
The life of a dog

author:Eyes of the Wind

The drooping old dog in the backyard of the unit lazily lay in front of the iron fence at the door, completely ignoring the traffic and crowds coming in and out. It was depressed again, mainly because it had recently given birth to another litter of cubs, which had been taken away from it a few days after it was born, and it was no longer known that it was the first few litters it had given birth to.

This dog entered the backyard of the unit in what year and month, there is no way to verify, no one cares, but it was still very young when it first came, and I don't know who its parents are, maybe it is the offspring of the stray dog on the side of the road, the day is ugly, the blood is completely negligible, so no one adopted it. But it never lacks love. First of all, human beings are very kind to it, and the people of the various units in this courtyard are very concerned about it, and they do not dislike its ugly appearance. The janitor also built a nest for it in the middle of a pile of discarded metal objects in the courtyard, and also made a curtain for it with felt to ensure that it could be warmed through the winter. Every day, colleagues in the unit and the drivers of the government convoy carefully collected and packed the leftovers from lunch, the bones and meat dishes were carefully collected and packed back for it, and the careful female colleagues also specially picked out the peppers in the dish, and then put the food on the plate specially prepared for it by the doorman. Every time it saw us come back from the cafeteria, it wagged its tail and ran over to meet us, and it knew that delicious lunchtime was up again. The most important thing is that it has no competitors and has been eating alone. In this way, it never has to learn to wrap the stomach problem and worry, and over time it has gradually developed a very picky problem with the quality of the meal, if there is a meal with less bones or the meat on the bone is chewed too clean, it is dismissive, anyway, every day there is a sufficient or even excessive food supply, even if a meal is not smooth, there is the rest of the previous uneaten. For a while, the call for "Disc Action" made colleagues pay great attention to meal savings, and brought back less leftovers for it, at which point it also retreated to the second place. The so-called "petty dog on the stove", it seems that neither people nor dogs can be too spoiled and too accustomed.

Secondly, it has never lacked the love of the same kind, under the nourishment of a stable food source, its body develops fleshy and rolling, with the passage of time, it will soon reach the age of love, at this time, the courtyard does not know how to have a male dog whose appearance is completely matched with it, it seems that the dog also pays attention to the door to the door. Did this dog smell the opposite sex in this yard with a far more sensitive sense of smell than humans? I don't know, but one of the great virtues of human beings is to demolish ten temples rather than destroy one relative. The people in the yard also acquiesced to the existence of this other dog. Soon, its first litter of cubs was born, a total of 6, which were too genetically strong for the dogs to completely inherit their ugly appearance to their children, and even more so. Uncle Janitor wrote a few lines in chalk on the metal door panel outside its nest, calling on caring people to adopt these puppies, and soon the loving humans took away 5 of the 6 puppies one after another, leaving only a puppy that was more sorry than his brothers and did not find his owner, those days, watching his children get less and less day by day, the dog mother became a little depressed, and even the nutritious meals brought to it by colleagues did not eat. Within a few days, the last of the "difficult household" cubs was also taken away, at which time everyone heard its whimpering and whimpering low, but fortunately, this sad sound lasted only a day or two before it disappeared. Because of the caress of a partner, the pain of losing a child was soon forgotten. It is precisely because when it was so unbridled that after the joy of fish and water again and again, it gave birth to five litters in succession, each time no less than five or six, and each time it was taken away a few days after giving birth. It doesn't care what kind of life its descendants will have in the future, whether they will be unfortunate enough to become stray dogs on the street that no one will look at, whether they will eat up and down, whether they will become a delicacy on human plates, whether they will bite and hurt people, and do things that violate the law and discipline. It completely ignores these problems. It only thinks of its own happiness, reckless, and the question of the quantity and quality of its offspring is not within its consideration...

