
7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Many people in the pot cultivation of plants will enter a misunderstanding, think that the larger the pot, the more space, the growth state of the plant will be better, in fact, this is not the case, the following plants in the large pot can not grow well at all, the larger the pot, the worse the growth, the small pot can raise a boutique, we must pay attention to it in the future.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

1. Yushu, the larger the pot, the worse the growth

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Yushu is a plant of the Sedum family, but also a kind of succulent, not only has thick leaves, but also has a strong adaptability, low maintenance difficulty, long life, live for decades is no problem. Moreover, the demand for light of the jade tree is not very high, and the semi-shade place can be raised very well, which can be cultivated both outdoors and indoors. However, one thing to pay attention to is that you should never cultivate jade trees in large pots, the specific standard is that the caliber of the pot must be smaller than the crown width of the plant.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Because the smaller the pot, the faster the water will evaporate, generally there will be no water accumulation phenomenon, is the best way to control water, its root system is not developed, if the pot is too large, watering is not easy to evaporate quickly, it is easy to appear water accumulation, many people have raised jade trees for decades, with a broken basin, it is raised to the big old pile, very shocking,

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

In addition to the jade tree, the same is true of the golden branch jade leaf, which is like twin sisters with a similar appearance and growth habits, and cannot adapt to large pots.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

2. The bigger the pot, the worse it grows

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

The fortune tree is also the first choice for many partners to plant at home, after all, wealth is everyone's wish. When cultivating a fortune tree, we must choose the right pot according to the size of the plant, its root system is very weak capillary roots, the pot is too large, it is very easy to accumulate water and rot roots, normally the selected pot can not be much larger than the branches, otherwise there will be rotten roots phenomenon. And the fortune tree knows how to hide itself, when the roots are just rotten, the plant will not have any bad phenomenon, and when the leaves turn yellow, it means that the plant will die.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Therefore, when cultivating the fortune tree at home, we must pay attention to the choice of flower pots, and also pay attention to the maintenance of astigmatism, which is very helpful to improve the survival rate of the fortune tree.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

3. Longevity flowers, the larger the pot, the worse the growth

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Longevity flowers and jade trees are both plants of the Sedum family and belong to succulents, but longevity flowers are flowering plants because they bloom in winter and are colorful, and in recent years they have often been cultivated as New Year flowers. Longevity flowers, like jade trees, have a not very developed root system, and water control needs to be carried out by controlling the size of the pot, otherwise the root system is prone to decay. The soil of the small pot is relatively small, and the water evaporation rate is relatively fast, which can allow the longevity flower to grow and develop smoothly. Large pots raise longevity flowers, it is easy to accumulate water, stuffy roots, rotten roots;

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

In addition to paying attention to the size of the pot, it is also necessary to pay attention to the supplement of light, only in this way can the quality and quantity of flowers of longevity be improved.

4. Crab claw orchid, the larger the basin, the worse the length

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Crab claw orchid is a very good ornamental plant, very suitable for home cultivation, it belongs to the cactus family, but it is a strange thing in the family, it is an epiphytic plant, can live by absorbing nutrients in the air and water. Crab claw orchids, which have long been accustomed to this growing method, are prone to decay once they come into contact with the compacted soil. Therefore, when cultivating crab claw orchids, do not prepare oversized pots, the soil must also be loose and breathable, the pots are large, the potting soil is compacted, raise crab claw orchids to raise a pot of dead pots, it is not good at all, of course, you can also use the grafting method to cultivate, such as grafting it on a cactus, so that you can improve the survival rate of crab claw orchids, and also let crab claw orchids bloom a large number of flowers.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products
7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

5. Junzilan, the larger the basin, the worse the length

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Junzi orchid is a fragrant food in the flower market, the ornamental value is very high, it can both bloom and bear fruit, and it is also a well-deserved gentleman of flowers, which can make the interior more elegant. Junzi orchid, like the other side flower, is a garlic plant, but its root system is fleshy root, or it is planted in a relatively large pot, after watering, the excess water can not evaporate, there will be rotten root phenomenon. Therefore, to raise a junzi orchid, the pot can be about the same size as the crown width, too large a pot can not raise junzi orchid, junzi orchid can not accept strong light, especially in summer, do not place it outdoors during the dormant period, otherwise there will be burns, and it will affect the blooming of flowers.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

6. Tiger Piran, the larger the basin, the worse the length

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

There are many varieties of tiger piran, most of them are now raised in Phnom Penh Tiger Piran, its leaves come with gold edge, coupled with tiger skin markings, it looks both noble and unique, is the best choice to improve the grade of the home. Tiger piran is an herbaceous plant with strong vitality, but the root system of tiger piran is very weak, are capillary roots and thick taproots, not tolerant to waterlogging at all, can not tolerate the humid environment, we must plant it in small pots. There are many kinds of tiger piran, each plant height is different, when planting tiger piran, we must choose the right pot according to the size of tiger piran.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

After that, add some water every once in a while, and then place it in a place with enough scattered light, and the development of the plant will become better.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

7. Money tree, the larger the pot, the worse it grows

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Money tree has high appearance, good meaning, sales in the flower market is one of the best, money tree drought tolerance is very strong, because its root system is blocky, has water storage function, so only a small amount of replenishment when replenishing, otherwise its fleshy root system will rot. Therefore, to raise money trees, the pots used should not be too large, the larger the raised, the worse

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

Summary: The above 7 plants are not water-tolerant, not suitable for planting in oversized pots, the larger the pot, the worse the feeding, but the small pots, just suitable for keeping at home, do not occupy too much space, everyone must pay attention to when training.

7 kinds of auspicious flowers must be raised in "small pots" in order to grow into fine products

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