
The July-July of the car watcher is also a lifetime

author:68 small crabs

Lao Du's life: The film from the beginning to the end, from secretly stuffing money into the hands of the manager, from trembling and trembling to buy furniture for his daughter-in-law, from Liu San's punching face, from furniture being removed by Liu San one by one, from his son being robbed and beaten to write and inspect, to finally brick Liu San going to prison. This all shows the cowardice, helplessness to the heartache of the final outbreak. He claimed to understand the Fa to make excuses for his timidity, but in the end he did not use the Fa to claim justice for himself and went to the abyss.

Xiao Song's life: industriousness and ability are external labels. Live, patience is intrinsic, from the flower shop beaten, glass broken police questions side answers, all contribute to Liu San's arrogance. The most classic sentence "I am afraid of being killed by him", if there is no beautiful woman three thousand, what about the winner of life, if there is no sorghum rice, life is meticulous and happy. After a long period of oppression has become numb, invisibly become a habit, and finally the iron fence dialogue "Are you worth it?" "It's a lot of life.

Liu San's life: Why bad people have a good ending, why bad people become good people will win flowers. Because there is really no God to punish, why do bad people commit evil, there must always be good people who suffer, and bad people and bad people must not kill each other. Answer: Never. Because those who wear shoes are afraid of barefoot, afraid of being afraid of the future, afraid that they will only become more and more afraid, evil will only become more and more evil, and the brain is thinking about how to protect themselves, not thinking about how to suffer less.

A lifetime: worth seeing, worth thinking about life. Living at the bottom, I have long been accustomed to a cold-eyed posture, living at the top, I have long been accustomed to a horse-ass life. What is the purpose of living? For what comes to mind: money, knowledge, power, beauty, and so on. A question, a sentence to show everyone's attitude towards life.

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