
Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

author:Uncle Four-Flavor Poison

"Adapted from real events" is the temptation of many fans to escape, this sentence appears at the beginning, invisibly adds a lot of color to the whole film, in addition to the real people and real events of the real theme, there are some legends and anecdotes of non-realistic themes, each time it appears to make people fall into it, and even many famous real events, appreciated by countless directors, even if it is a haunted house.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

If the super popular house that is still being adapted is ranked, the first is not the "Armitivele Cottage".

In 1974, on the Ocean Avenue in the small town of Amitivel, a bloody night was celebrated in an apartment. In addition to the 23-year-old Butch, his parents and two younger brothers, two younger sisters were shot, and six bodies died in bed overnight, while the younger brothers lay on the bed and kept asleep.

Police quickly arrested Butch, and after interrogation, Butch admitted that he had killed his entire family at three o'clock in the morning with a .35-caliber gun.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

However, he did not give any explanation on the motive of the crime, only that he was instigated by the devil at that time, and there was always a voice in his ear that made him do this, and he was completely unable to control himself. Naturally, this statement could not be accepted by the judicial authorities, and Butch was evaluated mentally, and the results showed that he was conscious at the time of the crime and was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment.

The whole process of solving the case seems to have no suspense, but in fact, it hides many doubts.

At three o'clock in the morning, Butch, armed with a point 35 but not silenced gun, fired six shots in his home, but there was no sign of struggle or running at the scene. It is difficult to explain that the deceased all died in their own rooms, after all, the first shot did not wake up, and the subsequent shots should also make the family conscious, but the body not only did not find drug residues, but even no traces of movement were found on the body.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

But at the time, these doubts were not taken seriously, and just a year later, another family moved into the house. At this time, the George family had obviously heard of similar suspicions, and before moving in, they asked the priest to exorcise evil spirits from each room, from the bedroom to the kitchen, and even the bathroom, but when the priest walked into the bedroom where Butch had shot his brother, he heard a harsh voice: "Get out!" ”

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

The pastor told george about it, but was still unable to stop the family from moving in, and just like that, the strange 28 days began.

After moving in, George found that the children's sleeping positions had changed to lying on their stomachs, but in the past, when he went to check whether the children were sleeping every night, they were lying on their sides. George's sleep quality also became very poor, he could always hear gunshots in his dreams, and every time he woke up around three o'clock in the morning.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

All this seemed like a coincidence to George, and to a large extent it could be caused by his own psychological cues, and he did not care. And in the second week of moving in, George found that his young daughter began to talk to the window, he went up to inquire, but the daughter said that there was a new friend, George thought that the daughter was hallucinating, but he found the footprints of the child outside the daughter's window.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

To George's final horror, there was viscous liquid oozing from the walls of the house and the fact that his wife had found a small hidden compartment behind a cabinet in the basement.

The cubicle walls were painted red and unmarked on the house's blueprints, and their dogs seemed to be terrified of the secret room. In this short period of 28 days, George completely collapsed, endured huge financial pressure, and returned the house to the real estate developer.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

Later, New York Television Channel 5 and a reporter from WNEW-FM reported on the haunted incident in the town of Amitivell, attracting several experts who claimed to study supernatural sciences. Invited by the New York journalist, people ventured to 112 Ocean Boulevard, including the Warren couple who were invited.

The realistic prototype of the Story of The Conjuring not only captures the famous "Evil Spirit Boy", but also learns that the first owner of the house was a black magic practitioner who was buried under the house after his death, and was later used by the Indians to imprison the mentally ill and buried many dead mental patients nearby.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

The event was not only noticed by writers of the time (The Amityville Horror, A True Story) at the time, with a total circulation of more than 6 million copies. Subsequent adaptations of this are also numerous, the most famous being the "Ghost Crying God Howl" series, this house was directly made into 8 works, and even in 2005 there was a remake.

Even Wen Ziren mentioned this matter at the beginning of "Summoning Souls", which can be described as a blockbuster story adapted by the murderous house, and the influence please refer directly to the current situation of "Beijing 81" in China.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

In addition to unnatural phenomena, man-made events are often in the director's adaptation, although this practice is the strength of Korean films, any watch a few movies, it may be real, just like last year was also mentioned in the "Memories of Killing" real murder arrest news, this kind of killing as the end of pleasure almost every country has, and the "Zodiac Killer" incident that was madly adapted and borrowed has also become the material for many film and television works.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

The "Zodiac Killer" first appeared in December 1968, killing a 17-year-old teenager and his girlfriend in California. According to the police investigation, the Zodiac killer shot the boy's head and found 5 bullets in the girl's body ten meters away.

This was followed by another case of golf course homicides, most of whom were couples and lonely youths. These two cases originally just blew up the police station, and all the police officers were searching for clues to the case, and the reason why the Zodiac killer was known to more people was not so, but that he sent a letter to several newspapers 26 days after the crime.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

Signed as "Zodiac Killer," the letter not only claimed to be responsible for the two murders, but also included a 408-character password that claimed to be known after the codes were cracked. The media were also asked to place the letters on the front page of every newspaper.

Otherwise he would kill some loners every weekend until he killed 12.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

In the years that followed, he was still committing crimes, and he would leave clues after each crime, setting passwords for newspapers and police, which even became a cultural phenomenon of the time, not only a large number of people pretending to be zodiac killers writing letters to the police station, but also people pretending to be zodiac killers.

But the real "Zodiac Killer" has not been brought to justice, and in his letters he constantly provokes the detective ability of the police. This is actually the truth, until the "Zodiac Killer" almost disappeared, and the police did not speculate who he was.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

His subsequent image was adapted to 1971's Dirty Harry, written into a book, and three of the letters sent were still untranslated, most recently by David Finch, under the title Zodiac.

Do you climax when you see "based on true events"?

Sometimes, the opening line of the film, based on the "true events", will be forgotten in the development of the story, and at the end of the film, the audience in retrospect is creepy and finds that reality is far more fantastical than the movie.

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