
Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

author:Pursuing the meaning of life: ShrO

When it comes to the country of Malawi, which is unknown to a hundred Chinese ninety-ninety-nine, it is known as the warm heart of Africa, like a pearl embedded in the hinterland of Southeast Africa. But it is also one of the least developed countries in the world, with more than half of the population living below the poverty line, relying on fruit trees for food, and motorcycles are rarely seen on the streets.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Malawi, full name of the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, which is tightly entwined by Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique. With a territory of only 118,000 square kilometers, less than half the size of our Guangxi Province, the total population is about 19.6 million people, and the main ethnic groups are the Chewa, Longwei and Yao.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Its name comes from the lake of the same name in Africa, Lake Malawi, the third largest lake in Africa, which is 22,000 square kilometers in size and can cover an area of one-fifth of the Republic of Malawi. Malawi is also a paradise for freshwater fish, reaching depths of more than 700 meters, and many freshwater fish that cannot be found anywhere else in the world can be found in Malawi.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Malawi's food supply chain is about to break due to the spread of the new crown in recent years, and local farmers are reluctant to grow food, except for some corn for rations. Their favorite is tobacco, which is worth more than food, and naturally tobacco has become Malawi's main foreign exchange earner.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Malawi's industry is basically a blank piece of paper, except for forest cigarettes and tea, oil and sugar, processing a little agricultural and sideline products, there are four mediocre pharmaceutical companies, nothing else. Almost all industrial finished products are imported, from a small doorknob to a large piece of equipment, which needs to be bought from other countries for a large pile of banknotes.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Tourism is an emerging industry in Malawi. The scenery of Malawi is very good, blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and lakes, helpless domestic infrastructure is too poor, all kinds of facilities are very old, the cost is ridiculously high, guests can not enjoy good service, how can they come here to travel. But the Malawian authorities are determined to cultivate tourism into a rising star, so let's wait and see

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

Malawi's GDP per capita is only $567, ranking 136th in the world, and one of the poorest in the entire South African region. The daily life of the people of Malawi is unbearable, and Lilongwe, the capital of the country, has frequent power outages, for a period of time once a day, once a week to stop the water, and for several days.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

The cost of living in Malawi is very high, it is very expensive to refuel a car, you can rarely see motor vehicles on the street, and occasionally see a Wuling Hongguang that must be a local tyrant out of the street. Some poor people who cannot afford to eat will go to mango or banana trees, and eating wild fruits can also be considered a meal. However, no matter how poor the country is, there are local tycoons, and most of the rich in Malawi are Indians and Pakistanis, whose homes cannot be counted, and the yard can be full of luxury cars.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

As the old saying goes, poor people change, but Malawi is changing in the opposite direction, and some people have no money and can only do bad things. Especially since the outbreak of the epidemic, violent robberies have often occurred in the local area, it is best to reduce going out in Malawi and not expose a lot of money.

Take you into Malawi, an unpopular country

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