
Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

author:Bright Net

It's a one-car one

Bus lines for a driver

This National Day holiday

Wuhan Bus No. 254 passes through 12 villages and bays

The line was extended by another 5 km

But there are still not many passengers

For two years, 35-year-old Wu Qi

On this seemingly deserted bus line

Convenient for villagers to travel

Harvest simple pleasure

On the day the bus entered the village, she set off a firecracker

In the view of Zhou Jiayuan, the women's director of Sanyang Village, the bus in the village is a big deal. "On the day the bus entered the village, I also set off a firecracker."

In July 2019, bus No. 254 started from Fuxing Community, Changlu Avenue, Caidian District, to Sanyang Village, Yishan.

This is the only bus route for villagers in Sanyang Village, Minsheng Village, Liuwan and other villages along the route.

Before this, villagers mainly relied on minibuses, and the fare was high and irregular.

Zhou Jiayuan said that the opening of The 254 Road has facilitated villagers who often go to Changlu Avenue to shop, see a doctor, and visit relatives and friends.

Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

Wu Qi helped villagers buy medicine at the pharmacy. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

Bus 254 departs 5 times a day, the first bus is distributed at 6:45, and the last bus runs at 17:00. The main class driver Wu Qi runs five days a week, and on the day of rest, he changes the driver to substitute the shift.

With few passengers, many elderly people, difficult roads, and a car and a driver on the whole line, Wu Qi said that when the leader hoped that he would take over the 254 road, he had concerns.

"Someone has to do it, I can try it." Wu Qi still agreed to come down.

This test is two years, and there is not a single day of absence. The villagers remember this enthusiastic "Xiao Wu".

At 9:30 a.m. on August 24, it rained heavily. The reporter took the 254 road from Changlu Avenue to interview with the car.

Wu Qi, who has small eyes, will squint his eyes into two slits when he laughs. Although he wore a mask, the smile that could not be hidden between his eyebrows was kind and sincere.

In addition to reporters, 77-year-old Hu Youxiang was the only passenger on the bus.

When the old man sat down, Wu Qi slowly started the vehicle.

"Xiao Wu people are good!" The elderly Hu Youxiang, who lives in Sanyang Village, told reporters that when the weather is good, she often goes to Changlu Avenue with the elderly in the village, "All of them are seventy or eighty-year-old mother-in-law, Xiao Wu is quite impatient every time and waits for us to get on the car and sit firmly before leaving, and the car is also stable." ”

The vehicle entered a section of road that had been muddyed by construction.

Heavy rain and slow speed.

Grandma Hu said that the young people in the village are reluctant to drive private cars into the village. Every time her children took her to the city center to play, she took this bus to Changlu Street to meet her children.

The vehicle drove through a bumpy road, followed by a one-lane country road.

This narrow road reflects Wu Qi's driving skills and patience: not only must he calmly deal with the oncoming large and small vehicles, but also have to wait for the swaying geese to slowly pass in front of the car.

"Not only geese, but chickens, ducks, rabbits, and once I came across a lost pig." When Wu Qi told reporters about his "rural adventures", there was light in his eyes.

Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

Whether it is winter or summer, it is common for Wu Qi to help villagers bring medicines. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

Li Zhengyan, 35, is one of the few young people who take The 254 route every day. Li Zhengyan, who is engaged in financial work in a company on Changlu Avenue, has to take the 254 road to work every morning, get on the bus at Yuanjialing Station in Minsheng Village at 8 o'clock, and get to the factory in 15 minutes.

"Before, when there was no 254 road, it took more than 20 minutes to ride an electric car." Li Zhengyan said that in the rain and snow weather, it is even more inconvenient to commute to work.

Wu Qi said that most of the time there were only a few passengers in his car, but he had a different mood when driving this deserted bus.

Before driving the bus, Wu Qi had opened a barber shop and also drove a large truck. "I love my job now." Mr. Wu said he was "very energetic" after taking over Route 254 because the bus line connecting urban and rural areas was important to the villagers.

The old man went out and no longer had a small bench with a foot

Hearing that a reporter came from the village, the 76-year-old Liu Wang, on crutches, moved out of the house step by step, and stretched out his hands to the reporter: "My legs can't make it at all, every time I get on and off the bus, I rely on Xiao Wu, he is more patient than my son and grandson." ”

Grandma Liu said that she often had to go to Changlu Avenue to buy medicine and injections, and because of the inconvenience of her legs and feet, every time she got on the car, she would always bring a small bench with her to pad her feet.

