
Ambassador Burns from Biden: Arms dealer, bad

author:Bird of Love Wood

Micro series

Chinese Min's old friend, U.S. Ambassador to China Branstad, has been vacant since he reached the age of retirement in October 2020.

In October 2020, this period of time was particularly chaotic in the United States because of the election, the US regime changed, and even the Congress was occupied.

Therefore, the position of ambassador to China has been vacant, and the counselor is temporarily acting.

It is only today that the elder Biden has finalized the selection of a new ambassador to China, his name is Nicholas. Burns

Burns didn't look old, he was actually 65 years old, retired, and a professor of international relations at Harvard Political Science.

At the most special and frozen period of Sino-US relations, Biden searched his stomach and went to invite the retired old professor out.

Burns this man has several characteristics:

1, red and blue all-you-can-eat, both parties in the United States have to sell him a face.

2. Super Hawk.

3, trickery.

In the 1980s, he served as Bush's director of Soviet affairs, when the Soviet Union was still alive, and he was involved in all the negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union.

After Clinton defeated the elder Bush, Burns became Clinton's special assistant to the president, which is equivalent to "walking in the south study.", the official position is not large, but it is particularly important, and directly gives advice to the president.

After George W. Bush came to power, Burns went to be a european ambassador on foreign mission, first as an ambassador to Greece and then as a U.S. ambassador to NATO.

This is very important because since 2001, the United States has been at war, first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq.

The United States cannot fight a war alone, but must pull nato's younger brother together, and Burns is the US ambassador to NATO at this stage.

Specialized in coordinating and dealing with disobedient little brothers.

For example, you have a NATO rogue summit, and the one on the left of George W. Bush is Burns, and the meeting will discuss the issue of sending money and troops, and France, Italy, Germany, these countries have great opinions.

What do you want us to pay for in the United States?

In order to balance the dissatisfaction of the younger brother, this Burns, wandering NATO, knows the stakes, carrots and sticks together, coerces and induces NATO to have to follow the United States into the quagmire of Afghanistan and Iraq.

It was actually quite difficult to do, but it was also handled by Burns.

Sitting to burns's left was the famous American secretary of state for detergent, Powell, who was sitting earlier than Powell, who was not an ordinary person in the U.S. diplomatic system.

The American gangsters of that year, from left to right:

President George W. Bush, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, NATO Ambassador Plenipotentiary Burns, Secretary of State Powell.

It is this group that has launched successive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

After the war on terror, Burns's next task was more difficult, that is, to engage Russia.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia and the United States had a brief honeymoon period, but in the 21st century, the United States and Russia turned against each other and the strongman Putin came to power.

Therefore, the United States once again picked up the "White Paper on the Cold War" and continued to promote NATO's eastward expansion in accordance with the Cold War model.

The fundamental purpose of NATO's eastward expansion is to completely crush Russia's strategic living space and leave Maozi with no breathing space at all.

And the one who holds the "Cold War white paper" to carry out this "NATO's task of further eastward expansion" is today's new ambassador to China, Burns.

In 2003, Burns began to lead NATO to visit seven countries, namely Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Lithuania.

The delegation went to these seven countries one by one to assess whether they could join NATO and engage in Russia together with the needs.

Of course, this must take into account the level of development, the level of weapons and equipment, the degree of pro-American and, most importantly, the degree of Anti-Russianism.

After more than a year of study, the delegation led by Burns finalized the list of new entrants.

Guess how many of these seven countries have joined?

All joined.

Yes, all joined, not one less.

In 2004, the sixth EASTward expansion of NATO was completed, and under the leadership of Burns, seven countries were joined in one go, and the light green seven countries on the map.

This is also the country that has joined the most at one time since NATO's eastward expansion.

In 2004, a grand ceremony was held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, and the flags of the seven countries were raised at the NATO headquarters.

NATO expanded eastward to seven countries in one breath, you can imagine how much MaoZi hated in his heart, and the three "Baltic" countries on the map were already very close to Moscow, and Burns was equivalent to burying the bomb on Russia's doorstep.

So Burns, don't look at a face that seems to be a gentle scholar, but this man's past diplomatic achievements are notoriously fierce.

He does things, either does not do it, or does it and does the most ruthless.

It is better to coerce NATO to help the United States fight Afghanistan and Iraq together, or to bring seven countries into NATO in one go.

This is a rare act in the history of U.S. diplomacy.

What faction do you say Burns is?

