
The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

author:Round head says film and television

The first "House of Cards Season 1"

Douban: 9.3

Starring: Kevin Spacey / Robin White / Kate Mara

Plot comment: This is a more serious political drama, the theme is intrigue, conspiracy is its main line, but it is fundamentally different from the conspiracy in our Chinese wild history, there is no absolute positive or negative role in it, conspiracy does not represent bad oil, the departure of justice does not mean that there must be honest behavior, every character involved in it has positive energy constantly gushing out, fully showing the world values of old beauty. In short, in the face of the general trend of American dramas increasingly relying on gimmicks to dig sinkholes for no reason to create plot reversals, and finally unable to fill even the pits, this kind of new drama with exquisite stories and details slowly digging holes is worthy of praise.

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

The second "Women's Prison Season 7"

Douban: 9.5

Starring: Taylor Schilling / Laura Plepin / Kate Mughlou

Plot comment: Each of us has a bright future. A prison drama that has been suppressed for seven seasons and always let the fate of fucking choke the throat for seven seasons, is actually perfectly bitter and sweet, although it is not less bloody, it is still a realistic and reasonable ending. Many details are too cute, the drug dealer sister who looks more and more like her mother, the sweet and cute Kaputuo CP who turns back to the shore, the delicious sister who has been empathized several times when the ghost door is closed, Blanca, a free woman with a green card, and the reincarnated boyfriend of the male protagonist of "Moana" Sugar... The reunion after many years and forgotten about each other is much better than "GOT", which has many mouthless grooves next door. I hope there will be an eighth season~

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

The third "Dark Season 3"

Douban: 9.3

Starring: Louis Hoffman / Caroline Eichhorn / Maya Schöne

Plot comment: After watching "1899" some time ago, I watched "Dark" all over again, only to find that the original screenwriter has always been firm in a certain strong world view, a certain structure of time and space based on the Celtic triangle of God's Doll House. The brain-burning degree of the "Dark" script (timeline and character connections) can be said to be world-class, and every detail polishing is shocking. The timing of stopping in the world of Adam, the world of Eve, and the world of origin is just right, and if you continue to shoot with the same worldview endlessly, I am afraid that in the end it will not only be boring and unconvincing. Stopping here has the possibility of breaking the wheel again.

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

The fourth "Stranger Things Season 4"

Douban: 9.2

Starring: Millie Bobby Brown / Winona Ryder / David Haber

Plot comment: The first episode reflects a super high level, simple cross-montages can also play flowers, retro hit song skewers, hearty picture production, rhythm from the whole to the details, the control of the audience's emotions. It can only be said that the main creators really deserve such a deep pocket production method, and they are indeed making really interesting things with high budgets. Although it took a long time to watch it, the viewing experience can still be described as hearty. The multi-line narrative is hot, and even familiar routines will be infected by the atmosphere created by the team. Of course, the most amazing thing is the shaping of character psychology and character relationships, coupled with the influence of popular culture, which can really be regarded as a god's work.

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

The fifth "Narcos" Season 3

Douban: 9.4

Starring: Pedro Pascal / Damián Alcazar / Alvito Ammann

Plot comment: After watching this drama, the feeling is the same as the eternal topic D product in the play, the whole process is high-energy, the pleasure explodes, but the last episode brings endless emptiness. You win, but you don't win anything. The characterization in this episode is excellent, and the four godfathers of Cali, Pena and the two new DEA agents, the head of security, including the two sons of the big brothers, are impressive. The story this time may not have the taste of Pablo's quacks, but relying on excellent editing and lens language, everything is well organized and gripping. Although the subsequent capture is thrilling, the narrative of the first three episodes can be called a textbook screenwriter.

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched?

The five large-scale American dramas produced by Netflix are short and straight to the theme, which ones have you watched? Code words are not easy, welcome to pay attention to like, leave a message to discuss.