Nowadays, the old man no longer brings a small bench when he goes out to hitchhike, "every time Xiao Wu hugs me up and down."

Referring to Wu Qi, the 90-year-old Guo Yuanmou stood up straight from his recliner, "I also have a special seat on his car." Grandpa Guo recalled that once, he took a car to Changlu Street to see a doctor, wu Qi found him the seat closest to the cab, and also quipped to other passengers: "This is a special seat for Grandpa Gaoshou!" "People who don't know think we're relatives!" Grandpa Guo smiled, his face wrinkled on top of each other.

In March this year, the elderly Guo Yuanmou was bedridden due to cerebral infarction, Wu Qi went to visit with the villagers, and the delirious old man recognized Wu Qi at a glance: "Xiao Wu, you come to see me!" ”

Wu Qi said that at that moment, he was very touched, "I think this job is valuable."

In March this year, the terminus of Route 254 was extended from Sanyang Village by 3 stops to Xiangcheng New Village, and the line was extended by 3 kilometers. The end point is located at the door of the old man Chen Shunmei's home.

The bus drove to the doorstep, and Chen Shunmei, who traveled more, felt Wu Qi's intimacy. The 76-year-old man often takes The 254 Road to Changlu Street to shop, "Xiao Wu is very impatient, I once bought too many things, Xiao Wu also helped me carry it to my home."

Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

Whether it is winter or summer, it is common for Wu Qi to help villagers bring medicines. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

When Wu Qi's car drove past the door of his home, the old man Chai Juzhen of Minsheng Village would always get up and wave to him. Chai Juzhen remembered that one winter, she hitched a ride at the starting point of Sanyang Village, and the departure time had not yet arrived, and Wu Qi deliberately opened the car door to let the old man get on the bus. He said: "The car is warmer. ”

Li Zhengyan, who travels between Changlu Avenue and Yuan Jialing every day, often sees Wu Qi helping the old man up and down. "This driver is really enthusiastic."

"I am a bus driver and a young man, and it is my duty to serve these elderly people." Wu Qi said that he was often touched by the simplicity of these old people.

Two years after the opening of the 254 road, there were not many passengers on the bus.

"During the Chinese New Year, there are even fewer people in my car." Wu Qi recalled that on the second day of the Chinese New Year this year, he took a total of two or three people on 5 trips, and the passengers took a short distance, all of which were relatives and friends between villages and bays. "Xiao Wu, Happy New Year!" Wishing you prosperity! The greetings of the villagers warmed his heart.

Wu Qi's wife, Wang Yue, said that her husband would often take some videos in the village to show her, tell her stories about himself and the village elders, and sometimes bring back some dishes sent by the village elders. "I respect his job."

He helped with medicine and helped villagers with their children

At 7:30 a.m. on August 30, when Wu Qi's car was about to drive into sanyang village in Caidian Mountain, He saw the 78-year-old Wu Daiyun standing under the stop sign carrying a bag of vegetables.

Wu Qi knew that Grandma Wu had brought him vegetables again.

The car door opened, and without waiting for Wu Qi to wave his hand to refuse, Wu Daiyun threw the plastic bag into the carriage and turned to leave, "Fresh vegetables just picked, bring them back to my grandson to eat."

The vegetables that Grandma Wu gave to Wu Qi were always rejected by him. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

Wu Daiyun refers to "great-grandson" to Wu Qi's daughter.

The "ancestral love" of the two began with Wu Qi's experience of "picking up ears".

Grandma Wu and her wife have four sons and one daughter, none of whom are around. During the New Year's Festival, the children and grandchildren will return to their hometowns for reunion.

Because of motion sickness, Grandma Wu, who did not dare to take the car, often asked the village doctor or other villagers to help her bring medicine to Changlu Street.

One day at the end of 2019, Grandma Wu found the village doctor in front of the village committee and asked when her stomach medicine would arrive, and the village doctor replied that she had to wait for a few days. This conversation between the two was overheard by Wu Qi, who was sitting on the side resting, "I can help you bring back the stomach medicine you want today."

When the next trip of the 254 road arrived at Sanyang Village, Grandma Wu received the stomach medicine brought back by Wu Qi, "Xiao Wu, you are my grandson, and your girl is my great-grandson."

Every once in a while, Wu Qi would bring back medicine for Grandma Wu.

Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

Wu Qi delivers medicine to Grandma Wu. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

Wu Qi's good, the old man remembered in her heart, the vegetables picked in the field, the diamond horns picked in the river, and the loquat harvested in the yard, she would always remember to leave a copy for Wu Qi.

Worried that Wu Qi would refuse, Grandma Wu thought of a way, "This is not for you, it is for my grandson to eat!" ”

The elderly Liu Wang, who had inconvenient legs and feet, also learned this trick, and once she went home from a doctor's visit, she was carried out of the car by Wu Qi, and when the car door was about to close, she suddenly shouted: "Xiao Wu, the lotus canopy behind the car is for you, quite fresh!" ”

Two years after the opening of the 254 Road, Wu Qi weaved a bond of trust between him and the old people.

Grandma Li Xiaorong's son and daughter-in-law opened a restaurant on Changlu Street, and the two children were brought by Grandma Li. The milk powder and diapers that the child's mother, Long Zhongmei, bought for the child on Changlu Street, also asked Wu Qi to help bring them back to the village. Long Zhongmei's 6-year-old eldest daughter became acquainted with Wu Qi, and often followed Wu Qi's uncle and uncle to call shortly.

Last summer, the little girl clamored for her grandmother to take her to Changlu Avenue to find her parents, and Grandma Li directly sent her granddaughter to the car and handed it to Wu Qi, "Follow your uncle to find your father, and I will let your father wait for you at the terminal station."

On August 30, the reporter happened to meet Longzhong Meto Wuqi to bring his daughter back to the village. "He has become famous in our village in the past two years, and everyone can trust him." Long Zhongmei told reporters.

Driving the most deserted bus, warming the hottest hearts! Wuhan driver Xiao Wu was on fire

Long Zhongmei, who was doing business on Changlu Street, was relieved to hand over the child to Wu Qi to bring to the grandmother in the village. Photo by reporter Zhang Ning

Wu Qi said that in addition to Grandma Li's granddaughter, he also helped a villager who worked on Changlu Street to bring his 6-year-old son several times. "I'm driving easily, it's all a show of hands." Wu Qi, who is happy to help others, cherishes this trust.

Since entering Wuhan Bus in 2018, Wu Qi has maintained the record of "no violations, no accidents, and no complaints".

Yangtze River Review

Even if only a few people need it

Chang Shaohua, a commentator at the Yangtze River Daily

In the two years since the 254 bus line was opened, driver Wu Qi guarded this passage connecting the city and the countryside, bringing convenience and warmth to passengers along the route. This remote, seemingly deserted bus line plays its greatest value.

This bus line not only connects urban and rural areas, but also connects people's hearts. It first solves the needs of the elderly in the village to go to the city for shopping, medical treatment and visiting relatives and friends. The elderly have limited mobility and the road is difficult to walk, Wu Qi will take good care of the feelings of these elderly people, and will also help as much as possible. With Wu Qi, their travel is less laborious and troublesome, more comfortable and practical. Because of the existence of this line, every passenger feels valued and concerned.

It's a bus with a temperature. This bus line is the only bus line for villagers along the line to travel, Wu Qi provides intimate and thoughtful help for the villagers, feels that he is needed by them, recognizes, he realizes his self-worth in this work, and the work becomes more meaningful. The relationship between drivers and passengers is not only service providers and enjoyers, they are more like acquaintances and relatives who accompany each other on this road, and have a closer emotional connection with each other.

The opening of a bus line for a small number of passengers in a remote place is the special and moving part of the 254 line. From the perspective of economic benefits, 254 road is not "cost-effective". But a public service sometimes exists not only in terms of how many people it serves, nor just in terms of its input-output ratio, but also in whether anyone needs it. Route 254 gives villagers a cheap and stable way to travel, and obtains the most basic service of public transportation. This is the public embodiment of public service. This seemingly "uneconomical" bus realizes more important social values.

"Leaving no one behind" and equalizing basic public services is a matter of course with the people-centered Chinese public service concept. Behind the existence of the 254 bus line is our country and cities continuing to strive for common prosperity. Making the fruits of development benefit everyone is becoming an increasingly visible reality, and the sense of happiness is real. On the road to common prosperity, no one will fall behind, and no place will fall behind.

Produced by Yangtze River Daily Editorial: Reporter Jiang Liqing Guo Jia Correspondent Lu Juan Liao Yu Xiao Lingyu Photo: Reporter Zhang Ning

Source: Yangtze River Daily


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