Compared with the former ambassador to China, "Branstad", a simple farmer from Iowa, this Burns was born in Buffalo, the United States, and is much more ruthless and has a lot more cunning.

After accomplishing two important tasks, Burns was promoted to deputy secretary of state in the United States

He was then transferred to India to take charge of nuclear negotiations with India.

This is also a hard bone to gnaw, and Indians are notoriously difficult to engage.

At that time, India wanted to buy American nuclear fuel and nuclear technology, but the United States could not sell it.

Why can't I sell it?

Because India does not have the life of the "five constants", it has to lay out the spectrum of the "five constants".

The five permanent members of the United Nations, "China, the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union", after each of them had strong nuclear capabilities, began to promote the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

India is a self-imagined "great power", he will not participate, and his nemesis Pakistan will not participate, and the two countries will continue to develop nuclear weapons.

So India has not signed the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation", that in 2005, India wanted to develop civilian nuclear energy, no materials and no technology, wanted to ask the United States to buy.

But U.S. law prohibits U.S. companies from selling civilian nuclear technology to countries that are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This time, it was Burns' turn.

Burns had two big problems to solve:

First, persuade the U.S. Congress to amend the law to grant India a separate immunity to allow the purchase of U.S. civilian nuclear technology without India signing the Nuclear Nonproliferation.

Second, persuade the Indian government to allow the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency to send people into India to monitor and supervise India's non-use of civilian technology for military purposes, and if India dares to test nuclear weapons again, then all cooperation will cease.

The first point is that it is already very difficult to convince the US Congress, because the United States is not monolithic, and it is too common for the Democratic and Republican parties to pull each other's legs.

But Burns, with his nearly 30-year connections in the U.S. government, is a Democrat who has served in multiple Republican administrations and has a very good relationship with Republican congressional figures.

Eventually, under his persuasion, the U.S. Congress passed a bipartisan exemption bill against India.

At the same time, he wants to persuade India, the "paranoia of the great powers", to put aside the spectrum of great powers and allow the "monitoring teams" of the United States and the IAEA to enter India to supervise the operation of India's atomic energy facilities

For this work, Burns spent more than half a year in India, just to let the Indian government put down its face and let the United States enter your country to supervise, which is not shameful.

Eventually, under the mediation of Burns, the United States and India signed the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Act.

As for how much money American companies have made from selling nuclear technology to India, it is unknown, but it is certainly not less, and Burns has done a great job.

After dealing with India, Burns rushed to Israel to negotiate a $30 billion aid package.

At that time, Iran threatened to rise again, and in order to help Israel gain a foothold in the Middle East, the United States would spend $30 billion to aid Israel.

Burns, who was in charge of the project, famously said in the negotiations that we should be wary of, saying:

"Peace cannot be achieved without fists".

Burns did not believe in moderate negotiations, and his negotiations were bound to be accompanied by violence and destruction.

U.S. aid to Israel has increased to $24 billion over the past decade, and in 2007, under Burns' leadership, U.S. aid to Israel increased to $30 billion.

In addition, Burns also visited Saudi Arabia and gave $20 billion in aid to Saudi Arabia.

Went to Egypt and gave $13 billion in aid to Egypt.

Went to Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, a total of 20 billion US dollars of aid.

Does someone say america is stupid? Throw money everywhere, stupid.

But the reality is that all the money aided by the United States will be used to buy American arms, which will not only boost the domestic demand of the United States, but also throw bricks and stones to let them buy more.

For example, although the United States gave $20 billion in aid to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia bought $350 billion in arms from the United States in a decade.

Are you saying America is stupid?

Americans never do loss-making business.

So on the surface Burns went to the Middle East to throw money and give aid, but in fact he went to help American arms dealers run a business, and he also completed the task very well.

In 2008, Burns's family had a small situation, perhaps a family disharmony, after all, he ran abroad all day and had no time to take care of the family, so Burns wanted to quit.

But the U.S. government did not want this capable hawk to go, and Obama meant that Burns continue to take up his post in the U.S. Foreign Office as a U.S. special envoy, and you first go back to deal with family affairs.

Who thought that Burns would return to the United States, where to deal with some family affairs, this old man turned around and began to find ways to make money.

Burns, who joined the U.S. Weapons Manufacturers Advisory Committee, and America's most prominent political lobbying firm, the Cohen Group.

You can't make money working in the U.S. government, but the United States has a famous "revolving door" game.

