
The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

author:Bashan night rain shabu

In March 2021, "Avatar" was re-released worldwide, and the popularity did not decrease. When it premiered more than ten years ago, Lao Ba went to the theater to see it. At that time, the feeling was that the 3D effect was really good, but in terms of plot, it was an alien version of "Wind in the Wind". This article lao ba will talk about "Avatar" and "Strange Adventure in the Wind", as well as the corresponding history behind it.

Let's talk about "Stranger in the Wind", which was an animated film launched by Disney in 1993, and Lao Ba watched it on the campus website around 2004.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

The story tells of a group of British immigrants led by Governor Wrickleaf and Captain Chuang Mais to the North American continent and encounter the local Indians. The governor was bent on destroying the Indians by force, seizing the gold, and sending Chuang Mais to scout.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Then came the routine that everyone could guess. Chuang Mais met The Jewell Conti, daughter of the Indian chief Powalton, and the two fell in love. The protagonist, ChuangMeis, is blessed with a good aura and tries to persuade his companions to live peacefully with the Indians, but a bloody conflict breaks out between the two sides due to a misunderstanding, and Chuangmeis is captured by the Indian tribes.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

The Governor took the opportunity to incite the settlers to save Chuang Mais and eliminate the Indians. Chief Bao Wharton also united with the tribes to prepare to expel the whites by force, and also wanted to kill the Chuang Mais banner. Here is a MV "savege", the two sides are at the same time in the fierce army, while singing and accusing each other of being barbarians, very emotional.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell
The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell
The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

The two armies faced each other, and the chief prepared to kill Chuang Mais. At this time, Princess BulgarConti stepped forward with the help of the tree god to dissuade her father. The chieftain, believing that his daughter was right, announced that he would not fight and released Chuang Mais. The immigrants saw that Chuang Mais was safe and sound, and they were ready for an armistice. The governor was so angry that he raised his gun to shoot at the chief, and Chuang Mais was seriously wounded by the governor in order to cover the chief, and the angry immigrants rebelled, tied up the governor and sent him to the big ship back to England. The villain humiliated himself, and the people of the Yellow and White ethnic groups began a happy life of peaceful coexistence.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

The Wind In the Wind is undoubtedly a beautiful story. Except for the last lover who did not become a dependent (Chuang Mais was seriously injured and needed to return to England for medical treatment, and Bulgar Conti was reluctant to leave his homeland), everyone else was happy. For the Indians, blinded only by misunderstanding and hatred, the princess came out and spoke, and the chief immediately extinguished the flames of war and was willing to accept a large group of white people from afar. On the white side, except for the governor's greed and viciousness in provoking war, the rest of the immigrants were good peace-loving people who could not fight without fighting, and planned to be at ease with the Indians. They did not covet the gold and land of the Indians, nor did they think that they would obey their laws. The only villain, the Governor, was arrested and exiled after a stupid shot against all the other whites.

In short, the contradictions of "Strange Adventure in the Wind" do not exist, and the future life is full of hope. It is truly heavenly harmony.

And the plot of "Avatar" is much more brutal.

Avatar tells the story of future humans traveling to the planet Pandora to mine precious mineral deposits. The planet Pandora is inhabited by the indigenous Navi people, who live in harmony with the natural world and are dissatisfied with the crazy exploitation of human beings. In order to deal with the Na'vi, scientists have created a clone of the Genes of both Neayans and Earthlings, "Avatar", in which humans can station their consciousness and manipulate avatars to roam the World of Pandora.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Veteran Sally was stationed in such an "Avatar" body. During his exploration, he became acquainted with the princess of the Na'vi tribe. The two fell in love again (why say again). Through his exchanges with the Na'vi, Sally realized that it was not right for humans to be insatiable in their mining.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Humanity is ready to use force to mine and eliminate the Na'vi resistance. Sally was torn. He tried to persuade his men to stop mining, but was refused, and he asked the Na'vi to leave the sacred tree that was about to be mined (yes, it was also a sacred tree), but was regarded as an enemy by the Na'vi.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell
The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

At this time, the humans launched an attack, the Na'vi were killed and wounded, and the patriarch and the sacred tree were destroyed together. Sally finally made up his mind to eliminate human tyranny, and Pandora belonged to Neville! He tamed the Phantom of the Beast and called on the Na'vi to unite with the tribes of Pandora to prepare for war. In a decisive battle, the Pandora Alliance defeats the greedy and brutal human invaders and defends their homeland. Sally was elected as the new leader of the Na'vi.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell
The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Obviously, in terms of the overall setting, Avatar is an alien version of Wind in the Wind, but it turns the British colonists into Earth mining teams, the Indians into alien natives, and the North American continent into the planet Pandora. One of the same invaders falls in love with one of the invaded princesses and tries to stop the coming bloody battle.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

But the second half of the plot is completely different.

In "Wind in the Wind", only one governor is a bad person, and the other white people who do not know the truth are blinded, they do not have to kill people and set fire to rob gold, as long as the male protagonist comes out and calls, everyone suddenly realizes; as long as the governor hurts the male protagonist, everyone immediately tied up the governor and then lived in harmony with the Indians.

In "Avatar", the greed is not one or two high-ranking officials, but the entire human group, and the male protagonist is a minority of others. Humans want to reap huge profits from pandora's mineral deposits, and The Nearians want to protect their sacred trees and planets, and the contradictions between the two are irreconcilable.

