
"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

author:Book audio

"Harbor drift" was a very desirable and sensitive word in the last century.

When the mainland was not yet developing well, many people rushed to Hong Kong for their lives.

Hong Kong director Chen Guo's "Durian Fluttering" tells the story of a northeastern girl who went to Hong Kong to earn quick money in order to make a living and did a 3-month secret prostitution.

It is worth mentioning that this drama is Qin Hailu's first work, and this film is also sensitive and too real because of its sensitive theme, and it has no access to the mainland screen.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

In the early 20th century, in Hong Kong, 21-year-old girl Ah Yan (Qin Hailu) shuttled to various small hotels.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

She came from a small place in the northeast, studied Peking Opera for 9 years but could not find a way out in the mainland, so she applied for a 3-month two-way permit to Hong Kong, planning to make quick money.

During the day in the dormitory or tea restaurant waiting to pick up customers, at night there is work to do, anytime and anywhere will come to work, no matter what they are doing, often can not even eat a few bites of food, hands and feet also because of countless showers, resulting in serious peeling.

There is a lot of competition in the "service" industry, and the visa expired has taken a wave of people, and another wave of people, in the dormitory, the sisters who are not alive are greeting each other in mandarin in dialect.

Most of these people are from the mainland, and the reasons for everyone to do a line are surprisingly consistent, no money, for life.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

As long as there is work, the little bastard is responsible for taking Ah Yan back and forth to various small hotels, one after the other, expressionless, and even without any communication.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

In the alleys he passed every day, teenage Affen sat on a stool with his three- or four-year-old sister to clean the dishes of the restaurant.

She and her mother and sister have just arrived in Hong Kong with their father, who is "doing business" in Hong Kong, and the family is illegally entering the country.

The family lived in a small nest of less than 10 square meters, lying on the bed and could not even straighten their feet, before coming to Hong Kong, Ah Fen's home was in the countryside of Shenzhen, with a wide and large house.

The lame father dragged his suitcase to the street every day to set up a stall, and Ah Fen and his sister followed their mother to the restaurant to brush the dishes.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

In a police raid, Ah Yan and Ah Fen met, probably from the same mainland, well aware that it is not easy for the people at the bottom to make a living, Ah Yan especially cherished this little sister, often came to help her brush the dishes.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

On the last day, Ah Yan received 38 guests, which was the highest record in a nearby neighborhood in half a year.

Due to excessive fatigue, Ah Yan slept from day to night, and when she woke up, the time to leave the port was only an hour.

At this time, I received another call from the guest, and Ah Yan thought about it or answered it.

Before coming to Hong Kong, Ah Yan looked forward to those bustling places in Hong Kong, thinking that she must go to see, she has not been to a place in the past three months, and even has four days of rest every month, she is also working, because "overtime" has rewards.

The last impression left on her was that "Hong Kong people are very picky, and the tip is less" and the broken alley behind the bustling street, and the hands and feet that take a shower every day and peel off their skin.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

Ah Yan returned to her hometown, changed her mobile phone number, and re-did her hairstyle.

Her parents and relatives were very happy to see that she had made money, and her father was even more proud, and even set up a lot of banquets and feasted on relatives and friends.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

The money for his father's banquet was earned by Ah Yan in dozens of showers a day.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

Everyone didn't know how the bright-looking Ah Yan earned money, they touted Ah Yan's ability, and some people even let Ah Yan take her children to the south to earn money.

The South, for the people at that time, was full of gold and a place of hope, and all people were looking forward to the yearning for the South.

When Ah Yan and Ah Fen arrived in Hong Kong with a longing heart, life gave them a heavy slap, "the south is full of gold" is a huge lie, but Ah Yan can not tell the truth.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

Ah Yan wanted to do some small business in her hometown, and after an inspection, she found that everything was not so easy, and the cruelty of life was even worse than the time in Hong Kong.

At the street party in the small city, Ah Yan put on a costume, smeared oil paint, and sang Peking Opera on stage, only then did she get so close to her dream.

However, the same days still have to live, how to live this life well? Or a cruel choice.

"Durian Fluttering" was filmed too realistically, was beaten into a large scale, and did not have the opportunity to be released in the mainland

Due to the theme and scale, the movie "Durian Fluttering" was not released in the mainland in the end, but this did not affect its status in the film industry.

Life is like durian in the title of the film, we walk into it with our noses pinched, and how many people can finally eat sweetness from the stench.

We always think that the places we haven't been to are good, as it is said in "East Evil and West Poison": people always want to see what is on the other side of the mountain, and when you try so hard to climb over this mountain, the opposite side is just another mountain.

Under the surface of life, how much money everyone has spent, life is always the same everywhere, and in the end everything is lost in the torrent of years.

As the song in the movie goes: Don't ask me why, why you go to school, why do you want to go to work, why do you eat, why do you sleep, don't ask me why, that's why I don't want to say. ”

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