
Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

author:Watch movies from generation to generation

The article in the previous issue told the story of "Magic Nanny McPhee", and this issue will talk about "Magic Nanny McPhee 2". The story takes place on a farm where the husband of the hostess Leeds goes to war and has not replied for three months, leaving Liz and his three children to look after the farm.

Liz told the children that they had to tidy up the farm to meet their cousins who would come to the farm tomorrow. On his way to work, Liz bumps into his brother-in-law, Phil. Phil encouraged Leeds to sell the farm, but in fact he had already mortgaged the farm in the casino, just waiting for the Leeds family to move out.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

Ms. Docty, the grocery store owner who works in Leeds, is somewhat forgetful, piles flour under her feet and fills the drawers with syrup before Leeds leaves work. Leeds had been in a hurry to go back to clean up her room to receive her cousin, but was left to clean up the mess, spilling syrup and even staining her best coat.

At this point, the grocery store goods all sang: "The person you need is the nanny McPhee." Leeds was too frightened to take care of the syrup on the ground and fled in a hurry.

Who would have thought that the cousins who should have arrived tomorrow arrived early, and the well-dressed Ciria and Cyril came to the countryside to avoid the bomb, but as soon as they arrived at the farm, the little young master Cyril had a conflict with the three children of the family. While the pampered Miss Ciria had not yet been able to accept the muddy environment of the farm and her new clothes that had been destroyed, the little young master Cyril, who loved sugar, was already competing with the farm natives for jam made from sugar tickets for several months.

Outside, the wind was blowing, the children were beating each other inside, and a figure appeared at the door, and it was Phil who had come to persuade his sister-in-law to sell the farm. In the midst of the chaos, the door rang again, this time a strange-looking woman, with eyebrows, teeth, and black moles, unforgettable, she was the nanny McPhee.

Liz was still insisting that he had taken good care of the farm and the children, but McPhee saw through the woman's powerlessness. The children were immersed in the fighting, McPhee tapped his cane, and the children became unable to control themselves, begging McPhee to stop. McPhee had to apologize to each other until the letters his father wrote were in flames, and the children took the lead in apologizing. McPhee tapped his cane on the ground, and the crow that had been following McPhee snatched the letter from the fire and handed it back to McPhee, and the children all stopped moving and lined up to go upstairs to sleep. A mole on McPhee's face was gone.

The first lesson, stop fighting, is done.

McPhee will take five classes at this home, and her principles for being a nanny are:

If you need me but don't want me to stay, then I have to stay;

If you no longer need me but want me to stay, then I have to go.

The farm did not have enough beds, and the children were reluctant to share a bed with anyone else, and even issued a declaration that they would rather sleep with cattle, sheep and elephants than with the Cyriaril brothers and sisters. So the baby elephants appeared in the house. The mole on McPhee's face was gone.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

The second lesson, learn to share, finish.

While leaving home, McPhee happens to run into the sneaky Uncle Phil who comes to release the flower pig that his eldest son Norman intends to sell in exchange for a tractor.

Early the next morning, Ciria, who had no new clothes to wear, was picky and chose to wear Leeds' wedding dress. McPhee found that the piglets were missing, and the five children went to catch the pigs together, and McPhee used his cane to perform a "piggy on the tree" and "pig-style synchronized swimming" for the children. Cyril had previously learned some strategies, advised the children on the farm, changed the veil of the Leeds wedding dress into a net, and everyone worked together to catch all the piglets.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

The evil-eyed Uncle Phil stopped the piglet buyer halfway through and told him that there were no pigs in the Leeds family and there was no need to deliberately go over. In order to repay Uncle Phil, the buyer decided to drive him back to the farm. After seeing no piglets, the buyer was about to return, but saw the children who were leading all the piglets back, and the buyer bought all the pigs at a higher price.

Leeds's veil had turned into a rag, and while Leeds was sad that the wedding dress reminded her of the beauty of her marriage to her husband, she was pleasantly surprised not to hurt the children's feelings, and to take them to a picnic and reward them with ginger beer.

McPhee's furrowed brows vanished.

The third lesson, help each other, complete.

The driver came in the car, and Hilia thought that her mother had come to see her, but in fact the driver brought her dancing shoes, and Ciria gave the dancing shoes to her cousin Megsy, who also took out her best clothes for Ciria to change.

