
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

author:Lossless Music Library
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

King Jingke (1998)

Synopsis of Jing Ke's Assassination of the King of Qin · · · · · ·

During the Warring States period, The Qin King Yingzheng (Li Xuejian) took the unification of the world as his great cause. At that time, the State of Yan was a problem in the heart of Yingzheng, and in order to help him complete the unification hegemony as soon as possible, Zhao Ji (Gong Li) offered advice to the State of Yan to falsely instigate a plan to assassinate Yingzheng, so that Qin would have the name of sending troops to attack Yan and strive for the possibility of surrendering the State of Yan without a fight.

Zhao Ji and Prince Dan of Yan (Sun Zhou) conspire together to assassinate Yingzheng. The person who performs the mission is the swordsman Jing Ke (Zhang Fengyi), who is hidden in the city and re-emerges from the jianghu. After coming into contact with Jing Ke, Zhao Ji admired him very much. Zhao Ji refused to persuade Jing Ke again. Prince Dan was enraged and imprisoned Zhao Ji. Therefore, Jing Ke found Prince Dan and offered to release Zhao Ji, and he agreed to assassinate the King of Qin. At the same time, Yin Zheng discovered the secret of his own life, and he was so angry that he even attacked zhao guo with his troops, and the atrocities are difficult to describe.

Above the main hall, Jing Ke lost his hand...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Solo killer Le samouraï (1967)

Lone Killer Synopsis · · · · · · ·

Jeff (Alain Delon) is a taciturn killer who lives in a hotel with only a bird. Alone, he was commissioned to assassinate the owner of the club, and despite the seamless operation, the police detained him. Marerie (Cathy Rosier), a piano woman, recognizes Jeff as the suspicious man of the day, but she chooses to shield Jeff, which makes Jeff suspicious. Jeff finds the middleman to settle the wages, only to have the middleman shoot and injure him. Jeff, who escaped the disaster, secretly identified his employer and found and killed him, but at the same time, he found that Marely, who had protected him, was actually the employer's lover. Confused, Jeff comes to the club with a pistol to question Marelli, but is shot and killed by the police who have been ambushed here, and the police find that Jeff's pistol does not have a bullet, and the significance of his behavior has become an eternal secret.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Assassin's Creed (2016)

Assassin's Creed Synopsis · · · · · · · ·

Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbinder) wakes up just before the execution is imminent and discovers that he has been chosen by Sophia (Marion Cotillard) to participate in a plan that frees humanity from violent impulses. The virtual reality machine Animus allows users to experience memories of ancestors, and after being tied to the machine, Callum Lynch realizes that he is a descendant of Aguila, an Assassin living during the Spanish Inquisition, looking for the Apple of Eden that controls free will. Under pressure from her father, Ellen (Jeremy Irons), Sophia reluctantly manipulates Callum Lynch to return to the past to find the whereabouts of the Apple of Eden in the modern world, threatening his physical and mental health. But after killer peer Moussa (Michael Williams) hints at Callum Lynch, reminding him that Allen may have impure motives, Callum Lynch begins to reconsider his actions and motives, and the fate of human free will becomes unresolved...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Wanted (2008)

Wanted Synopsis · · · · · · · · ·

Life is a meaningless repetition of the little clerk Wesley (James McAvoy), who has to endure the nagging of his fat boss every day, the bed of friends and girlfriends, and the constant use of drugs to control his excessively fast heartbeat. On this day, he is rescued from the mad gunner's pursuit by a strange woman and enters the world of the League of Assassins, where firefox (Angelina Jolie) and alliance leader Shi Long (Morgan Freeman) inform Wesley that he abandoned his father as a member of the organization, and was recently killed by the traitor Cross, and Wesley must grow up in harsh training as soon as possible to protect himself and even avenge his father.

The League of Assassins originated in the Textile Guild, who decided who to assassinate according to the code provided by the loom, thus following the fateful arrangement. Wesley soon became a member of the Order with his talent for mastering a series of assassination methods, began to carry out the tasks entrusted by fate, and gradually approached the goal of seeking revenge on the Cross, and finally, Sloan ordered Wesley to go to Eastern Europe to assassinate the Cross, but in this mission, Wesley accidentally discovered the conspiracy within the Organization, and this time, he no longer used evasion to solve the problem.