There is no other animal in the world that combines praise and infamy like a dog. For praise, the dog is loyal and selfless, it is domesticated by humans, strictly obeys the instructions of humans, becomes the right-hand man, fights in the frontier defense front, anti-drug frontline, search and rescue scene, caretakers of homes. It also provides guidance for the blind, provides companionship for the elderly, and is a good friend of mankind. As long as you have been good to it even once, it will wag its tail when it sees you. Such a humane dog is really cute. However, sometimes the personality trait of the dog is a double-edged sword, that is, because it is too good at looking at the owner's eyes, it is often criticized as "dog fighting human strength" and "dog eyes looking down on people". Even in the process of long-term relationship with humans, some of their personality has been transmitted to human beings, and this kind of dog-like person often manifests himself as a tail-wagging eunuch who is weak in his waist and knees, and fierce and arrogant like a tailless vicious dog on the bottom.

The dog in the backyard also had a wonderful performance of "dog eyes looking down on people" again and again, every six I used to wear clean and neat clothes to work, once I wore a very ordinary or even a little outdated clothes to the unit, after returning from the canteen at noon, it and its "sir" inexplicably barked at me, and the formation really frightened me at that time. No wonder, I am one of the colleagues in the unit who has never brought food to it, it is understandable that it is not friendly to me, but it does not bark at me early or late, but barks wildly when I wear such a dress in front of its eyes, I can't help but really look at people with dog eyes, and will also fight in groups and take people with clothes.

The dog and its "husband" live happily in the backyard, playing and chasing around the courtyard every day, enjoying the loving meals of colleagues regardless of return. Living with their partners without restraint, they live a life of envy and immortality, bringing offspring with no beauty to speak of again and again, and then the whereabouts of these offspring never care about it, and there is nothing they can do. It only enjoys the days when itself and its partner are happy every day. Time flew by, it soon entered middle age, and a great misfortune befell it. On that day, it and its "sir" chased and fought too much as usual, and even ran to the national highway outside the courtyard at a straight distance of only tens of meters, and after a terrible scream, its "sir" died under the rolling wheels, and after witnessing this tragic situation, it collapsed at that time, it lay on the bloody corpse of "mr." It whimpered, and the sound was moving and heartbreaking. This single-shadowed dog is immersed in endless heart grief, colleagues hit back the bone leftovers it does not eat a bite, female colleagues after seeing it began to lose weight due to sadness, in order to strengthen its nutrition, from their own refrigerator to bring the best ham sausage cut well on its plate It also just smells, does not move. For half a year, at the time of its "sir" death at noon, everyone could hear its low, mournful whimpering, and it seemed that the blow of the middle-aged widow was far beyond the pain of the birth and departure of a nest of cubs. Just when everyone was worried about whether the dog could survive this deep pain and regain its former spirit, it actually "stood" again, for a somewhat unexpected reason, it found an opponent, this opponent is a cat, the same as its origin is the same, how the cat came to this yard, whether it is a domestic or wild cat is unknown. I don't know if the cat stole its food or offended it for some other reason. Oh my God, a guy who was much smaller than himself was so blind that he decided to show his sovereignty to the cat, even though the "style" was far less than before, and he wanted to show off his muscles. So in the courtyard staged a good play of dogs chasing and catching cats, unfortunately this drama was smashed by it, although the cat did not have the same size as a dog, but it was strong, with its own killer skills to avoid the harm of the dog, it quickly climbed a tree in the courtyard that was more than twenty years old, and the dog did not have this ability, can only wait for the cat under the tree, the cat stayed in the tree for a long time, quietly came down to try to escape, but once again was annoyed and angry dog chased, the cat once again used a trick to eat the sky and fled to the tree, And this time the dog was sad when chasing the cat, he accidentally hit a branch and blinded one eye, and the bullying ending was sometimes so dramatic.

The heavens seem to be very kind to this ugly widow dog, after half a year of mourning "husband", and in the battle to hunt down the cat, after becoming a one-eyed dog, it was walking alone in the courtyard, low scheduling day, at this time, out of nowhere, a male dog came to its side, not ugly, not too old, firmly came with it, warmly smoothed its pain, enjoyed the love of human beings with it, it bathed in love again and again, brought one offspring to this world, and disappeared inexplicably.

The autumn sun was less harsh, and under the clear sky, the dog couldn't figure out how his latest offspring had disappeared so quickly. Fortunately, with the company of a new partner, it will not be so lonely for life. In the autumn wind, a wisp of yellow hair was blown up by the wind and drifted to the sky, drifting farther and farther away. A deep twilight strikes at it...