
To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

author:Liang Pengfei

Approaching the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, various media are engaged in relevant commemorative reports. For example, I recently saw this series of "100 Stories of the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Exchanges in 100 Days" that tells the story of China's return to the United Nations.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"
To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

This topic is good, but this matter is not clearly explained - of course, there is a reason for not making it clear, and some things are not easy to talk about on the table.

It is as if we were talking about the history of the Party, not really, and try to avoid talking about the Communist International and the Soviet Union.

In fact, the reasons behind our country finally getting a seat in the United Nations are particularly complicated. There are many influencing factors, but when it comes to the most important reasons, I think there is only one, that is, there are some things in the world that cannot be done without China.

It's that simple.

In other words, it is not China that needs the United Nations, but that the United Nations needs China.

What is the essence of the United Nations? It is a platform for consultation among all countries in the world, especially the major powers. After the baptism of the two world wars, most countries in the world have admitted that human beings have shed enough blood, the cost of fighting, killing and killing is too heavy, and there are some things that we can discuss and do, or try to discuss and do well.

That's why the United Nations was formed.

In fact, the United Nations is a platform for everyone to discuss things, there are things for everyone to discuss together, it doesn't matter if there are contradictions, make the words clear, you can still make a few steps, I can still make a few steps? Give in to each other, don't fight and kill.

On the platform of the United Nations, everyone has discussed everything and what to do when they go back.

However, after the 1960s, countries around the world found that some things could not be done after consultation, because of the lack of China's opinion.

In fact, as early as the Korean War in 1950, the countries of the world discovered this, and in this area of East Asia, it is difficult to deal with things without listening to China's opinions.

However, China's influence on the world situation was initially limited to East Asia, and the United States pinched its nose and recognized it.

But after the 1960s, everyone found that China's influence on the world was getting bigger and bigger, especially in Africa, and many things could not be done if China was bypassed. Even resolutions reached by the United Nations cannot be implemented.


In a word, because at that time China was making a name for itself in the global book.

Now it seems that the world of the 60s was a crazy world. In the 1960s, the world was in some sort of runaway order.

Bertolucci's 2003 film Dream of Paris recreates this madness in France in the 1960s.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

I believe many people have seen such a still, the heroine's room hung a large poster of the great leader.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

Today's post-00s generation may be very surprised, how can the French youth of the 60s worship The Chinese song master?

This is not a fantasy, this is a real history. In addition to this poster, "Dream of Paris" also features several scenes of street unrest, which is also a real scene in history.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

This is the famous "May Storm" event in French history, in May 1968, the student movement that swept the country broke out in France, and millions of Young French people took to the streets and confronted the police.

According to later research, this movement in France was influenced by the Chinese cultural song and name movement at that time, many Young French people had a red treasure book, "rebellion is justified" became their creed, and the red posters that appeared in the movie were historical reproductions.

The reason for this situation is that on the one hand, the original European and American colonial systems are completely collapsing, the national liberation movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America are in full swing, and such a wave has also spread to Europe, prompting many French people to reflect; on the other hand, within Europe and the United States, the baby boomer born after World War II has just reached adulthood, and they feel restless and confused about the world in the new era, coupled with natural rebellious emotions, which eventually gave birth to such a social change.

This is where China's great influence on global song titles lies.

"Dream of Paris" is the thinking of French filmmakers decades later, but in fact, in 1974, the French director once made a satirical comedy film "The Liberation Army in Paris"

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

The film envisions scenes of the Liberation Army occupying Paris, and while the story is an out-and-out exaggeration, it also partly reflects the Attitude of the French towards the title.

All in all, France at that time, as well as the entire capitalist countries of Europe and the United States, were frightened by China's ability to make such books famous.

After the 1960s, the capitalist countries of the West began to pay more attention to labor welfare, and many countries in the West even emerged with political parties with socialist programs – of course, their kind of parties are not the same thing as the Communist Party as we understand it.

It has to be said that the reason why the capitalist countries in Europe and the United States have adopted a large number of policies to ease labor relations has a lot to do with the pressure from China to publish books and songs.

When it comes to China's return to the United Nations, the great leader famously said, "This is what our black African brothers brought us into." "It sounds like African countries are the ones who contribute the most, but in fact it is The European countries that have the most votes in favor." You see, there were only 2 abstentions in Europe at that time, and the others were all in favor.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

That's because for China's capabilities, the European vote is very clear. They think it is the right thing to do by inviting China back to the negotiating table to discuss things well.

On the contrary, in African countries, there are not a few who vote against it.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

Of course, the focus of Chinese book titles is still in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially Africa.

At that time, China not only contributed money and power, but also went directly to Africa to help train troops and teach Uncle Black how to fight guerrilla warfare

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

It even trained the first african force capable of working together step by step.

To clarify the background of China's return to the United Nations, we need to start with the movie "Dream of Paris"

In addition to Africa, in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar and other countries, there is also the influence of Chinese books and songs.

All in all, throughout the 1960s, China's influence on the world exceeded the imagination of many people.

The United States and the Soviet Union increasingly discovered that many things could not be done in Africa and Asia without China's involvement.

So let's invite China back to the United Nations. There is a platform for consultation, and many things at least China will not make trouble anymore, right?

This is the historical background in which China has been able to return to the United Nations.

Of course, the paradox of history is that many things, which were thought right at the time, may later be found to be not necessarily right.

China made a name for itself in the 1960s to global books, how should we evaluate it now? I'm afraid it's hard to tell now. But then the thing that happened was that the chief designer later completely changed this policy, and China changed course and began to fully integrate into the market system of the advanced capitalist countries in the West, which led to the story of the last 30 years.

Decades have passed, and China's image in the international arena has become that it no longer talks about ideology, and only wants to do business with countries around the world, and has truly become a harmless rabbit for people and animals.

Only when he was still the vice president of the country, when he visited Mexico, he occasionally appeared and talked about the "three noes theory", China does not export one, two does not export, three does not toss you, still want to drop?

Times have changed, and the world has changed.

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