
Talk about love, dance

author:Filmmaker 777

As the saying goes: Marriage is the graveyard of love. But don't forget that love is also a bastion of marriage. If love is not strong enough, the fortress will also be in danger and vulnerable. Some people live the romantic life of a princess and a prince in the fortress, while others are like a grave. In order to protect the siege of marriage, it is necessary to make the siege strong in order to resist the erosion of wind and rain. How can you grow old in the siege of marriage?

<b>(1) Husband and wife should maintain appreciation for each other </b>

The Bible says, "If you want others to treat you, you have to treat others", and the most important thing to make your marriage stable is to learn respect, and only by knowing how to respect each other can you get the respect of the other party. Since the two walk together, they must have their own advantages in attracting each other, and the husband and wife should not easily forget the reason why the two are walking together, and always maintain respect for each other because of each other's charm. Don't be shy about expressing your praise to your loved ones. Both husband and wife try to boast more about each other's advantages in life, such as the wife's delicious meal tonight, the husband's handsome dress today, the husband's humor, and the wife's sexiness today. Appreciate each other, it will be the lubricant of love, the plastic bag of marriage.

Broken love, the train of marriage will head to the final station of the grave; and beautiful love, heaven is its every stop.

Talk about love, dance