The film won the 2009 British Imperial Film Award for Best Sci-Fi Fantasy Film.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Killer: Codename 47 Hitman (2007)

Synopsis of The Killer: Codename 47 · · · · · ·

Codename 47 (Timothy Ollift) is a replicant made using genetic technology who was employed to carry out assassinations by an organization called "The Agency", and 47 is the last two digits of the barcode on the back of his neck, which is also his name. Involved in a political conspiracy, 47 was hunted down by both Interpol and Russian troops in Eastern Europe. In the process of tracking down the real murderer, he encounters a deadly woman (Olga Krylanko). The killer's ruthlessness is gradually disintegrated by women, but life is also being threatened...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

The Two Males (1989)

Synopsis of The Two Heroes · · · · · · ·

The killer Yazhuang (Zhou Runfa) accidentally injured the singer Jennie (Ye Qianwen) in an assassination operation, making her eyes close to blindness, since then, deeply guilty, he began to secretly protect and help Jennie, and wanted to raise a sum of money to send her to abroad for medical treatment before she was completely blind, for this reason, Yazhuang desperately took the risk and became a killer again, not wanting to complete the mission not only did not receive money, but was hired by Wang Hai, who hired him to kill people.

Detective Li Ying (Li Xiuxian), who was ordered to investigate the relevant murder case, learned that there was another hidden plot in the process of investigating the case, Yazhuang was not a cold-blooded killer, and began to feel sorry for him, and in the pursuit and killing of Wang Hai's forces, the two formed a life-and-death friendship. However, Yazhuang's fate seems to be doomed.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Kill with a Knife Collateral (2004)

Synopsis of Murder with a Knife · · · · · ·

As night falls, Max (Jamie Foxx) picks up a life-changing guest at the airport, Vincent (Tom Cruise).

Vincent, who was employed by a multinational drug cartel, came to Los Angeles this night to kill five key witnesses. He is very different from the killers we often see, he naturally likes to nag, and when he holds Max hostage to help him complete the killing work, he also has a lot of words - "I am not a Rwandan massacre, I am not a good person to kill people, it can be said that I am for Skywalker, what can you blame me?" Max was also speechless.

The last person to be killed that night was the Assistant Prosecutor, who had been Max's customer. Max is determined to protect her...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Assassin Battlefield Assassins (1995)

Synopsis of Assassin Battlefield · · · · · · · ·

As a killer, Robert (Sylvester Stallone) has his own unshakable principle of never killing innocents except for mission goals. Although he is a colleague with Robert, Michael (Antonio Banderas) has a very different view of life and death from Robert, who not only does anything to achieve his goals, but also regards robert who is "highly respected" in the industry as a thorn in his eye and wants to get rid of it quickly.

Robert was tired of a life full of killing, and he was determined to do one last vote and wash his hands from then on. Soon, the highly skilled Robert catches the target task, a female thief named Ellie (Julianne Moore), who unfortunately becomes the prey of Migao and the two-million-dollar disk in her hand. As time goes on, Robert gradually falls in love with Ellie, and at the same time, the brutal Michael gets closer and closer to them.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Fatal Black Orchid Colombiana (2011)

Synopsis of Deadly Blackland · · · · · · ·

The film is director Olivier Migaton's fourth feature-length feature film, spanning five cities: Paris, Chicago, Miami, New Orleans and Mexico.

Catalia Restrepo (Zoe Saldana) witnesses her parents brutally murdered by Colombian drug king Don Luiz at the age of ten. Catalia fled to Chicago to join her uncle Emilio, who was also a gangster.

Emilio tries to keep Caralelia out of the influence of gangster life, but Catalia is bent on becoming a professional killer. At the age of 25, she has finally become an experienced and ruthless Assassin, who usually works for her uncle Emilio, but her inner goal is to avenge her parents and kill drug tycoon Don Luis.

In order to get revenge, there is nothing to stop Catalia, whether it is her uncle Emilio, or the FBI, CIA officials, although Catalia feels guilty for the murder of her uncle Emilio's family, but it strengthens her determination to get revenge, and also makes the drug tycoon Don Luiz and his accomplices fall into the fear of death...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Sniper Professional Killer The Jackal (1997)

Sniper Professional Killer Synopsis · · · · · · ·

All along, the deputy director of the FBI, Carter (Sidney Poitier), and the Russian intelligence officer Valentina (Diane Venora), have been pursuing a very dangerous prisoner, armed with highly lethal chemical weapons, proficient in computers and cross-dressing, cunning and cruel personality, a major threat to world peace, he does not even have a name, and he is given the code name "Jackal" (Bruce Willis).

