
Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

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When it comes to Africa, everyone will first think of fierce lions, cheetahs, zebras, antelopes, etc., so in addition to these animals that run on land and crawl on land, how much do you know?

What we want to know today is a famous "Grim Reaper" in the vast land of Africa - the terrifying black mamba!

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

When it comes to the black mamba, such a cool name is as cold as its appearance, and it has different characteristics from other things, derived from its unique black mouth.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The color of the body is rarely black, the color distribution is wide, gray, gray-blue, dark green, brown, brown, earthy yellow, etc., the juvenile black mamba is gray or dark green.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The head of the black mamba snake is coffin-shaped, the body size is huge, the juvenile stage is about 60 cm, the average adult length is 2.4 meters, and the largest can reach 4.48 meters, the second longest venomous snake in the world.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The Black Mamba is a type of cobra and is the fastest and most aggressive killer in the world.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

It lifts 1/3 of its body when it moves, and can jump up, and the 3-meter-long black mamba snake can bite a person's face when attacking, and 2/3 of its body will stand tall when attacking from a tree.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?
Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

Since this guy is called the "African Grim Reaper", his attack power and toxicity must also be one of the best among poisonous snakes.

The black mamba belongs to the anterior groove tooth poisonous snake, the venom is a neurotoxin, by attacking the nervous system of the prey to paralyze, causing the prey to breathe difficulty and shock and die, is the deadliest venomous snake in Africa.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The venom of the black mamba snake is a highly toxic nerve poison, which can directly kill a lion and an elephant, and the venom it carries is enough to kill 13~20 adult males.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

Five minutes after being bitten, symptoms of difficulty breathing will appear, and a quarter of an hour will lead to rot of lung tissue, and it must be treated with drugs in time for a short period of time, otherwise it will die within half an hour, and the toxin reaction is rapid enough!

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The black mamba is a reclusive animal that moves relatively secretively, and when disturbed, it opens its black mouth and makes a loud sound. This cargo likes to travel during the day, and is used to climbing to higher places like tree tops to bask in the sun, hiding and waiting for prey to appear.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

It is because it is so hidden in trees, especially fruit trees in orchards, when people pick the fruit on the tree, it is easy to be bitten, after all, the black mamba snake will take the initiative to attack for self-preservation.

It also has its own set when hunting, and it adopts strategies for different types of prey. When encountering larger prey, black mambas generally let them escape after the attack is completed, and find poisoned prey according to the smell they leave behind.

When faced with smaller prey, like some birds and his natural food, the black mamba will bite directly until it is completely poisoned, and will not release it to devour it, due to its own special tubular snake teeth, fearing that the prey will break it when it struggles.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

Back to the title, is the black mamba really invincible in the African savannah? Natural selection, survival of the fittest is reflected in it.

It turns out that such a "god of death" also has natural enemies, and the black mamba snake should be most afraid of the snake vulture with white skin and beautiful long legs!

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

It is the black mamba's most feared predator, and the vulture's long legs and sharp claws can cause fatal scratch damage to the black mamba.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?
Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

The venom of the black mamba cannot be injected into the vulture, thanks to the slender legs and claws of the vulture covered with hard and thick scales, it is undoubtedly the snake vulture's sac!

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

In the end, the snake vulture is eaten like we eat "spicy strips", and the whole snake sucks and swallows its stomach and fills its stomach!

In addition, the natural predators of black mambas are mongoose and skunks, which attack juveniles more often because they do not require much effort.

Why did the legendary viper, known as the "African Grim Reaper", lose to a bird?

In fact, although the black mamba snake is called "death" in Africa, as long as it does not threaten it, it basically does not actively attack humans, and sometimes it is the first to hear someone approaching, and it will automatically evacuate and climb farther away from people.

@Details relationship

The creatures of nature always descend from one thing and one thing, and live together with each other. Without human intervention, nature will still have its own set of rules of survival, respect for life and reverence for nature.

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