The so-called "revolving door" means that you can rely on the government's seniority and connections, leave the government, and work as a senior consultant in the capital company, specifically to open up government affairs for enterprises, which is the so-called lobbying.

For example, the most typical example is the "military-industrial complex" of the United States, and after Burns retired, he was an important stakeholder of the US military-industrial complex.

With his 30 years in the U.S. government, bipartisan credentials, and his previous outstanding arms sales mission in the Middle East, such a person will immediately join the U.S. Arms Company and lobbying companies after retiring.

He was a perfect bridge of capital and a brilliant political broker between an "arms dealer" and an "American politician."

But this is not surprising, and it is not illegal, because the United States has played this way in the past hundred years.

Arms companies have a deep influence on the U.S. government, allowing the U.S. government to help continuously sell weapons to every corner of the world.

When Burns had made enough money, he went to meet his spiritual needs, and he went to Harvard to teach diplomacy, to teach international politics, and to become a professor.

In 2016, he bet on Hillary, and he was supposed to be an important official in 2016.

But who would have thought that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, so he endured for another four years, and after Biden won the election in 2020, Burns became Biden's main adviser on foreign policy.

Later, it was Biden who appointed him as the most important U.S. ambassador to China.

Succeeded by his predecessor, a simple farmer from Iowa, Branstad.

Burns and the old farmer "Branstad", who is responsible for selling agricultural products in China, are very different, and can be said to be one day and one place.

Burns was very cunning, very clever, very good at playing diplomacy.

And Branstad, whose family ran a farm and was later elected governor, had no contact with diplomacy at all, and was an "honest pakistani" ambassador to China who was a one-sided but still quite pleasing eye.

And Burns, sharp and murderous, everyone look at the above I said the seniority to understand, engaged in counter-terrorism, engaged in NATO, engaged in Maozi, engaged in India, engaged in arms, and later became the spokesman of arms dealers, the lobbyist of Congress.

This man knows diplomacy, confrontation, military, and arms, but he doesn't understand China.

Burns excelled in the Middle East, the Soviet Union (Russia), and he was rarely involved with China and East Asia.

And Burns is a diplomat who has always had a Cold War mentality in his brain, he believes that his fists are hard enough, his voice is loud enough, intimidation, coercion, pressure, in his 30 years of diplomatic career, it is commonplace.

He was a professional diplomat, but he didn't understand China.

But Biden doesn't need Burns to understand China, Burns just needs to understand confrontation and negotiate.

Biden sent Burns to be the ambassador to China, and the meaning is very clear, and the United States does not show weakness.

Under the current situation between China and the United States, Burns's coming to Beijing as ambassador to China is definitely not a fuel-saving lamp, let alone the goodwill released by the United States to China.

Well, today's new US ambassador to China is who Xu Ren, I will talk to you about this, I hope I will make it clear enough.

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Ambassador Burns from Biden: Arms dealer, bad

Ambassador Burns from Biden: Arms dealer, bad

yesterday 21:03 · Creator of high-quality international information

After Cotton defeated Bush Sr., Burns became Clinton's special assistant to the president, which is equivalent to "walking in the south study", an official position that is not large, but it is particularly important, and directly advises the president.

After the war on terror, Burns's next task was more difficult, that is, to engage Russia.

And the one who took the "Cold War white paper" to carry out this "NATO re-eastward expansion mission" is today's new ambassador to the public, Burns.

So Burns, don't look at a face that seems to be a gentle scholar, but this man's past diplomatic achievements are notoriously fierce.

Second, persuade the government to allow the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency to send people into India to monitor and supervise India's non-use of civilian technology for military purposes, and if India dares to test nuclear weapons again, then all cooperation will cease.

For example, although the United States gave $20 billion in aid to Saudi Arabia, Cote bought $350 billion in arms from the United States in a decade.

With his 30 years in the U.S. government, bipartisan credentials, and his previous outstanding arms sales mission in the Middle East, such a person will immediately join the U.S. Arms Company and lobbying companies after retiring.

But Biden doesn't need Burns to understand China, Burns just needs to understand confrontation and negotiation.

Burns Nicholas Burns Ambassadors Abroad Rank List Burns Has Come to China Biden's 1979 Visit to China China China-US Express Headlines Today

Nicholas Burns Ambassadors Abroad Rank List Burns Has Come to China Biden's 1979 Visit to China China U.S.-China Express Headlines Today