
The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!


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The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

There is a myth and legend in India:

The goddess of prosperity, a symbol of gold and food, gave birth to 160 million children,

These children later became gods, and the goddess of prosperity always loved the first child, Hasta.

Hasta is greedy by nature, stealing all the goddess's wealth and stealing food.

When the gods found out, they tore him to pieces.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

In order to save Hasta, the goddess released him back into her womb.

As punishment, Hasta will never be able to be worshipped by the world and will never be able to leave his mother's body.

Despite his endless wealth, he also had to endure endless hunger...

This is Today's Amway Indian horror film —


The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The story begins in 1918, in a small village in India: the village of Tabad.

It rains all year round and the village is dilapidated, but:

But it has always been rumored that there is a treasure here.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

That's the womb of the legendary goddess of prosperity,

Lock the place where Hasta is,

There is endless gold hidden inside.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The village chief's great-grandmother broke into the treasure house, and after the results came out...

He became an immortal monster and suffered from eternal suffering.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!
The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Almost no one dared to go near her, and everyone chained her to a hut outside the village.

The price is tragic, but it is not for nothing:

She got a gold coin.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

A gold coin cannot get rich, but proves that the treasure really exists.

And that's enough for greedy people to go on a treasure hunt.

The first generation of treasure hunters was the village chief.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

As the only living person who knew the entrance to the treasure, the village chief held a high position of authority.

Throughout his life, he had no righteous wife and children,

Only the maid mistress who is hidden around him is with him.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

But despite his advanced age,

But he still covets the pleasure and pleasure that passion brings to the body.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Just wronged the mistress whose identity is not recognized,

He could only live with his two illegitimate children by the river, far from the old house.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The village chief has been cool for a lifetime,

Bring the secret of the treasure to the coffin.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

(Strange local funeral)

The mistress did not fish for anything but the gold coin passed down by the village chief, and left with the child in grief.

During this period, the younger son also died unexpectedly, which can be described as losing his virginity and folding his baby.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!
The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The eldest son, Avi, is more greedy than the village chief, and has been obsessed with treasure since he was only 12 years old.

The second generation of treasure hunters is the eldest son, Avi.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Fifteen years later, the grown-up Avi came to the great-grandmother's house again.

This time, he finally asked the secret of the treasure from his grandmother's mouth——

This so-called treasure is in Hasta's hands.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Following the instructions, he came to a large mansion and entered the treasure field from the well in the courtyard to steal gold coins.

Next, it's a race against the clock to get the gold coins.

The world under the well is a huge womb,

Surrounded by blood, the "walls" and "ground" are still undulating and beating.

He took a piece of dough and waited for Hasta to appear.

Within a few seconds, it jumped out.

Black eyes, red face, grinning teeth, like a dry corpse covered in blood.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Jacques tossed the dough over, while Hasta nibbled on the dough,

He ripped open its loincloth, and dozens of gold coins rolled down from it.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Yak hurriedly picked up a few and quickly climbed out of this ghost place.

Since then, he has been coming to Tabad every once in a while.

Two or three in a small time, six or seven gold coins in a long time.

He got rich.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

With this treasure, he became a squire, married and had children.

And his desires, gradually expanding, will eventually bring disaster...

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Fast forward 14 years, to the third generation of treasure hunters,

Avi's son.

He was trained by Avi to hunt treasures since he was a child,

And Avi doesn't know yes, the son is more greedy and smarter,

More colorful than him...

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The whole film, with one myth after another, tells the sin of greed and the sin of desire.

The director made this film specifically on the theme of India's unique ancient religious culture.

In terms of special effects, I also want everyone to enjoy this "visual feast".

The slender torso of the monster is a thick pulp of red to black,

If you look closely, there are also brown pustules all over it.

The dark eyes stared dead at the father and son, approaching step by step,

Ready to nibble on the flesh and blood of the two,

This passage is strange and frightening, and the scalp of the person watching it is tingling.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

Write about people's hearts with ghosts and gods, and use metaphors to expose things.

As the film says —

Gold cannot stop desire, only death can.

The Indian version of ghost blowing lights "Tabad": the scale is amazing, breathtaking!

The earth is enough to meet all our needs, but not our greed.

-- Mahatma Gandhi

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Edit: Moe