
April Fool's Day Whole Person Methods Are Simple April Fool's Day Whole Person Funny and Pit People's Problems

author:Strait Net

2021 April Fool's Day is coming, April Fool's Day gives everyone a chance to unload the serious burden of the usual day, you can take advantage of this and the people around you to joke, then what is the funny and fun April Fool's Day method? The following small editor shares the April Fool's Day whole person method is simple, and the April Fool's Day whole person is funny and pits the problem.

The April Fool's Day whole-person approach is simple

1. Make different sandwich cookies. Remove the sandwich in the middle of the sandwich biscuit, you can squeeze toothpaste or other edible objects, so that the other party will be stunned when eating.

2, pretend to send a message to someone to confess, hide and secretly observe the other party's expression, and when the other party is stunned, then tell the other party that it is a joke.

3. When the friend is leaving, press the print key on his computer desktop to take a screenshot and set it as a desktop. Then move all the files that were originally on the desktop to a folder on a disk, so that the desktop looks the same as usual. In this way, the computer will not react after the other party returns to the mouse, and the other party will be mad after trying many times.

April Fool's Day is a funny and pit question

A: The tortoise and rabbit race, there is a very stupid pig as the referee, who wins the turtle and rabbit? B: Turtle Shell: Well, that's what pigs say

Didn't you say that you were going to come to the zodiac conference on April 1st! People rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, and dogs have arrived, and they ask me to send a message asking if you are coming? The whole person of the April Fool's Day zodiac conference is funny and pit people problem, 11 zodiac signs have arrived, and the pig has not yet come, hahaha.

Source: Minnan Network

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