
The difference between infantile scurvy and sepsis is that one is that the mother takes too much medicine, and the other is that the father has done something wrong

author:The story of Little Red Sister's delivery room

After the newborn is born, it is inevitable that there will be diseases, such as sepsis and scurvy, which are serious diseases that endanger the health of small babies. Many parents do not know what the cause of these two diseases is, and some people think that it is a disease, in fact, sepsis and scurvy are two completely different diseases, and the causes of the disease are also different.

Let's start with sepsis. A few days ago, I watched a news, in a certain place, an 8-month-old baby, the back of the head grew two pustules, the doctor suggested by cutting open the pus discharge method treatment, but the child's parents feel that the operation is too moving, want conservative treatment, they decided to take the child home to take medicine to see.

The difference between infantile scurvy and sepsis is that one is that the mother takes too much medicine, and the other is that the father has done something wrong

Wait until you take a few days of medicine, there is no effect, the pustules on the back of the child's head have not disappeared, parents, they make their own claims, use alcohol to give the child a simple detoxification, and squeeze the pus with their hands. After squeezing the pustules, the child was better for a while, but it was not long before he had a high fever, which reached 40 degrees.

At this point, the family was in a hurry, quickly took the child to the hospital for examination, the doctor finally diagnosed, the child is sepsis, was sent to the ICU for treatment.

Sepsis, which we are relatively familiar with, is a serious disease that refers to a systemic infection syndrome in which pathogenic microorganisms invade the blood circulation and grow and multiply in it, resulting in a large number of toxins and metabolites causing severe toxemia symptoms.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Bethune, a Canadian Communist Party member who had traveled thousands of miles to China to resist the War, died of blood poisoning because he accidentally contracted an infection while operating on the wounded.

Common pathogenic bacteria of sepsis are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and so on.

The difference between infantile scurvy and sepsis is that one is that the mother takes too much medicine, and the other is that the father has done something wrong

The real case in the above news, the pustules on the child's head, is because of the parents' unscientific hand squeezing, resulting in the spread of Staphylococcus aureus in the pustules into the blood, causing sepsis.

Let's take a look at what infantile scurvy is.

Some pregnant mothers, during pregnancy, take vitamin C for a long time and in large quantities, and soon after the birth of the child, they develop scurvy. This kind of scurvy is caused by the lack of vitamin C in the human body, and the lack of vitamin C in the body makes the collagen in the body unable to form normally.

Symptoms are increased capillary fragility, swelling, bleeding, atrophy of the gums, and often nosebleeds and blood in the stool. It can also lead to abnormal bone calcification and slow wound healing.

Some pregnant mothers may not understand, during pregnancy, should not vitamin C supplementation? Why eat more vitamin C, after the fetus is born, it will lack vitamin C?

Vitamin C, for the fetus, can improve the sensitivity of fetal brain function and make the fetus's hematopoietic system more sound. On the other hand, for pregnant women, proper vitamin supplementation can prevent sepsis.

The difference between infantile scurvy and sepsis is that one is that the mother takes too much medicine, and the other is that the father has done something wrong

There are many ways to supplement vitamin C during pregnancy, which can be supplemented by food or medicine. For pregnant women, it can be achieved through food supplements, like vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, do not worry about fear of vitamin C deficiency.

However, if the pregnant mother supplements with excessive vitamin C, the body will retain excess vitamin C, the baby passively adapts, and when the baby leaves the mother and arrives at a normal environment, the body feels uncomfortable. As the old Chinese saying goes, it's too late.

For pregnant mothers, supplementing vitamin C every day during pregnancy, do not exceed 100 mg, if the excess is exceeded, reaching 1000 mg, it will affect the development of the embryo and is not conducive to the development of germ cells. Problems can also occur after the fetus is born.

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