
Rule of law opened Fuchun River plumbing 118,000 commercial enterprises won in it

author:China Daily
Rule of law opened Fuchun River plumbing 118,000 commercial enterprises won in it

The first "one industry, one photo" industry comprehensive license in Kaifu District came out, adding convenience to the optimization of the business environment. Photo by Li Zhuo

Li Zhuo Peng Na Wang Yu

In the National Day blockbuster "My Father and Me", the reform and opening up "Spring River Plumbing" was felt by thousands of "duck prophets" like Xu Zheng.

As of October 24, there were 118114 market entities in Kaifu District, and the total number of market entities increased by 15.13% year-on-year.

"Regardless of Xiang merchants and merchants, coming to Kaifu is 'Fu Shang'; whether it is state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, taking root in Kaifu is 'Fu Enterprise'!" As Xie Weifeng, secretary of the Kaifu District Party Committee, said, Kaifu District has promoted the organic integration of economic and social development and the construction of a rule-of-law government, and 118,000 "welfare businessmen" and "welfare enterprises" have become the "duck prophets" who confirm the rule of law and open the Fuchun River plumbing.

In view of key areas related to the vital interests of the masses, such as food safety, ecological environment, and urban management, how to further standardize administrative law enforcement? How can law enforcement units and personnel improve the ability level of fair and civilized law enforcement?

Kaifu District implements the spirit of the 14th Municipal Party Congress, promotes the construction of the rule of law in Changsha, guarantees good governance with good law, improves the quality of administrative law enforcement around these hot issues related to the rule of law and concerns about people's livelihood, implements an inclusive and prudent supervision model, creates a business environment based on the rule of law, realizes the organic integration of economic and social development and the construction of a rule of law government, and allows enterprises and the public to truly experience fairness and justice and feel the temperature of the rule of law.

"Flexible law enforcement" makes the administrative management warmer with temperature

"The special affairs office of the district government not only did not punish, but also took the initiative to go door-to-door to apply for a certificate and send a certificate!" Jiang Hao, the small boss, empathizes with the humanized law enforcement in Kaifu District.

He invested more than 1 million yuan to open a small boutique café in the Golden Eagle Community of Hongshan Street, Kaifu District, and envisioned making Internet celebrity coffee in Changsha. Unexpectedly, the epidemic suddenly struck, and the high cost of rent made it difficult for him to bear. In desperation, in May last year, without a business license, Jiang Hao hurriedly opened his business, and the result was investigated for unlicensed operation. Fortunately, the flexible law enforcement of Kaifu District "first get on the bus and then make up the ticket", door-to-door certificate delivery service. Jiang Hao sighed that being a "lucky businessman" really has good welfare. This is a small matter that happened in an ordinary store in the north of the city, and it is also one of the countless heart-warming cases brought by "flexible law enforcement" in Kaifu District.

In June 2020, Kaifu District issued the Implementation Opinions on Regulating Minor Violations without Administrative Penalties, promoting law enforcement units to further improve the concept of administrative law enforcement, explore the implementation of a law enforcement model that tolerates prudent supervision, and implements flexible measures such as administrative guidance for minor violations in accordance with the principle of combining supervision, punishment and education according to law, so as to promote market entities, especially small and micro enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households to consciously carry out production and business activities in accordance with the law. At the same time, a list of minor violations of the law in the field of market supervision and urban management will not be administratively punished, which acts can be "exempted from punishment" under what circumstances, all of which are published online in the form of normative documents, which is clear at a glance.

At the same time, adhere to the principle of the rule of law, and for illegal acts that touch the safety bottom line, environmental protection red line, food and drug safety, epidemic prevention and control, and other fields that seriously endanger the safety of people's lives and property, and the order of fair competition in the market, as well as those who refuse to make corrections or violate the law again in the short term after correction, the district will impose administrative penalties in accordance with law, and truly safeguard the dignity of the law, social order and the interests of the masses.

No longer for the "proof that your mother is your mother" such nonsense head, Kaifu District cleaned up and standardized 65 various types of certification items, for the cancellation of 55 proof matters, will no longer require enterprises and the masses to provide;

Issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Optimization of the Business Environment and Regulating the Law Enforcement Behavior of Enterprises" to guide and standardize the administrative law enforcement behaviors of enterprises, so as to achieve "reducing certificates and facilitating the people"...

