening speeches of the two hosts, the music of "Bless the Motherland" sounded, opening the curtain of the performance. Full of affectionate singing accompanied by soft dance postures, once again congratulating the motherland on its birthday. "Realizing the Dream of China" The Chinese nation has experienced vicissitudes and hardships to open up a new era, reform and opening up, and strengthen the country and enrich the people. When the five-star red flag is raised in the world again and again, it is the return of generations of volunteers to build dreams for the new era and not forget the original intention to forge ahead for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The street secretary personally came to the scene to examine this group of literary and artistic teams who persisted in volunteering, and the leaders nodded their heads and praised the first two programs.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

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The programs appeared one after another, "Yingshan Hong", "Ten Sending Red Army", "Shandan DanHua Blossoming Red and Colorful" vividly performed the red culture, so that the audience re-recalled the memories of military and civilian affection and inspiration, and applause and applause rose and fell. The aunts who watched the performance sat because of the cold air of the night during the frost season, not willing to give up such a rich and touching red cultural repertoire, and the children they brought sometimes watched carefully and sometimes played through the front of the curtain, cheerfully without saying a word.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

The sitcom "Children's Journey of Thousands of Miles of Mother's Worries" once again pushed the performance to a climax, and the volunteers gave the soldiers the deep affection when the mother and son bid farewell before the expedition, and the interpretation was exquisite, the professional dance posture, and the sincere expression made the audience shed tears of true feelings. The community leaders highly recognized the performance skills, once again winning warm applause.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

The recitation of "You Come from Liangjiahe" and the song "Speaking of China" are passionate and touching. When the five-star red flag was held up in the center of the stage by the four performers, the small red flag danced on both sides with the red boots in military uniforms, which really inspired the audience present.

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style
Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style

This is a real stage literary and artistic feast, which will surely win the season of volunteer red bloom, may the red culture last forever, the true feelings always exist, and the motherland will always be young!

Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style
Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style
Send literature and art to the countryside to show volunteer style