
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

author:North American International Students Daily
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

I have the honour to write this article

Commemorate the martyr Wang Wei, the "guardian of the sea and air"

It's April 1st again.

April 1st is a holiday celebrated by people in many countries – April Fool's Day.

But since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has stopped celebrating April Fool's Day.

This day 20 years ago was an unforgettable pain for Chinese

Everything that happened that day deserves to be remembered by all Chinese forever

On April 1, 2001, the Sino-US South China Sea plane collision incident that shocked the world occurred, and The Pilot of the Chinese Air Force, Wang Wei, disappeared.

Newspapers are publishing,

The people are talking,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is negotiating,

Tens of thousands of fishermen in the South China Sea spontaneously rushed to the accident site to find...

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Everyone hopes that this is just a "fake news" on April Fool's Day.

Who is Wang Wei?

Why is everyone concerned about his safety?


Wang Wei, one of the best pilots in China at that time,

Always first in the training of the aviation school,

Not a single error occurred in the 2,000 flights since the Air Force served.

But his young life was frozen on April 1,

8:55 a.m.

At that time, a US MILITARY EP-3 spy plane took off from the Japanese air base,

Its target is the South China Sea,

Engage in listening activities.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

(U.S. ARMY EP-3 aircraft)

First of all, the science popularization of EP-3:

The EP-3 was the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft in the United States at the time.

Its entry means all the electronic signals in China,

From the mobile phone signal of the people to the signal of the military launching the rocket,

All of them can be stolen by this EP-3.

There were 24 military personnel on board the plane at the time.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

9 a.m.,

Wang Wei and his comrades on duty found an abnormal signal entering Chinese airspace.

Wang Wei was then ordered to fly the J-8 to block the enemy aircraft.

What is the concept of the J-8?

This was the most advanced fighter jet in China at that time.

But it was a full 30 years away from the United States at that time.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Immediately, Wang Wei expelled the US military plane.

The airspace over the South China Sea belongs to China's territorial airspace,

Within the jurisdiction of China,

It is reasonable to ask U.S. troops to leave.

But the U.S. military turned a blind eye to Wang Wei's two close warnings.

Wang Wei chose the most dangerous and deterrent way,

Only two meters away from the opposing aircraft,

Than gestured for them to evacuate quickly.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

(Wang Wei's last video before his death)

However, the US side still has no intention of withdrawing.

It even responded by means of an impact.

The US reconnaissance plane that was originally flying flat,

At this time, he suddenly turned around at a large angle and crashed into 81192,

The irregular flight caused its nose and left flank to collide with the 81192 fighter jet.

According to another pilot at the time,

"At that time, the tail of Wang Wei's plane was scraped by the propeller of the US plane.

It flew away like pieces of paper."

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Wang Wei fell into the South China Sea and disappeared without a trace.

More than ten days after the fact,

Countless salvage boats and fishing boats rushed to the site of the accident,

1100 ships relay search,

But still no gains.

A suffocating fact -

Wang Wei sacrificed.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The US spy plane crashed due to the impact,

But the crew managed to take control of the aircraft,

At last

Without permission,

Forced landing on a military airfield on Hainan Island.

It is also,

The airport where Wang Wei had just taken off.

Waiting for them is the Heavily Armed People's Liberation Army.

But what could we do with the United States at the time?

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

At that time, the United States was not afraid of China at all.

An hour before the landing,

The crew did their best to destroy all the equipment,

Prevent leaks.

Subsequently, without permission,

Grand and imposing forced landing at Chinese airports.

They knew that the embassy would come and negotiate immediately.

The White House will immediately issue a statement,

Western media also report China as the "culprit."


At the moment when the US plane landed,

They stepped off the plane with their heads held high,

Like a hero,

No one cares about the whereabouts of The Chinese pilot Wang Wei.

As expected:

A debate over the fate of U.S. servicemen has been contested between China and the United States.

Then-U.S. President George W. Bush issued a public statement:

"The U.S. military has no responsibility and urges China to make the right decision and release people immediately."

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Under international pressure,

Eleven days later,

24 U.S. troops returned to Hawaii.

They received a heroic reception,

A press conference was held.

The captain of the reconnaissance plane at that time,

He was not received by President George W. Bush alone.

He was also awarded the Cross of the Order of Excellence in Flight –

The highest level of aviation award in the United States.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

24 U.S. troops thanked the U.S. government for its intervention and representations.

Repeatedly stressing that he has no responsibility,

Refuse any apologies.

And claimed that Wang Wei was in this inspection

"Bold, brave and fierce".

What about Wang Wei?

The whereabouts of the remains are still unknown.

In honor of Wang Wei,

Protest against this injustice,

The reporter kept pressing the shutter with his camera at the end of the report,

Filmed the sky where Wang Wei fell,

Ran out of negatives.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

For China at that time,

Bite the bullet

The word "forbearance" in all things is the head.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

In 2001,

Less than a decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union,

The United States has reaped a lot of political dividends.

What is the level of China?

At that time, China's GDP was only $1.3 trillion.

Ranked sixth in the world.

And the United States is $1.06 billion,

Nearly 8 times the gap in China,

It is also the moment with the biggest gap in 20 years.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

At that time,

If anyone says,

In 20 years, China will become a large country second only to the United States in TERMS

Don't say the Americans don't believe it,

Chinese don't believe it myself.

At the China Forum that year, the discussion was about when China would surpass Japan.