In recent years, in terms of strengthening the supervision of administrative law enforcement, Kaifu District has made new moves and clever efforts to keep up with the hot spots of people's livelihood. More than 700 administrative law enforcement personnel in the region have all passed the administrative law enforcement qualification examination, held administrative law enforcement certificates, and unified the information of law enforcement personnel into the information management system for "full coverage" management. Strict and standardized law enforcement without losing warmth has become a bright business card for the construction of a rule-of-law government in Kaifu.

"Attentive service" allows "fushang" and "fuqi" to win in the environment

"Everywhere is the business environment, all the time is the service period, everyone is the image of Kaifu", in Kaifu District is not just a slogan posted on the wall.

A board house on the west side of the intercity electronics project in Jinxia Economic Development Zone has not been demolished, affecting the earthwork transfer of the entire project, what should I do? The leaders of the project joint point immediately held a consultation meeting and quickly demolished the board house within a week to make way for the progress of the project! The business environment is the first, the service is thoughtful, and it is transformed into an acceleration for enterprises to solve problems.

"Doing things in Kaifu District, everywhere I feel the efficiency and vigor of vigorous action!" The whole process of service for enterprises, into the construction stage is twice a week on-site scheduling meetings, work attitude and efficiency is really nothing to say. The relevant person in charge of COMAC Changsha Aviation Industry and R&D Base Project praised the service of Kaifu District.

In 2019, Kaifu accepted the business environment assessment of the National Development and Reform Commission as a "Changsha sample", and the cases related to cross-border trade facilitation were selected into the "China Business Environment Report 2020", and the business environment ranked 54th among the top 100 urban areas in China in 2020.

In order to further optimize the business environment, Kaifu District has successively issued "16 measures for business environment" and "9 practical things to help enterprises bail out", making every effort to create an excellent business environment and escort the high-quality development of the economy.

Kaifu people continue to optimize the business environment with the concept of "on call, not called, thoughtful service, and do what is said". Adhere to the benchmarking table, improve administrative efficiency, "enterprise registration, seal engraving, invoice application" three links at once, the basic guarantee of enterprise start-up within 4 hours. Insist on helping enterprises to bail out and reduce the cost of enterprises. In 2020, Kaifu completed the corresponding insurance reductions for 11 large enterprises and 11132 small and medium-sized enterprises, benefiting about 100,000 employees.

Adhere to the "C" position of enterprises and entrepreneurs, during the epidemic period, 105 cadres in the whole district went deep into enterprises to serve as good liaisons and waiters, 92 key projects and 145 key enterprises had "one-on-one" in-depth exchanges, and 53 problems of 37 enterprises were resolved one by one.

Kaifu District has also established convenient channels such as "Internet + government affairs" and "one netcom office" by deepening the reform of decentralization and management services and "doing one thing at a time" to continuously improve administrative efficiency. In the past three years, administrative examination and approval matters have been streamlined by about 30%, application materials have been reduced by about 23%, handling processes have been reduced by about 32%, and the overall approval has been accelerated by about 70%.

A series of reforms to optimize the business environment under the rule of law have made the vitality of regional innovation continue to burst forth. Kaifu District successfully held the China New Media Conference, the "Aerospace Star" Innovation Research Institute started operation, the COMMERCIAL Aviation Research Institute was successfully settled, and Strawberry V was rated as a national-level maker space, gathering 70 innovation platforms at or above the municipal level, doubling compared with 2015. The average annual growth rate of research and experimental development funds in the whole society exceeded 30%, the number of effective invention patents was 4338, an increase of 61.3%, and the number of high-tech enterprises increased from 25 to 280, an increase of 11.2 times. "Win in the environment" has also won productivity, which has accelerated the upgrading and development of Kaifu.

"Open door theory" makes law enforcement behavior more standardized

"Although the temporary open-air water activity venue is a short-term operation, the operation project is directly related to the health of the people, and its unauthorized business without obtaining a health license in accordance with the law should be ordered to be immediately corrected and strictly punished according to law."

