
"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

author:Wen Que
"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

The movie "The Voice of that Guy" is based on the real incident of Lee Hyung-ho's kidnapping in 1991 and is one of the three major unsolved cases in South Korea. The mysterious unsolved case so far! The whole of Korea is looking for the voice on the phone, who the guy's voice really is.

"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

Before watching the movie, take you to understand the real case. In 1991, Lee Hyung-ho, a 9-year-old boy, was kidnapped by kidnappers and found on March 13 of the same year on the banks of the Han River. During the kidnapping, the kidnappers made 87 threatening phone calls to Lee's parents and demanded payments of up to 200 million won. However, after the body was found, the forensic examination revealed that the little boy died the day after he was kidnapped. South Korean police identified men based on their voices and simulated portraits, arrested and investigated about 420 suspects in 16 years, analyzed various voices and note samples, but unfortunately, by 2006, the prosecution period of the case had passed, and the murderer had not been caught so far.

"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

TV news anchor Han Jingpei (Xue Jingqiu) 9-year-old son Shang Yu mysteriously disappeared, just at this time, the kidnapper (Jiang Dongyuan) called for extortion, his appetite is very large, one mouth is 100 million won, there is no room for bargaining, Han Jingpei's wife Wu Jishan (Kim Nam-joo) is impatient, helplessly reported the case to the police, the criminal police officer (Kim Young-chul), who is fully responsible for the case, entered the couple's life. Although the police have set up a special investigation team and used high-tech investigative methods, these are useless for cunning and high-IQ criminals. The only evidence the police could have was the voice recorded during the abductor's extortion call—the tone was sleek and sinister, but there was not a trace of emotion in the guy's voice, just creepy cold words. There has been no progress in the more than 40 days since the case occurred, and the parents who lost their sons are not even aware of their son's death or death. Desperate to find his son, the mood slowly changed from anxiety and panic to anger and hatred, Han Jingpei decided to do it himself, he privately took the initiative to propose a joint method to the abductor, for the sake of his son he wanted to die.

"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

From the perspective of the film, the psychology and emotions of people are portrayed very delicately, even when dealing with this subject that requires calmness and restraint. The director not only enriches his single narrative skills, but also blindly stirs up tears and mocks the police. The process of twists and turns is thrilling but incomparably torturous, the sense of despair penetrates into the heart little by little, and the audience seems to follow the victims through a "rescue" that has long been a foregone conclusion.

"The Voice of that Guy": More than 20 years later, the whole of Korea has not been found, that voice

In the face of the child's life and death, everything else is meaningless, money, fame, faith, everything can be abandoned, Xue Gengqiu played by the father's last cry will play a father who suffered the loss of a son of the heart, and the real recording of the murderer played at the end is even more chilling, as if it were in the middle; the incompetence of the police and the loopholes in the judicial system are also in the places where the film accuses.