
【Wheat field management】Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: Go deep into the front line to guide wheat field management and actively respond to dry and hot weather

author:Fugou Fusion Media

In the past few days, as the temperature has gradually soared, it has had an adverse impact on the later growth of wheat. The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Fugou County acted quickly and organized professionals to go deep into the fields to guide the farmers to carry out wheat field management on the spot.

【Wheat field management】Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: Go deep into the front line to guide wheat field management and actively respond to dry and hot weather

During the guidance process, the staff of Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau answered the problems encountered by the farmers in the management of wheat fields on the spot, and encouraged everyone to maintain confidence, actively respond to the challenges brought by high temperature and dry hot wind, and strive to achieve a bumper summer grain harvest.

【Wheat field management】Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: Go deep into the front line to guide wheat field management and actively respond to dry and hot weather

Li Guoyang, an agricultural technology extension researcher at the Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said: "Recently, agricultural technicians at the city and county levels investigated the wheat production in our county, and the wheat production in our county is in the late stage of wheat filling, and the main problems are drought in wheat fields, powdery mildew in a few plots, and the risk of wheat dry and hot wind hazards is relatively large. In light of these problems, we should actively adopt the prevention and control technology of 'one irrigation and one spray'. 'One irrigation' is to carry out spray and drip irrigation on the arid wheat field without watering, and small water sprinkler irrigation should be taken during irrigation to prevent large water sprinkler irrigation from causing wheat lodging; 'one spray' is to spray (sprinkle) the wheat regulator plus foliar fertilizer, spray 10 ml of brassinolide S lucin plus 200 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu, improve the vitality of wheat roots, strengthen the function of leaves, promote the transport and accumulation of plant photosynthetic substances to wheat grains, increase grain weight, and ensure a bumper harvest. ”

【Wheat field management】Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: Go deep into the front line to guide wheat field management and actively respond to dry and hot weather

It is understood that the Fugou County Agriculture and Rural Bureau will continue to pay attention to weather changes, strengthen coordination and cooperation with meteorological, water conservancy and other departments, release relevant information in a timely manner, and guide farmers to do a good job in wheat field management. At the same time, we should increase the agricultural technology training for farmers, improve the level of scientific planting, and provide solid technical support for the safety of grain production in Fugou County.

Fugou Rong Media All-Media Reporter: Tian Haolin

Editor in charge: He Shuangxi

Editor: Shan Shuomeng

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