
Household registration, birth certificate, and medical insurance are done at once, and the masses all say that "one thing is born" is jointly done

author:Eiko's sister's life diary

"Great, in the morning we filled out the "Bazhou Birth One Matter Joint Registration Form" at Korla City Hospital, and in just one hour, we received Barangzi's household registration book, birth medical certificate and insurance registration, your service Yaxi!" On October 21, mr. and mrs. Tursun in Awati Township were delighted with takako. However, because the education level of the couple is not high, it is difficult for the child to deal with the next step of settlement, medical insurance and other matters, and happened to meet the household registration police of the Prefecture and Municipal Administrative Service Center in the hospital to publicize the newborn "birth one thing" process. The Tursun couple suddenly felt relaxed, directly called the current policy is too good, only once submitted materials can be processed at once to apply for a good birth medical certificate, household registration, medical insurance, etc., originally still worried about not being able to return to the township after discharge, did not expect to get the child's birth certificate, household registration book, exempt from the township and city to run back and forth, The Tursun couple directly called "such a service is too satisfied." The Korla Municipal Public Security Bureau piloted the "Birth One Thing" joint business at the household registration window of the Municipal Administrative Service Center, which has been officially running since September 24, and a total of 47 parents have applied for the household registration of newborns, and parents have also received medical insurance registration information for newborns. At present, the Korla Municipal Public Security Bureau is contacting China Telecom to connect the "Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government Service Platform Network" in various police stations, and the update and guarantee of computers, high-speed cameras and printer equipment is underway. In this way, parents can collect it at their doorstep after "one-stop" household registration. "Birth one thing" reform highlight 1, handling matters integration, the application only needs "one form" through the newborn after birth need to handle a single matter of the application materials for merger, deduplication, reengineering, the application form from 4 copies to only fill in 1 "Bazhou birth one thing joint registration form", the applicant in the birth of the medical certificate, voluntarily take the newborn "birth one thing" way to complete the household registration, medical insurance registration and other business for the newborn. 2. The information sharing is universal, and the "one-time" integration of the submitted materials optimizes the information and supporting materials to be provided for the joint project. Before the reform, the applicant needed to repeatedly submit identity certificates, household registration books, marriage certificates and other supporting documents in different departments and different windows, submitting a total of more than 10 materials; after the reform, upload the newborn "Bazhou Birth Joint Registration Form", parents' marriage certificate, parents' IDENTITy card, parents' household registration book 4 pieces of information, to achieve material sharing, "one material to the end". 3. Department circulation, the joint office only needs to "one network" the window of the midwifery institution After applying for the birth medical certificate for the newborn, the applicant submits the "Bazhou Birth One Thing Joint Registration Form" according to his wishes, and immediately and in real time through the "Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government Service Platform Network", implements serial processing, and handles the household registration book and insurance registration procedures for the newborn within 2 working days after the application. When applying, the applicant can choose to mail it to his home or pick it up at the window, and truly realize that he only runs one window, handles it online, and completes it at one time. Isn't that convenient? Hurry up and collect it to those who need it around you

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