"All kinds of 'pet clinics' have their rationality, but they must apply for animal diagnosis and treatment permits in accordance with the law and accept animal health supervision in order to effectively ensure public health safety."


Law enforcement is no small matter, and the details are not "casual" - a unique law enforcement seminar in Kaifu District fully demonstrates this principle.

Law enforcement personnel from the Kaifu District Chengguan Law Enforcement Brigade, the Health Bureau, the Urban and Rural Development Bureau, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, the Market Supervision Bureau and other law enforcement units "face to face" with 6 legal experts to discuss the administrative law enforcement cases handled by them this year. Law enforcement parties explain their own law enforcement cases, and legal experts evaluate the cases and bluntly put forward opinions and suggestions.

In order to do a good job in compiling administrative law enforcement guidance cases with high quality and providing high-quality guidance examples for law enforcement units in the whole region to further standardize law enforcement, Kaifu District insists on organizing and holding expert demonstration meetings on administrative law enforcement guidance cases on a regular basis every year, objectively assessing and reflecting on administrative law enforcement behavior through face-to-face exchanges and discussions between law enforcement units and legal experts, continuously improving law enforcement methods, improving law enforcement levels, starting from the rule of law, preventing and controlling legal and integrity risks in the field of law enforcement, and effectively putting power into the "cage" of the system. Let administrative law enforcement be more standardized and fair, and let the people be satisfied.

In recent years, Kaifu District has organized the selection of 32 cases with outstanding typical significance and strong reference, and compiled 10 issues of administrative law enforcement guiding cases as sample examples. In particular, we have innovatively carried out expert demonstration work on administrative law enforcement guiding cases, organized law enforcement personnel of law enforcement units to discuss administrative law enforcement cases handled face-to-face with legal experts, and asked experts to evaluate the law enforcement cases of each unit, so as not to go through the formalities to tell the truth. Through face-to-face exchanges and discussions between law enforcement parties and experts, continuously reflect and improve administrative law enforcement behavior, and on this basis form guiding cases with outstanding typical significance, guiding nature and strong reference, as a sample to guide the administrative law enforcement work of the whole region, effectively improving the law enforcement level and ability of law enforcement units. The "Administrative Punishment Case of Tan Mou's Illegal Fishing in the First-Level Protected Area of Drinking Water Sources" released by Kaifu District was rated as an excellent case in the changsha "Case Interpretation Law" Excellent Case Collection and Selection Activity.

At the same time, Kaifu District also regards the evaluation of administrative law enforcement case files as the leading hand in strengthening administrative law enforcement supervision and standardizing administrative law enforcement procedures, and every year sets up an evaluation working group led by district leaders, with judicial administrative staff as the main body, and the district people's congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Supervision Commission, and lawyers jointly participating, to extract more than 100 copies of law enforcement case files from all administrative law enforcement units in the region and organize centralized evaluations.

For each law enforcement case file, check the evaluation rules one by one, and strictly evaluate whether the entity and procedure carrying out the administrative law enforcement act are legal, whether the facts are clear, and whether the evidence is sufficient, forming a "physical examination report" on the law enforcement situation of each administrative law enforcement unit.

In view of the problems discovered in the centralized evaluation of law enforcement case files, "prescribe the right medicine for the symptoms", adopt the form of feedback and exchange of feedback and exchanges for each administrative law enforcement unit to carry out supervision and guidance, promote the transformation and application of the results of the assessment, continuously improve the quality and level of administrative law enforcement, require all units to truly establish the concept of administrative awareness according to law, and in light of the problems reported, conscientiously formulate rectification and reform measures, clarify the specific standards and time limits for rectification and reform, and further enhance the ability and level of strictly regulating fair and civilized law enforcement.

At the same time, through daily "rounds", "review" and "return visits", a comprehensive "review" of the rectification of the problems existing in the administrative licensing and administrative punishments of each administrative law enforcement unit is carried out, so as to promote rectification and reform to achieve practical results.

In the evaluation of administrative law enforcement case files organized by the city, Kaifu District has been rated as an excellent district (city) for administrative law enforcement case files for two consecutive years, and the goal of taking the lead in building a rule of law government is being realized step by step.

Source: Changsha Evening News

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