
Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

This issue of "Nandu Book List" focuses on introducing a travel book - "Wandering East and West" by female writer Datouma. "Wandering East" is atypical travel literature, more like the author's personal notes on wandering. The author said: "Life is such that as long as you keep going out, there will be surprises." The book covers Cuba, Argentina, Iceland, Antarctica, and many other places, allowing readers to experience immersive text travel without leaving home.

"Nandu Book List" is a selection of recent good books selected by editors and reporters of Southern Metropolis Daily for readers, divided into four categories: "literature and art", "social science", "practical" and "children's books", which are launched every Sunday.

【Literature and Art】

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

"Wandering East"

Written by Da Tou Ma, CITIC Publishing House, November 2022 edition, 59.80 yuan.

The big head of "Wandering East" is a young writer who takes readers on a journey of unique landscapes and ups and downs with a quasi-anthropological observation. The author walks through the dense Amazon jungle of piranhas, recklessly exercising human swelling courage; searching for the dead in Buenos Aires and Myanmar; live another life in Rome, Iceland and Havana; Leaving traces of horse racing in Tokyo, Turkey and Antarctica ... The author's tone is lively and interesting, and all kinds of adventures are turned into a written story.

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

Before the End: A Memoir of Savatore

(Argentina) by Ernesto Savato, Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House, November 2022, 49.00 yuan.

Savatore wrote this little book in his twilight years, although it is a memoir, but it does not fully present his life from a genius physicist to a giant of Latin American literature, but more like a teaching to young generations. The reader can appreciate the ideological context of a true humanist - the difficulty of perceiving philosophical propositions such as "existence" and the sincere and deep sympathy for the suffering masses. Savato's tone is passionate, and he hopes that no matter what the circumstances, we will be able to act and wait for the new wave of history.


Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

"Low Carbon Water Life"

Eric Westerman et al., CITIC Press, November 2022, 69.00 yuan.

This science-based healthy eating guide is divided into three parts, the first part combs the principle and introduces the effects of sugar, carbs, etc. on people; The second part introduces the specific stages and dietary recommendations of the author's original "life-changing diet"; The third part focuses on special precautions and dietary recommendations for special situations such as eating out. The author provides a set of healthy eating methods designed to answer readers' questions about carb intake. There are no complex, obscure scientific jargon, only explanations of principles and necessary explanations.

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

The Influence of Dress

(Japanese) by Mo Guangdesi, Zhejiang Education Publishing House, November 2022 edition, 69.90 yuan. The author of this book is the head of a specialized suit customization store in Japan, and has worked in Japanese boutiques and large clothing companies. With his unique insight into dress matching and more than ten years of experience in customizing suits and suits, the author interprets the essence of business fashion. He pointed out that business fashion and fashion are actually completely different, and summarized the basic wearing principles and care skills of suits. Reading this book, readers can grasp how to present a decent business image at key moments, and use clothing to add points to the overall image.

【Social Sciences】

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

"The Drama of Social Life"

By Jeffrey Alexander, Jiangsu People's Publishing House, November 2022, 56.00 yuan.

In this book, the famous American sociologist Alexander developed the idea that cultural sociology and "cultural semantics" are essential for understanding the structural changes and political possibilities of contemporary social life. Closely related to its research methods is a new mode of social performance, combining elements of theater pioneers and modern social theory. Alexander used his model to illustrate a wide range of social actors, movements, and events that show that social life is actually dramatic.

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

"Remembering Grandfather Feng Zikai"

Feng Nanying and Feng Yiqing, Commercial Press, November 2022 edition, 78.00 yuan.

No. 93 Changle Estate on South Shaanxi Road in Shanghai is the former residence of Feng Zikai in his later years. In the last stage of his life, Feng Zikai, accompanied by his family, enjoyed the joy of entertaining his grandson, and also experienced hardships. He never stopped reading, writing, painting, and never gave up his love of life and pursuit of art. This book was co-authored by Feng Zikai's two granddaughters, recalling the bits and pieces of his grandfather Feng Zikai's last ten years of life, including joy, anger, helplessness, and reconciliation. The writing is plain and deeply moving.

【Children's Book】

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

"Falling Leaves Change and Change"

Written by Li Shanshan and Li Qinqin, Tianjin People's Art Publishing House, November 2022 edition, 45.00 yuan.

One day, the spider goes to its good friend Caterpillar. But the caterpillar stays in the small house and does not come out. Spiders transform into magicians and perform magic tricks for caterpillars. It used spider silk to stick all kinds of fallen leaves, but the caterpillar still stayed in the small house and did not come out, and the spider walked away angrily. Time slips by, and the caterpillar is constantly changing. Can spiders and caterpillars reconcile? This original picture book is made by cutting and pasting fallen leaves and corn whiskers, integrating popular science points into the story of young children, so that the fantasy of the story is combined with the real beauty.

Nandu Book List: Immersive text travel without leaving home

How the movie resurrects dinosaurs

By Reyana Hamus Valle, China Friendship Publishing Company, November 2022, 69.00 yuan.

This interesting popular science book for children, taking classic movies such as "Jurassic Park", "King Kong" and "Star Wars" as examples, details the shooting process of special effects shots. According to the development of special effects technology, from traditional shading, painting and animation, to digital special effects such as green screen, CG, and motion capture, the book reveals many key special effects technologies. Using easy-to-understand language and clever examples, the author makes abstract terms and difficult technical principles simple, concrete and easy for children to understand. The illustration style is clear and artistic.