
Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

author:Origin of the sauce

Wen | came to the sauce

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

Are you a couple who communicate a lot? Or haven't spoken their hearts to each other in a long time? When did we start feeling a sense of distance from each other? Do you often think of the state in which the two of them were speechless when they first interacted?

Most of the time, when the two have reached the point where they can't understand each other's meaning, or have been misunderstanding each other's ideas, they will begin to think about whether the relationship they chose is really suitable for them.

Some people even get depression because even the person he loves most does not know what he is thinking, or even wants to understand his thoughts, and in the end, he is discouraged inside, but he will still let himself be wronged, just because he wants to continue to have this relationship.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > wanted to communicate through the plot of the movie, but he laughed too deeply into the scene</h1>

Those couples who are unwilling to communicate to understand what the other party is thinking, the most commonly used communication method is often to use quarrels to express their inner words, and after arguing once, they will know that the other party has accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction and grievances in their hearts.

Sometimes, the more sensitive and delicate party will always have a special feeling when watching a movie between the sexes, and those who are touched by the thoughts in their hearts will try to say it to the other half, and some will choose to mourn silently.

My friend discussed a movie with her boyfriend a while ago and talked about his relationship with his ex-lover.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

The content is probably similar to the one played in the movie, obviously two people who care about each other very much, but one of them is always unwilling to face the troubles faced by the other half, resulting in the party who bears the inner pressure in the back finally can't stand it, so he proposes to break up.

She said that she was afraid that this relationship would end up in the same way as the old relationship, so she wanted to use the plot of the movie to discuss this situation with her current boyfriend that "talking is always not the right frequency".

However, the result of the communication made her feel that this boyfriend seemed to be the same as the previous one, did not understand the feelings she wanted to express, and even made fun of her for going into the drama too deeply.

This made her a little frustrated, and even self-doubted that she was too entangled in her inner feelings, or her expression was too complicated for them to understand?

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > love becomes cold after stability</h1>

Usually the emotionally sensitive side is always more willing to express their feelings, in fact, this is also a kind of rescue, just like when you are in a bad mood, you will want to find friends to chat well, friends will try to propose solutions for you after listening to your distress,

But there are some things that friends can't solve, and you still have to find the key other half to give answers.

"I always think from his point of view, wondering if I will affect his work by doing this? But I am always the only one who cares about the other person's feelings so carefully. ”

She talked to her current boyfriend about how she felt about getting along with her ex-boyfriend. She remembered that when she first started dating her ex-boyfriend, the two got along very sweetly and happily, talked about everything, and because of this, they were more convinced that each other was the one who wanted to enter the marriage.

However, over time, the relationship becomes stable and less enthusiastic, so the part that originally thought it was attractive to the other party suddenly became unattractive at all.

At that time, she thought that maybe the mode of getting along with couples in stable relationships is like this! Everything is thinking too much on your own. But the trigger for the breakup was the ex-boyfriend's affair, and it was also his colleagues in the workplace.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > the previous failed feelings, reminding the current not to neglect communication</h1>

Many people only focus on what is in front of them, when they are lucky to be able to have a smooth sailing, or when they encounter a problem can be solved smoothly.

They only think that they have the ability to solve it, they have the blessing of the god of luck, and they do not think of the partner who accompanies them to face the problem together, in fact, they silently pay and help a lot.

Maybe the help of the other half is not something you can actually see, but in the places you can't see in your life, there must be a time when he silently does things for you.

She said that the influence of the previous relationship was too deep, so even if she and her current boyfriend are still in love, she will tell him her inner feelings from time to time and ask the other party to pay attention to and respond.

"I used to talk about how my former boyfriend ignored my feelings, so for a long time I didn't share my feelings with him until we broke up."

"But now I'm willing to tell you that if you're not willing to communicate with me, what's the difference between this relationship and the last one?"