Therefore, Chuang Mais can try to bridge the misunderstanding between the two families, and Sully can only choose the side in the end. He chose the side of the Nea people, whom he saw as righteous, and had to fight to the death against the armed mining team of the human race on Earth. In the end, the two sides fought a bloody battle with countless casualties, the surviving Neville people saved their planet, and the surviving Earthlings fled back to their hometowns. However, the war can only be regarded as an end. The contradictions have not been resolved, and the human beings on the earth will still make a comeback in the future. Unless the Trisolarans completely destroy the Earth, what awaits Pandora will be wave after wave of attacks.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Love alone cannot save peace, the invaders will not give up greed, and the princess is no longer stupid.

If "Stranger in the Wind" is heaven, and the peace between the two races is achieved in flowers and music, then "Avatar" is a cruel human reality. Dignity and peace cannot be achieved by the indoctrination of the aggressor, but can only be won through their own efforts.

The only happier person is probably the second male of the natives (the princess's original suitor). In "Strange Adventure in the Wind", he was shot by the male protagonist's little brother, and almost led to the male protagonist being killed. And in "Avatar", he at least fought side by side with the male protagonist, and the blood stained the battlefield.

Finally, let's look at history. Compared with the film, history is hell, written by the blood and tears of the invading nation. Why did "Wind in the Wind" finally separate Pocahonti and Chuang Mais? Because history is even more brutal.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Avatar is an alien version of Wind in the Wind, and the story of Wind is set in the colonization of the Americas by Europeans. In fact, "Wind in the Wind" itself has a historical prototype. That is the British colonist John. The story of Smith (1580-1631). He was the founder of Jamestown, Virginia, the first British colonial stronghold in North America. In other words, Smith was the first ancestor of Americans.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

John. Smith's experience is very legendary, as a sailor, mercenary, pirate, explorer, and was captured by the Turks, and died nine times. In 1607, the 27-year-old Smith led more than a hundred colonists to Virginia and founded JamesTown. The life of the newcomers was very difficult, and the Indian chiefTain, Paul Wharton, was also very jealous of these white people with muskets, and often sent troops to harass them in an attempt to get them to leave.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Smith was captured by Chief Bowarton's men and was about to be executed. As in the film, the chief's daughter, Bulgar Conti (1596-1617), came out to dissuade her countrymen. Smith was also busy saying that he had come with friendship. Chief Powellton accepted him into Indian society. Smith knew that the colonists were unstable, let alone fighting the Indians, and that the harsh cold alone could bury them. So he dealt with the Indian tribes on an equal footing and made treaties. Powellton also absorbed jamestown as a tribe under his own alliance.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

In the winter of 1607, more than 100 whites starved to death, and they were forced to live on human flesh. If Smith hadn't brought a lot of food from Chief Powalton, the remaining half wouldn't have survived. After the spring of 1608, the Indians taught whites to grow corn, and Smith and his men were able to gain a foothold in Virginia.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Next, the white man revealed his original form and began to plunder and slaughter the Indians. Chief Bow wattleton saw these white devils turn their faces ruthlessly and prepared to kill Smith. It was Princess BulgarConti who warned in advance that Smith escaped. During an armed conflict with the Indians in 1609, Smith was seriously wounded and forced to return to England for treatment.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Yes, he returns to England for treatment in the play to cover for the Indians and is wounded by the Bad Governor, who was wounded in the course of suppressing the Indians. After returning to England, the capitalists felt that he was not pioneering and dismissed him from his post. He never returned to Virginia.

Although Smith often bullied Indians when smith was there, he was able to talk and laugh with some tribal chiefs. After he left, the contradictions between the two sides further intensified, and the scale of the battle expanded. In order to save his life, the whites tricked and kidnapped the peace-loving Indian princess Pocahonta and blackmailed her father into an armistice. The English also brainwashed her by priests, who converted to Christianity and married a white tobacco merchant, becoming a bond of fragile friendship between Indians and whites. In 1616, Pocahonti and her husband set sail for London, but because the Americans did not have antibodies to the eurasian virus, they died of the disease the following year at the age of 21. Another year later, her father, Chief Bowwardon, also died.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

He was succeeded by Powalton's younger brother, BulgarConti's uncle Opacanakanu. This one is a hawk. In the spring of 1622, one of the chieftain's advisers was killed by the English. The chief then launched an all-out attack on the colonists, killing more than 300 whites. Since then, the colonists have made a big report. In 1644, Opacanacannu was captured and executed, and the tribe of Bulgarconti was wiped out. And John. Smith died in 1631.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

That's the real history behind Winds. Peaceful coexistence was impossible, the colonists were killed hundreds, the Indians were wiped out, the princess died in England at the age of 22, and the governor (representing the greedy colonial government) won the final victory.

This is indeed a naked hell.

The avatar of reality, the winds of heaven, the history of hell

Finally, is Sally in Avatar, a native of Earth, but fights back to help the Nevilles, is he a traitor? This is also original in history, also during the white conquest of the Americas, and about a hundred years before the prototype of "Wind in the Wind".

In 1511, a Spanish ship sank near Jamaica, and some of the crew fled to the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula, where the last two survivors, Aguilar and Guerrero, fell into the hands of a "good chief" and received preferential treatment.

A few years later, the Spanish officer Cortés's war of conquest of Mexico began. Aguilar returned to the Spaniards and became Cortés's guide and translator. Guerrero became the leader of the Mayan resistance to the Spanish invasion. He was very familiar with the Tactics of the Spaniards, developed targeted tactics, and drove the Spaniards out of the Yucatan Peninsula in 1535. The Spanish army then made a comeback, Guerrero was killed in Honduras, and the Mayan civilization was eventually destroyed.

This is probably the fate of Sally and the Neawi people.

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