At the picnic, everyone shared food and played happily together, but McPhee still did not forgive the crow, and the children asked McPhee why he was angry with the crow, and McPhee said that it was because the crow ate the putty on her window.

While the whole family enjoyed a picnic and ginger beer, Uncle Phil brought a telegram. Liz never saw her husband again, and he died on the front line.

The eldest son, Norman, and his cousin Cyril said his sixth sense told him that Dad wasn't dead, and the two little guys hit it off, asking McPhee to send them to London to find Cyril's dad, a senior Army officer, while the two girls were at home delaying Leeds signing the deed to the sale of the farm.

In fact, Xiria and Cyril's parents are facing divorce, so they send the brothers and sisters to the countryside, and they rarely see their children on weekdays. Cyril, who had always been very weak in his father's heart, spoke his thoughts clearly and methodically, so that his father was willing to help Norman. But in fact Norman's father had only disappeared in the army, not dead, and the military had never sent such a telegram, and the clever Cyril and Norman immediately thought that the telegram was forged and hurried home.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

Hilia yelled at home and pretended to see a rat, and cooperated with Megsy for a long time. Just as Leeds was about to finish signing, an unexploded bomb landed on their wheat field, and the roar frightened Uncle Phil into his entirety. At this time, Norman and his party returned home, and Liz was overjoyed to hear that her husband was just missing.

The biggest threat at this point was the unexploded bomb, and Megsi went to defuse the bomb, and Hiria was chanting the steps, and even though Megsi followed the steps, the bomb was not stopped. It turned out that a line covering the explosion putty was also needed. At this point McPhee's crows rushed up and pecked away the putty, and Megsy immediately cut the line to stop the bomb from working.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

The fourth lesson, learn to be brave, complete.

The crow's stomach was full of explosive putty, and in order not to let the crow explode, McPhee tapped his cane and made the crow burp a huge burp, and this stream of air saved Uncle Phil, who was about to be made into a specimen by the debt collection duo, and helped Liz finish the wheat in the field.

By the time everyone wanted to thank McPhee, she was on the verge of disappearing into the end of the wheat field.

Nanny McPhee didn't like to say goodbye, and in the direction she left, a man appeared, that is, Liz's husband, the father and uncle of the children.

McPhee's toothless teeth disappeared, and she forgave the crow.

Lesson Five, Keep Faith, Finish.

"Magic Nanny McPhee 2" and the previous part have a small linkage, that is, The Grocery Store's Lady Docti, who is about to be separated, she is called Aggie by McPhee, and takes out the silver bell, which is the youngest sister of the Brown family in the previous film.

Bomb Disposal Tutorial in the Wheat Field: Magic Nanny McPhee 2

My favorite in this movie is Liz, looking at her brother, you know that her family is actually good, but she abandoned everything else for love, and bravely shouldered the responsibility of this family when her husband disappeared and her brother-in-law coveted property. Even if the days are tiring, they are still kind and kind, and they are very patient with the upcoming brother's children, even if the children break the wedding dress that carries their good memories, they also choose to respect the fruits of the children's labor, appreciate their agility, and embrace every day of life with a sunny smile.

There is also a role that surprised me is the little young master Cyril, when he first arrived at the farm, although he could see that he was stronger than his sister, but his words revealed some arrogance and maturity that did not belong to this age. Such a child in his father's heart is a weak will, it can be seen that in fact, they are not usually close, Cyril's resourcefulness and bravery and decisiveness did not look into his father's eyes, in fact, it is a pity. We will always use our own thorns to hurt the people closest to us, but show our good side to outsiders, in fact, acceptance and more understanding can make life more enjoyable.

In addition, the piggy buyer in the film is a kind farmer, who has a little regret after learning that Leeds does not have pigs to exchange for money, he wants to help Leeds, but his own wheat also needs to be harvested in time, and his son also goes to war. It is a pity that his son did not come back, sorry that they are fighting, if there is no war, Leeds's lover, the farmer's son will be by their side, the most deeply wounded in the war is the people, the current peaceful life is countless people who have made their lives to protect their homeland, and world peace is the wish of all people.

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