
Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

author:Seven Worlds

It is a top predator living in the late Devonian, pulling up hatred and not letting go, its appearance is more like an undersea demon, A Qi takes you to know this Devonian ocean demon ~ Dun's fish

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

Ocean Tank ~ Dun's Fish

Dun's fish lived in the late Devonian period 3.8 to 360 million years ago, known as the age of fish, fish flourished in that period, during this period there were river fish, fish more diversified development, representing modern fish teleost fish also appeared in that era

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

It was because of the large number of fish that appeared in the ocean, and the predators kept getting bigger, eventually giving birth to a big killer like Dunkle, although it was discovered in the 19th century, he was not named, until 1956, when he was officially named Dunkle, after David Dunkel, curator of the Vertebrate Paleontology Museum at the Natural History Museum.

And Dun's fish swim in the water is very arrogant, the six relatives do not recognize the swimming method, he fully shows the fullest, it likes shallow seas, has an unusually strong appetite, making him the strongest carnivore at that time, mainly distributed in the waters of Europe, Africa, North America, about six to eight meters long, weighing about two tons, head and neck covered with a thick and hard exoskeleton.

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

But this demon doesn't have teeth, and instead of teeth are two uneven blades, as sharp as a guillotine, that can shred anything, and what does he eat? In the ocean at that time, marine life was flooded, so it was not short of food and clothing.

The staple food is sharks, bony fish and other marine organisms at that time, the most terrifying thing is that it even eats its own kind, so the problem is, how to chew food without teeth, which is to talk about the bite force of Dun's fish, Dun's fish bite force reached an astonishing 7500 Newtons, while opening the blood basin and mouth, with amazing suction, in human terms, it is to use a few blades before his kiss to tear up food and suck into the abdomen.

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

How did Dun's fish disappear?

As a tyrant of the ocean at that time, how did it become extinct if it existed so loudly? This brings us to the second mass extinction in prehistory, the Devonian mass extinction, and what exactly is the cause of which nobody knows!

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

But there are some conjectures, such as the hole in the ozone layer, direct radiation caused by the sun, which made nearly 65% of creatures extinct in the Devonian period, and there is also a speculation that supermassive volcanic eruptions, a large number of high-temperature gases into seawater, and a large amount of toxic gases ejected by magma will also cause acid rain, which brings terrifying disasters to creatures in the Devonian era.

Dunkleosteus belongs to the order Dun's fish, and so far, studies have found that there are at least ten species in the genus, of which the type species is Terrell Dun's, a large inferior prehistoric fish.

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

There has always been a misunderstanding about its maximum body length, in fact, the largest Dunkleinth fish~ Terrell Dun's fish is only about six meters long, about the same length as a school bus, weighing no more than 1.5 tons, and the head and neck are covered with thick bone armor.

Because of this, its fossils often preserve the head and neck, and the shape of other parts is still unknown, and most of the reconstructions of Deng Shi in the second half of his life are based on other knotty elm trees.

Dun's fish has a round head, a pair of round eyes on the sides of the head, although Dun's fish has a large mouth that makes people shudder.

Prehistoric behemoths ~ Dunklein's fish, in order to survive and the class will not let go? Why is it so cruel?

Paleontologists have found bite marks of the same teeth on the skull of Dun's fish, and some bones have even been crushed, it seems that the hatred between the same kind is naked!

The smoked spiny shark, which also lived in the Devonian, although it swam fast, was also food for Dun's fish, but the huge and heavy body of Dun's fish, although it improved defense, greatly affected speed and agility, making it lose to cartilaginous fish such as more agile sharks in evolution, and eventually went extinct.

As the first superpredator after the emergence of vertebrates, Dun's fish eventually disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Devonian, but their fossils preserved in the ground tell the story of the glory of shieldfish!

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