
Burying a 79-year-old paralyzed mother alive, there is no excuse

author:Beijing News

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Man throws his 79-year-old paralyzed mother into an abandoned grave and buries him alive, and police: suspected of intentional homicide have been criminally detained. Video source: Beijing News our video.

May 10 is Mother's Day, but in Jingbian, Shaanxi Province, there is an old mother who almost did not survive this day.

On the evening of May 2, 58-year-old Ma Moukuan pulled his 79-year-old mother by trolley to Wanmulin, the south of Jingbian County, found an abandoned grave, buried his living mother, and lied to the outside world that he had sent her to a relative's house in Gansu.

Fortunately, after Ma Moumou's wife called the police, the police finally found and rescued the old man on May 5 after some twists and turns. At present, the old man is also out of danger of life.

This true story that happened in the present moment suddenly reminded me of a Japanese movie I saw not long ago. The film is called "Kaoyama Festival", which tells the story of a poor mountain village in ancient Shinshu, Japan, due to the long-term shortage of food, the old man will be carried to the mountain by his children to die as soon as he reaches the age of 70 to worship the mountain god.

Burying a 79-year-old paralyzed mother alive, there is no excuse

Stills from "The Examination of the Mountain Festival", the mother stands in the snow to "worship" the mountain god.

Saying that it is dedicated to mountain gods, in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that this is "offering" to the descendants. This seems to be a film that has no humanity, but it makes people feel touched by human nature. For example, the old mother in the film, Ah Lingbo, is still very tough at the age of 69, because she is worried that her daughter-in-law will laugh at her good health, so she smashes her teeth with a stone.

In the film, when Tatsuhira carries his mother Ah Lingbo up the mountain, every step is heavy and painful, and his back is not only the suppression of ancient customs, but also the pressure of real life, he is confused and sad.

But reality is more cruel than art, the plot set in the movie is because the villagers are generally short of food, in order to "live small and abandon the old", and in reality, Ma Moumou's mother is just paralyzed, and there is no shortage of this ration at home (Ma Moumou also bought a house in the county); the plot set in the movie is to carry the old man up the mountain and let him fend for himself, but in reality Ma Moukuan is filled with soil.

Therefore, there can be thousands of reasons to explain Ma Moukuan's motives, but there is no reason for Ma Moukuan to wash the ground. Because that is the bottom line of human nature, the forbidden area that cannot be touched.

Now that it's happened, the question shifts to how we face it. At present, the police have criminally detained Ma Moukuan on suspicion of intentional homicide. According to the provisions of China's Criminal Law, whoever intentionally kills people shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years; A crime has been committed and has not been successful for reasons other than the will of the criminal is an attempted crime. For attempted offenders, the punishment may be mitigated or mitigated in the same way as for the completed offender.

It is foreseeable that Ma Moukuan is likely to face the "disaster" of imprisonment and pay a legal price. Next, how to properly solve the problem of support for their mothers, it is necessary for the local departments to track and maintain attention to this, so that the elderly can "have good support for the elderly".

When an incredible thing happens, we always habitually ask why, this habit is not a bad thing, because it is conducive to us to check and fill in the gaps, re-examine the people and things around us, and re-diagnose our society.

Human nature is the most complex thing in the world. Being poor to the extreme will do things that exterminate humanity, and when rich to the extreme, there will also be people who do things that exterminate humanity. For example, in the stories of the thousands of dynasties, for the sake of power and desire, I don't know how many human tragedies have happened in which fathers kill their sons and sons kill their fathers.

I saw a detail in the report, a villager said, "Ma Mou smeared the village." This inadvertently conveys a consensus: whether in ancient times, where "filial piety" was particularly important, or in the present of the 21st century, everyone felt that this was a matter of extermination of humanity, and "burying the mother alive" was an act of shame and compatibility.

Almost every family has gone through the process of sending them to the next generation, either abruptly or slowly. there is an old saying in Chinese, there is no filial piety in front of the bed for a long time. In fact, this sentence is just chicken soup for some people to comfort themselves. True filial piety should stand the test of time, if you don't even have that patience, how can you talk about filial piety?

Just as the villager was worried, Ma Moumou's actions will surely spread in the ten miles of countryside, and now with the Internet, this story has entered the eyes of thousands of people. The denigration in everyone's mouth is not only a condemnation of Ma Moumou himself, but also a reiteration of the basic human ethics bottom line. I hope that it can warn future generations and always lift a heart of compassion.

□ and Attribution (Media Person)

Editor: Di Xuanya Intern: Zhang Xiaoyu Proofreader: Wang Xin

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