Frustrated by repeated defeats, Carter and Valentina decide to use their "secret weapon", a captive killer Mokun (Richard Gere), who once fought the Jackal. With the help of experienced MoKun, will Carter and his party be able to successfully capture the Jackal? For Mo Kun, what danger awaits him on the road ahead?

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Female Prisoner Nikita Nikita (1990)

Synopsis of Nikita the Female Prisoner · · · · · ·

Nikita (Anne Parrilord) and a group of friends rob a store of medicines, the owner of the store and her friends are killed in the incident, and Nikita is sent to prison for killing a policeman. At this time a mysterious government organization came, selected Nikita, and trained her to become a secret agent killer, after several years of secret agent training, Nikita returned to real life as an ordinary nurse, at this time she fell in love with a man, and their relationship faced a tense situation when Nikita received an order from a secret agent...

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Two Can Only Live One Two Can Live Only One (1997)

Synopsis of Two Can Only Live One · · · · · ·

After being beaten to death for gambling and seriously injured, the poor ghost Awu (Jin Chengwu), who was living in ruins, began to regard his life as worthless, and gambled his life to take over a murder deal at a cost of 80,000 yuan. Before the operation, because of the windfall of 800,000 yuan, Ah Wu cherished his life and asked the female killer Ka Wen (Li Ruotong), who had just come out of prison, to complete the task for him.

Ka Wen can not be relieved of the old feelings, repeatedly asked Ah Wu to meet her old boyfriend who has failed her, otherwise refused to act, Ah Wu obeyed the order in desperation, but in the process of understanding the truth of the matter, he slowly fell in love with Ka Wen, but the task must be carried out, Ah Wu began to hesitate whether to replace Ka Wen to kill himself.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Dark Flower (1998)

Synopsis of Dark Flower · · · · · · ·

Macau's two major gangs, the Hongxing Gang and the Yiying Gang, decided to make peace after a few months in order to compete for the interests of the casino, not wanting it to be rumored in the jianghu that the Hongxing Gang boss Ben Yahua had hired foreign killers at a high price of five million yuan, and was ready to assassinate the yiying gang's big brother Gao Laozhong in the near future. In order to ensure the safety of Gao Laozhong and avoid further chaos in the world, Ben Yahua sent his capable general Ah Shen (Liang Chaowei), who was also a corrupt policeman, to prevent the incident from happening.

The bald killer Yao Dong (Liu Qingyun) and the mysterious woman Ah Feng (Shao Meiqi) often haunt Ah Shen and constantly cause him trouble. It turned out that Yao Dong was a super killer sent by Mr. Hong, the boss behind the gang, to smash the Hong Xing Gang and the Yiying Gang, and his killing methods were very exquisite and fierce. After some arrangement, Yaodong created a situation in which both Beng Yahua and Gao Laozhong died at the hands of Ah Shen, but his fate was not in his own hands.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

True Heroes (1998)

True Heroes Synopsis · · · · · · ·

Jack (Li Ming) follows Pi Ge for many years, and Ah Hao (Liu Qingyun) is the right-hand man who chases after his brother, and the two are their masters, but they have already heard of each other's prestige. In one of the operations, Ah Hao let Jack go. The two drove on a narrow road to meet, collided with each other, and each climbed out of the car, but in his hand he held the precious red wine that he had brought from home, so the two went to the small bar with their girlfriends Qi (Meng Jiahui) and Ling (Liang Yiling) to drink bitterly, saying that they hated each other late, so they met and drank again after the big battle, but the two knew in their hearts that seeing each other after this parting was the time of life and death. Ahao and Jack were both defeated in Thailand, but the boss got his hands on it, and Ahao's legs were broken, and Jack was beaten to a complete coma.

After hearing the news, Qi and Ling rushed to Thailand, but they were attacked unexpectedly. A year later, Brother Pi and Brother Yanhe avoided talking about the old things, and Ahao was in a dismal situation, without asking Jack of the jianghu affairs whether he could get out of the mountains, whether the true hero could not die, could they have a wish for revenge?

