
Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

author:Pearl Island

Stray dogs are unowned dogs, which can also be called wild dogs or abandoned dogs. In real life, wherever we go, we will encounter all kinds of stray dogs. Regarding the formation of stray dogs, from the source, it should be deliberately abandoned or neglected by the dog owner. In terms of the number of them formed, the disorderly breeding of stray dogs is the main factor in the rapid growth of their ranks. Stray dogs have lost the restraint of their owners, and they are either alone or in groups of three or five. One of their characteristics is their activity in human settlements. The food they depend on for their survival is mainly human garbage. As for their harm to the environment or people, everyone is basically clear and will not be repeated here.

Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

Before dogs were domesticated by humans, they were hierarchical and leaderless herd animals. They have an innate sense of community, a natural sense of obedience to the chief. After living with humans, they treat their masters as leaders and their families as members of the group. Their loyalty to their masters comes from obedience to their chiefs. The sense of chiefhood is innate to them, and when they are abandoned or lost, they objectively lose their masters and family, and they also lose the group that provides them with security. After the collapse of self-confidence, it becomes a wandering life outside the crowd. At this time, they understand very well that the next step is to live freely and alone in the absence of security, to put it bluntly, it is a kind of life that lives by itself.

Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

Do they still want to have a master? Do you still want to have a home again? Seriously, yes, of course I want to. They have an IQ, and their level of intelligence is not similar to that of three- or four-year-old children? Three- and four-year-olds know a lot of things. Children in this period, however, are most eager for the love of their parents, and they have never thought about what it would be like to suddenly have no parents and home. And dogs, animals around humans, they are born unable to choose their own destiny, their lives are in the hands of their masters, they are naturally accustomed to obeying their masters, they are willing to become the masters' slaves, they will not decide their own affairs, they are accustomed to their own affairs by the master, this should be the fate of dogs, that is, they are willing to be driven by humans when they are born.

Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

How important the owner and the home are to them, the average person, including dog owners, does not think about this. Dogs are born to rely on their owners to live a normal life, no matter how the owner treats it, it has never been righteous to the owner, and in their bones, they have never had the idea of running away from home. Because the master is its leader, the group animals in nature that have lost their leader cannot survive alone without the group, which is the inherent consciousness that exists in their bones. The extent to which they are afraid of losing their owners is something that dog owners can appreciate. You take it into the wild, it will be very excited and happy, but at a glance it will not see you, it will immediately terminate the free activities it has just had, and it will be anxious to find you everywhere. Interested owners, if you have time, you can take your dog to the wild to try it out.

Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

If you say that the owner and the home, which is more important in the dog's mind, of course, is the master. With the master, you can make home all over the world, and wherever the master goes, it is home. We can feel from the self-driving tour with the dog, or the homeless man leading a few dogs, etc., as long as there is a master, nothing else matters. In its mind, the master has long become a panacea. I often take my dog out into the wild to play, and when I stop the car, I feel the excitement of the dog and I want to jump out of the car to play immediately, but when I open the car door and let it go down, if I don't get out of the car, it won't go down. It was really afraid that I would drive away.

Psychological analysis of stray dogs and dogs with owners, the life of dogs is actually very simple

In fact, the dog's life is very simple, as long as you accept it and tell it to confess the Lord, it will live with you carefreely, and it does not matter whether it is good or bad to eat. How you treat it is a matter of course in its opinion, you can not be good to it, you can punish it, in its mind, this is part of life, it thinks that life is like this. We also know that when a dog owner abandons a dog, it is called throwing the dog away, and there is no mention of driving it away, because the dog cannot be driven away. Therefore, people who like to keep dogs and are ready to raise dogs, before feeding them, should be as thoughtful as possible, and there is no intention of feeding them for a long time, it is best not to keep them.

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