And most netizens' expectation is that "it will be good to see it in my lifetime."

No matter whether the United States launches all kinds of temptations or provocations,

China only has forbearance,

I also had to endure.


On April 1 of that year, April Fool's Day, the grief and indignation of the Chinese people almost reached its fixed point.

Because just two years ago, in 1999, another humiliation had just happened.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

May 8, 1999,

The US military brazenly bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia.

Under artillery fire,

The embassy became a ruin,

Three Chinese journalists were killed.

They were all young —

Xu Xinghu is 31 years old, and his wife Zhu Ying is 28 years old.

Shao Yunhuan is older,

Less than fifty years old.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Zhu Ying's father was equally mournful,

In a letter to U.S. President Bill Clinton, he asked:

"My daughter Zhu Ying is only 28 years old!"

What is it that she and her husband are getting in the way of you?

Just because they're Chinese journalists living in the Chinese embassy?

Why did you and your NATO bomb the Chinese embassy? ”

Clinton's explanation to the world is:

Accidentally fried.


The United States minimized this.

The United States was so domineering at the time.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The then ambassador to the United States questioned the United States:

"A country that can send humans into space,

Can you make such a low-level mistake? ”


Can't American technology even achieve the accuracy of the positioning of a missile?

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

(The then ambassador to the United States asked President Clinton to sign a letter of apology.)

Angry Countrymen marched in front of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing,

University students in Beijing went on strike in protest.

But the result?

Despite the domestic public opinion,

The people's sentiments are raging,

The glass of the US Embassy was smashed...

Chinese still have to endure.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The truth is known to everyone,

When the United States openly suppressed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,

Only China stands up to support the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and resists NATO's hegemonic behavior.

The result of the rebellion is —

Three Chinese journalists were killed.

The United States has completed a sniper attack on China,

China has also had to accept an apology from the United States.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

This is what happened in 1999.

2 years later,

The United States has provoked incidents in the South China Sea again,

This time it was pilot Wang Wei who died.

Compared to two years ago,

The United States did not even bother to apologize this time.


Why did China "endure" until 2001?

Can't we resist?

Because the strength is not enough,

You can only lie down and try your guts.

The bitterness of public opinion and controversy we all swallowed with tears,

He was a true hero.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The weight of the nation is forged by fate.

Just a few months after Wang Wei's sacrifice,

China's patience will usher in the reward of time -

A full decade of peaceful development.

September 11,

The U.S. mainland suffered the biggest attack on Pearl Harbor,

And in this year,

China has joined the WTO.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The United States finally signed and approved,

Let's join the WTO,

The bombing of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999,

2001 South China Sea impact incident,

China's reticence and restraint have finally made the United States let its guard down.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Once China joins the U.S.-led world trading system,

It means that the downstream of the industrial chain will usher in a large amount of investment and layout.

The term "Made in China" was born.

In the eyes of the United States,

At that time, China was completely capable of being manipulated.

But for China,

2001 was a year of big fish like the sea,

The tiger returns to the mountain.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

America is not stupid,

Let China enter the WTO,

Just so that in the end you can reap China's dividends.

The global industrial chain led by the United States,

Everyone who wants to join in and make money,

In the end, they could not escape the fate of being robbed.

Step 1:

Pull you into the downstream of the industrial chain,

You put out a lot of labor,

He makes big heads and you make small heads.

Step 2:

Take advantage of the financial crisis to harvest the wealth you have accumulated.

Step 3:

Use the debt caused by the financial crisis to trap you,

Acquire your core debt,

Let you continue to work for him in the lower reaches of the industrial chain forever.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

To this day,

China finally has the courage to resist,

Let the world see the attitude of Chinese.

July 25,

Deutsche Welle headlined "Times Have Changed",

Recall the closure of each other's consulates-general between China and the United States.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

The article specifically quotes the comments of Chinese netizens,

As the title of the article:

In 1999,

Chinese was in tears, protesting in front of the U.S. consulate;

In 2020,

Chinese was smiling and taking a group photo in front of the U.S. Embassy.

Friends, times have really changed.

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day


As long as it is a standing Chinese sees still a vibrant China.

There is no casual success in the world,

The rise of great powers can never be smooth.

Today's China can say to the United States, which fooled China in every way it did:

"You are not qualified to talk to China in a position of strength"

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

China today,

It is in the Chinese of various positions to desperately exchange,

It was Someone who sacrificed their lives to preserve China.

April 1, April Fool's Day.

We don't have to be fooled like we were 20 years ago.

Because every Chinese believes that —

There is much help for the way, and little help for the wrong way.

20 years ago today, Chinese gave up all illusions,

Today, 20 years later, Chinese will attack and defend the alien.

Time will be our friends, we just need to be firm on the path we want to take and keep going.

Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day.

On this day every year, we will remember the humiliation of the past, cherish the present life, and move forward courageously towards a better future.

20 years ago, the last words of the martyr Wang Wei before he fell into the sea were:

"I can't go back, you keep going!"

This sentence seems to be addressed to every Chinese,

The martyrs are gone, and we must move on!

"Please answer, 81192!"

"The mountains and rivers are no longer harmed, and China is rich and strong!" We'll keep going! ”

I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day
I'm sorry! Since April 1, 20 years ago, Chinese has never been April Fool's Day

Remember to click on one and watch

Don't forget the national shame and remember the martyrs

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