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

The Accountant (2016)

Synopsis of the Accounting Assassin · · · · · ·

The silent and mysterious mathematical genius Christian Wolfe (Ben Affleck) is engaged in the obscure accounting profession, specializing in the accounting of the world's major criminal institutions. With the help of Treasury Official J. King, K. Simmons) focuses on financial crime, and Christian enlists a legitimate AI company customer as cover, while the company's accountant (Anna Kendrick) appears to have found a multi-million dollar financial rift. Christian's next step is not only an investigation by the authorities, but also a more serious personal danger.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories
Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Life and Death Sniper Shooter (2007)

Synopsis of Life and Death Sniper · · · · · · · ·

It's a spy movie, but the protagonist is replaced by a sniper. Bob (Mark Wahlberg), a retired american sniper, is enjoying his post-retirement leisure time in Arkansas when his former boss visits him in the hope that he will be given a new assignment to secretly protect the president as a stealth sniper on the day of the president's street speech. Although 100,000 people were reluctant, they could not resist the lobbying of their superiors, and Bob finally agreed. On the day of the president's speech, Bob was carefully observing the situation around him when suddenly the venue was attacked by gunmen, and the bishop of Ethiopia next to the president was killed. Bob was hunted down by the police as an assassin. Knowing that he had become a scapegoat, Bob struggled to escape after being shot twice. Bob's only way out at this time is to find out the real culprit behind the scenes and clear himself of the crime.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Smokin' Aces (2006)

Synopsis of the Five-Way Hunt · · · · · · · ·

The american mafia leader Premo Sr. is dying, and at a time when his former subordinate, the magician Buddy (Jeremy Piven), is negotiating with the police to try to mitigate his robbery by being a tainted witness, Premo in a hospital bed orders Buddy's heart to be obtained and entrusts a mysterious Swede to deal with the matter. Mafia number two quickly issued a reward of one million dollars, vowing to take Buddy's life. Detective Richard (Ryan Reynolds) and Donald, who intercepted the news, immediately travel to Lake Tahoe, Where Buddy is located. At the same time, the high bounty attracts various killers, including the crazy three Nazi brothers, the hot girl duo, the transfiguration killer and the mercenary who is good at torture, and three departing police officers are also commissioned by lawyers to bring back Buddy, who has abandoned bail. For a time, all the people and horses killed Buddy's hidden luxury hotel, turning it into a chaotic battlefield... After the dust settled, Richard discovered the mystery behind the case.

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Recommended for classic action movies, assassins list 18 killer stories

Full-Time Killer (2001)

Full-Time Killer Synopsis · · · · · ·

After the death of Zhi Ai, Killer O (Takashi Inomachi) completely encloses himself in a safe and secluded residence, leaving only killing and loneliness in the dictionary of life, but when the innocent girl Who resembles his ex-girlfriend Chin who is hired to clean the house appears, the door of his heart is opened again, but the two never meet. Like the thrill of killing, Andy Lau, who aspires to become the number one professional killer, forces O to appear, intending to expose O's true identity to Chin.

Veteran Interpol Officer Lee has been tracking O for more than 5 years. Caught between Tok and Lee, O is forced to turn to his superior, C7, for help. Unbeknownst to O, C7 and Tok are the sharpshooter brothers who disappeared after the Olympics revealed by Lee, and this time he will be rescued because Ofk put pressure on C7, but Tok's purpose is to have a life-and-death duel with him.

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Assassination Stronghold Vantage Point (2008)

Synopsis of The Assassination Stronghold · · · · · ·

In response to the growing terrorism that followed 9/11, U.S. President Henry Ashton (William Hurt) met with the heads of state of the West and Arab states in Salamanca, Spain, to forge a new anti-terrorist alliance. It was a sunny day, the square was crowded, and people from different social backgrounds gathered together, which was very noisy. President Ashton's motorcade arrived amid cheers and opposition, and Veteran Agent Thomas Barnes (Dennis Quaid), who was shot six months ago to protect the president, rushed to the forefront, vigilantly monitoring everyone suspicious around him. Who knows, when the president was about to give a speech, two bullets hit him. The square was suddenly in chaos, some people fled in a hurry, some rushed to the rostrum, and some people took advantage of the chaos to create trouble. The ensuing explosion completely destroyed this beautiful day.

Through the perspectives of the female tv director, President Ashton, Barnes and several people involved in this incident, the truth behind the bloody day is gradually restored...

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