She said to her current boyfriend.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > suppress dissatisfaction and dress up, and emotional wear and tear is difficult to recover</h1>

If there is dissatisfaction in the heart, to find the right time to say it, it is best for the two people to be emotionally stable, calm and talk, do not hold everything in your heart.

Don't suppress one person for too long, because you always choose to be a well-behaved and quiet other half for the sake of the other party, but in fact, the other party does not understand your feelings at all, and your pain and entanglement should only be borne unilaterally.

It is not easy to find an ideal partner, in addition to being able to express ideas, but also to accept each other's ideas, the two must often chat and communicate, rather than choosing to pretend to be busy to escape the problem.

Every relationship will change is not without warning and reason, when the problem arises, you choose to turn a blind eye, and when you want to save it, everything is too late.

When you want to enter the love stage, you must first understand what the essence of love is, which can make us more clear that "love" is from ourselves, and learn that "good communication is the basis for building sweet love." ”

When some people enter love, they cannot recognize the role they should play in the whole love, so it is very important to know their role in love.

Love interaction and communication! There are so many types of relationships and patterns of love that they are elusive and make people want to get a glimpse of what is going on.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > 4 ways to maintain love:</h1>

How can love develop and maintain a good ending? If you want to master happiness in love, there are 4 important steps: know yourself→ master love→ understand your lover→ communicate effectively:

1. Know yourself

Recognize your own love traits and what your role in love is. And both parties in love, by understanding their own and others' appearance in love, may find a suitable object.

When lovers have similar love styles to each other, it is more conducive to the smooth development of love.

Fully understand the various processes they have experienced in the process of growing up, and each other's life experiences may affect their love style, which can be used together with the love style.

2. Master love

If you want to enjoy love, then love first! If you want to expand your territory in love, you should take positive action, and being positive is important for love! If you put it into action, there will be good results!

Seize the opportunity to experience love, in the process, understand each other's characteristics in love, is rational or emotional, to help each other's love develop.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

3. Get to know your loved ones

Huang Shujun's "Love Syndrome" song more than 20 years ago, the lyrics let us know that the changes caused by lovers before and after love: "Whether you agree or disagree, many examples from ancient times to the present day have proved that love is not only a pathology, it can also be a perversion." ”

Most people can always tolerate each other's shortcomings when they are in love, but after the hot love period, they will be separated by understanding each other, and each other's original advantages may also become shortcomings in the process of love.

For example, whether the toothpaste is squeezed out at random, or it must be pushed up from below, or a pair of stinky socks that are thrown around... And so on, such as this difference in life habits, reflecting the power of the original family, resulting in each other's love, the cause of poor communication or estrangement, are fatal contradictions.

4. Communicate effectively

Communication is an art of compromise, and when values are incompatible, they need to be resolved with effective communication, and the rift should not be widened.

Communication is a "two-way street", learning to listen is one of the most important things to achieve communication, so try to let the other party say first, play the role of listener communication is not a war, not that you have to convince him, or you must listen to him.

It's not about you fighting out who's right and who's wrong, communication is a lifelong lesson to keep emotions as stable as possible.

Each person's own beliefs or emotions will affect each other's feelings, and effective communication can help us understand each other better, repair the rift between each other, and make the emotional road go longer and longer.

Love is not yours or mine, but one of ours. In addition, love also includes each other's family, as well as each other's interests.

Why don't you say what I want to hear, and you don't listen to what I want to say? Poor communication is also a love syndrome group wants to use the movie plot to communicate, but he laughed into the drama too deep love to talk about everything After stability, it gradually became cold in the previous period of failed feelings, reminding the current not to ignore communication to suppress dissatisfaction and pretend to be well-behaved, emotional wear and tear is difficult to save the 4 major tricks to maintain love: make an appointment for future happiness

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > to book future happiness</h1>

Future happiness is based on whether there is a good communication mechanism between two people, and the secret of love happiness includes learning to love each other and tolerate each other, trying to adapt to each other's differences, and adapting.

When we encounter a love problem, immediately correcting it is far more emotional than running away as soon as we encounter a problem.

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