
Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain. Mexico vs Poland, comparable France vs Australia


Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain.

Mexico vs Poland, comparable

France VS Australia, France should not be underestimated

Plymouth vs Charlton, handshake

Green Forest VS Chelten, no equal

As long as the backbone is not bent, there is no mountain that cannot be carried. Tomorrow's fourth shot will continue wonderfully

Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain. Mexico vs Poland, comparable France vs Australia
Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain. Mexico vs Poland, comparable France vs Australia
Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain. Mexico vs Poland, comparable France vs Australia
Tonight's four games are all four again, and years of precipitation have put me at the top of the pyramid. I'm going to meet here at the top of the mountain. Mexico vs Poland, comparable France vs Australia

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